Here are some of my (Martin Ansell) research notes of a historical timeline of the documents that have affected the freedom of the people of the British Commonwealth for the last thousand years and ultimately make practical slaves of nearly the whole planet. They are effectively government signed confessions of their own tyranny.
Much info came from the Ucadia website of Frank O’Collins, a Jesuit priest who was also a scion of the Collins Bloodline Illuminati and referenced by and also
However as these sites didn’t cite any sources of law, I took it upon myself to find references and links for the numerous statutes in order to help others in any further research and verification work that they wish to do.
More research has been done by Maud Dib, John Anthony Hill especially and
This is obviously not taught in schools, so the vast majority of people are ignorant of these facts. For some early events of my research I have no documentation, but from the Magna Carta onwards, the majority are there.
There are many documents that define things to be something other than what they are commonly accepted to be and my understanding of this may be ahead of what is written in this document in places as it is not regularly updated.
There are some statutes and parts of statutes missing from the government website as the government seems to have lost them …
It takes quite some time to search for statutes that have ‘page not found’ status on the government website.
I’ve found a lot of older ones on Google Books, but those from the 20th century are harder to access as they are still in copyright.
What we need is someone with access to a good law library. So that those that are not available can be checked.
I have also been reading and the work of jean keating for greater insights to the workings of the law.
Most people will have little idea about the different jurisdictions of law and colour of law, except maybe to know that there is civil law and criminal law. In reality it’s somewhat more complicated than that, so this work by Brian Guignard may help to understand things:
Be aware that identically spelled and sounding words can mean totally different things in different jurisdictions. People frequently get themselves into trouble when they fail to realise this, especially when talking to officers of the police or judiciary.
For an excellent, though challenging to understand for the novice, series on what is known as English law see
Not all of these researchers align perfectly but their broad conclusions seem to be much the same, we are all masters of our own lives and have, through lack of knowledge and or deceit, come to believe that the government have lawful power over us.
This document is not complete yet, and may never be – many notes need to be added, however I feel I should help people to get started with their own research if they like.
Be aware that the statutes use doublespeak when relating to maritime things. People are defined as ships, house-boats and other maritime craft because the body is a vessel for the soul according to the dictionary.
These watercraft are all “vessels not propelