The US election in 2020 was fraudulently stolen by the Deep State. However, prior to 2020, Trump issued a State of Emergency (EO 13848) and a number of executive orders that effectively gave the army control under continuity of government regulations, and Biden’s administration was run as a sting operation to catch all the deep state operatives.
From 2020 to 2024 was a period of disclosure to the Americans and indeed the onlookers globally, as to how bad the corruption had grown within the US Government, which will make what is about to happen more acceptable to the people.
However, in the immediate months after Trump’s election, I am expecting a period of chaos and trouble as the deep state rats realise that their demise is inevitable. They may try some ‘Red Flag’ events. Also, for those still asleep, they will be shocked by what is about to happen, and so there could be social unrest that will quickly be controlled by the military. Indeed, we may need a period of martial law if this occurs.
So what is about to happen? I will break this down under some headings.
Government (which means ‘Mind Control’)
We have come to discover that most elections have been fraudulent – results changed by voting machines, and satellites (Leonardo satellite changed 55 Governments alone!), ballot stuffing, dead people voting, illegal migrants voting, corrupt officials, and much more. This has enabled the Deep State to select the candidates and winners for elections.
The CIA, which is controlled by the British Crown/MI6, have also been widely involved in regime changes such as the one in Ukraine. Corruption is endemic within Government institutions that have followed the agendas provided by The United Nations, The World Economic Forum and the World Health Organisation. These organisations are run for the benefit of a few elite families whose bloodlines have ruled the world for thousands of years.
Their only objective is to subjugate and murder the inhabitants of planet earth on behalf of the elite who want full control over the masses. If this is not explicitly said, then you need to look closely at the long-term consequences of their plans. They are moving mankind off the land into cities for control purposes.
Politicians enrich themselves through corruption at the expense of the people. That has to end.
This means that most governments will have to stand down and new, much smaller governments will be elected whose funding and resources will be greatly reduced. All avenues of government corruption and expense will need to be investigated and removed due to malfeasance. New politicians will have to fulfill their roll as servants of the people, not as controllers of the people. Elon Musk is already lined up to head a Department of Government Expenses (DOGE) to begin this process.
Banking is a massive fraudulent cartel that finances everything (including unlimited warfare), was in the hands of the ruling families (Rothschilds). The Central Banking system with its fiat currencies is about to be dismantled by a new Quantum Financial System that will be gold-backed. No longer will money be printed or borrowed into existence to create booms and busts, enabling the elite’s to steal wealth at will through interest, commissions, fees, insider trades and inflation.
The American intelligence agencies have for years been tracking the theft of wealth from the people through taxes and corruption. It is expected that any wealth accumulated through corruption will be confiscated and returned to the people via Nesara/Gesara (research this yourself) and all debts will be extinguished.
The new Quantum Financial System will be on a blockchain, effectively eliminating corrupt trades and transactions. The people will be exchanging money between each other and businesses without having a bank as an intermediary. This means…
Taxation will be greatly reduced. It may just mean that we pay a flat tax rate on new, non-essential purchases. It also means that many accountants will be laid off as they will not be needed to deal with the burdensome tax rules and AI can crunch the numbers.
Taxation has been used to subjugate the masses for centuries, funding wars and secret projects (like worldwide tunnel systems). The public really has no control over how their money is used and in reality it has funded drug trafficking, human trafficking, sexual abuse and sacrifice of children (for their blood), arms trafficking and many other atrocious crimes that never get any media attention .
In America there is no law that requires citizens to pay income tax and yet they are conditioned and intimidated into doing so. Those taxes are shared between the British Crown and the Vatican. The system of taxes worldwide will have to be massively reduced in my opinion.
Large Corporations
Almost 90% of all large corporations are owned and controlled through several large hedge funds such as Blackrock, Vanguard, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street with inter-locking shareholdings enabling the elite families to own just about everything on planet earth. This has created giant monopolies that have crushed all competition from independent businesses (most recently experienced in the 2020 Pandemic). This means that the costs of all products and services have risen whilst wages have lagged behind as the deep state used migration flows (desperate people) to fill labour shortages to keep wages low.
These large corporations have plundered every country on earth in collusion with deep state controlled governments, bringing many people on earth into a state of penury and despair. I woke up to this unfortunate truth when I watched a video called ‘The Brussells Business’ that explained how the EU worked. Corporate lobbyists were influencing the laws in favour of their sponsors.
The elite families do not want independent small businesses to prosper as they want full control of everything, so many are bought up or crushed before they represent too much competition that will disrupt their market. This affects our standard of living.
We are about to see a massive change in leadership/structure within these large corporations. Many will be broken up as monopolies that price fix and do not serve the people. Also, many of their products are not good for the health of the people and will have to be re-evaluated.
Tech & Patents
I believe there are some 6,000 suppressed patents that will be released, including free energy and anti-gravity vehicles. This will fuel a golden age of innovation and totally transform the living standards of the common man. Energy represents around 70% of the cost of most products so we can expect prices to drop dramatically and an age of abundance is ahead of us.
Many of the big tech social media companies are steeped in corruption. Companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon were developed out of DARPA using taxpayer funds and handed into the control of cabal members to track our every movement and illegally use our data to control us and spy on us at every level.
Law & Justice
Our innate common law rights have largely been steam-rollered by a legal system stemming from the Temple Bar in London and Admiralty Law. There have been insidious changes to our laws to protect the elite, their large corporate interests and their puppets in many walks of life. This has allowed the deep state criminal cartels to operate with impunity while eliminating any competitor. We must clean up all aspects of the law and return to common law. Many corrupt judges and police will need to be removed from office and those that remain will need retraining.
The task is so large that only the military can address this task through tribunals. In the US they hold over 700,000 sealed indictments; each indictment can cover up to 99 individuals or businesses, I believe. (A sealed indictment is created when evidence is bought before a jury that there is a case to answer, which is then sealed in order not to alert the defendant and any other criminals that may be connected to the case. This system suggests that mass arrests will occur when the indictments are unsealed.)
Our common law rights have been subsumed by Admiralty Law and Contract Law, right from the moment of birth when our parents registered our birth. Look for a video called ‘Strawman’ if you want to get some insight into the tricks played by the Cabal of criminals. We have been traded as a chattel throughout our lives. The cabal has literally sucked your productivity and energy in support of their matrix of corruption.
The Media
The media is wholly owned and controlled by the criminals at the top and the medias job is to control what the masses believe about what is going on in the world. Hence, there is massive censorship and misinformation. The elite families have consolidated all media into just a handful of corporations and editors and top staff at these outlets are carefully selected to ensure they comply with the narrative that is carefully controlled by organisations such as the World Economic Forum, The Council on Foreign Relations, Reuters and many others.
This tight control of media (and the control of education) is crucial to the power of the elite criminal cabal and that will be ended.
The Intelligence Agencies
The intelligence agencies operate under the guise of ‘national security’. As far as I can see they cover up the crimes and even aid and abet the crimes of the elite cartels.
I have no doubt that in all the professions and agencies mentioned in this article, there are good people who simply do not know what they are really working for. They operate in compartments without seeing the full picture. It is no coincidence that the jobs that most profit the criminal cabal are the best paid, such as the white-collar professions of which I was once a part!
However, the intelligence agencies such as MI6 and the CIA are responsible for a lot criminal actions around the world, all covered up under the guise of ‘National Security’. I am also coming to the conclusion that many that are honoured by the Royal Family with knighthoods etc are also involved in supporting the criminal activities of the cartel in one way or another.
Hollywood & the Music Industry
The entertainment industry is currently falling apart as revelations relating to Jeffrey Epstein and P Diddy are breaking almost daily on the news. The list of politicians and celebrities involved in paedophilia, cannibalism and other satanic practices is huge and will undoubtedly destroy their power of influence over the public. The narrative promoted through the entertainment industry has perverted the human culture in so many ways, including the widespread availability of porn.
No one with any influence, whether politician, film star, musician, or business leader, has been allowed to have influence without being under the control of the elite. Many have been captured through corruption or sexual perversion (particularly pedophilia), and as a consequence, they can easily be blackmailed into compliance with the cabal’s objectives. Many have died by resisting the power of the cabal, which demands that those whom it supports enter into their evil rituals to show their loyalty. Those ‘in the club’ literally have to sell their soul.
There are many victims of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) coming forward, but there is no justice to be found in a system that is built to protect the elite. This is about to change through public exposure of these crimes from the following sources:
- Anthony Wieners laptop (the Clinton’s insurance file)
- Hunter Biden’s laptop (this reveals well over 400 crimes by the Biden family and associates)
- Epstein list – elites that visited Epstein’s infamous island
- P Diddy videos and evidence
- Hillary Clintons home server
- John McAfee’s files
- CIS Servers from Frankfurt
- and much, much more that has been gathered over the last 8 years or more
In fact, we are told that the White Hats ‘have it all’ and that ‘Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming’.
Justice must be seen to be done because there are now millions globally awake to these crimes. Without justice (tribunals & executions), the earth will enter into lawlessness and chaos, so it must be harsh and swift, supported by evidence.
Big Pharma, Doctors & Medicine
Big Pharma has been under the control of the Rockefeller Foundation for well over a century and is steeped in a history of corruption. All natural cures and traditional herbal remedies have been chased from the system of medecine in order to push the chemical and synthetic products produced by big pharma. Big pharma tends to favour treating symptoms rather than creating cures as they want to keep their customers sick and dependent on their products. Hence, many medications have a long list of side-effects which are not fully disclosed so that the patient can understand or consent to what they are being prescribed.
There is now so much money involved that corruption is inevitable and we witnessed this during the Covid Pandemic as people were coerced into taking PCR tests (which the inventor admitted on video could not diagnose anything), wearing of masks (that are completely useless and even harmful to health), PPE clothing contracts given to Government ministers and their friends, poisonous Covid vaccines that have led to countless deaths and the rise in diseases in almost every category. This could be the greatest genocide ever in its scope and impact on the world population given that the MRNA vaccines also had the capacity to alter our genes.
This huge corrupt mess will be swept away by Med Bed technology that will have the capacity to fully repair our bodies, regrow limbs and even regress age. This new technology will decimate the medical profession. There will be many other medical patents released that have been suppressed in order to promote the medical cabal’s products.
NASA, Climate Change & Environmentalism
NASA is undoubtedly a psyop as it has become evident to me that the US never went to the moon and that much of what NASA is doing is filmed on set, on planet earth. Vast sums of money have been paid to NASA and yet it could be little more than a film studio that is laundering money from the US taxpayer into the Cabal’s coffers.
It is also evident from the US patent office that there is a lot of technology available for influencing weather – systems like HAARP, cloud seeding for rain, chemtrails, creation of devastating earthquakes. The fact is that the cabal has been devastating our environment over hundreds of years for their own enrichment and probably entertainment. They are imposing, 15 minute cities, carbon taxes and travel restrictions as their next power play. (In addition, they are reducing the availability of food to bring us to our knees through higher prices and starvation.) These are deliberate policies, supported by our own King Charles (through the UN), in order to further suppress his own subjects. Hopefully, a noose awaits him (if he has not already been dispatched!)
There are many more secrets hidden from us under the guise of national security – aliens, Antarctica, cloning, tunnels, DUMBs (deep underground military bases) and much more
White-Collar Professions
At this stage of the game, it is quite clear to me that the reason that there are higher paid jobs in the professions, is that they support and grow the influence of the elite and they get paid for compliance with the rules and regulations. However, this is about to end because they do not support or add value to the people they are meant to serve. They will be replaced by new systems and technology.
The release of 6,000 suppressed patents will mean that we will have to totally rebuild and transform our society from the bottom up, whilst clearing away the total garbage created by the cabal system. I think it will be important to build something that is nurturing, inspiring, creative and kind to the human race to heal ourselves from the past. So we still have a big job ahead but the work will be of a different nature.
Mind Control
As I carried out my research, I wondered why, for most of my life, I was completely ignorant of what was really happening (I think we all like to think that we know what is going on!) I gradually came to realise that the elite’s system of control has been slowly built over thousands of years and so, what was ‘true’ for our grandparents and parents, was handed down from generation to generation. What the elite have been so clever at doing is hiding their methods of control through the use of government, laws, education, media, religions, technology etc in order to effectively control our beliefs, and to work over much longer time frames than any individual would normally contemplate.
It has been so insidious and deceptive that most do not see it. Those that do see it are killed, ridiculed, blackmailed into compliance or silence, or simply ignored or shunned from society. Indeed, I have experienced this from my own family. So the elite are masters in psychology and mind control. They use fear, chaos and panic to strip their slaves of their common-sense, wealth, human rights and much else.
You may want to look at the Covid-promoting BBC with sceptical eyes – at one time, Jimmy Saville fronted ‘Children in Need’! King Charles and the Royal Family were friends of Jimmy Saville, doesn’t that seem odd to you? Why did Keir Starmer, then Attorney General, shelve the police investigation into Jimmy Saville? So much corruption…
But Before That
Before we can move into a new paradigm we are going to have to have DISCLOSURE to the public and then JUSTICE because mankind will not be able to move on until we can fully understand what has happened and why, so that it does not happen again. The truth about human trafficking, child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, cannibalism, the tunnel systems, satanism must first be faced in order to understand why evil and corruption have to be eliminated from our society.
There have been many that have been complicit or compliant with this evil who may find it difficult to carry on, either due to public condemnation or shame, if they have a conscience. Others will try to switch sides and say that they knew what was going on and try to lie low until the heat has cooled off. Many have profited from the matrix system that harms the people, living lives of comparative luxury while their fellow men have struggled. Should the wealthy traitors to the people simply be forgiven? For example, doctors are paid well for harming patients with vaccines and chemicals that keep them sick. Some will be ignorant about what they were doing, others knew, but chose their careers ahead of their patients. How do we reconcile this after disclosure in order to move on?
There will have to be some compensation, justice, recognition or equalisation in order for us all to move on, without open hostility, resentment and retribution. This is a conundrum that I cannot solve. For example, there are those that would not cooperate with evil, lost their jobs and struggled, while others got promoted and rewarded. Maybe it was all just a test and those that failed the test will be removed from society or penalised? I have no idea.
We learnt from WW2 that many traitors were saved from trial after the war and managed to embed themselves back into society which has led us to the current moment when we once again have similar, or bigger, crimes to address. In Operation Paperclip after the war, we know that many Nazi war criminals transferred to both NASA and the CIA, we cannot allow this to happen again.
Whilst justice will be administered via military tribunals, this leaves the issue of compensation for the outright theft by the cabal. In 20 Dec 2017 Trump issued Executive Order 13818-Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. As a result of this order, the military have been stripping businesses and individuals of their wealth, including the Vatican, where 650 plane loads of gold and other artifacts were removed from underground tunnels! The stolen wealth recovered will, I believe, be used to compensate the peoples of planet Earth and to launch the new gold-backed Quantum Financial System.
So we can expect to see the following happen:
- Disclosure
- Justice & destruction of the Globalist system
- New technology
- Compensation
- A golden age of peace and reconstruction
- Discovery of our true history, powers, and capabilities. I believe Darwin’s theory is a lie, so what is the truth? Maybe we are just being farmed by an alien species for our energy and blood?
This article is inconsequential in revealing the sea of corruption that we are currently living in, but I believe the tide is now turning. In fact, it has been turning behind the scenes for many years and it is about to cover the unawakened public in its excrement. Oh, what a shock that will be! Many will find it impossible or difficult to believe. How will a loyal supporter of The Royal Family respond to their utter depravity and betrayal? When ordinary people find out about child sexual abuse, how will they respond to the enormity of the crime? It is difficult for me to conceive of, but, nevertheless, we are about to find out.
How will people live with realisation that almost everything they thought was good and true in their life, is a lie of gigantic proportions.
I do not have any idea how our lives will transform after all of this. For example, I often wonder how many people will want to work if there is abundance given that most current jobs are literally slavery – long hours, low wages, bad working conditions. Interesting times ahead.
Anyway, Trumps reelection in 2024 heralds this new era. It is not really about Trump but the awakening consciousness of humanity and what we will do with our newfound knowledge, wealth, power, technology and awareness. Can we build a Golden Age or will it all turn to shit again? I would really like to live long enough to find out.
This is the larger picture: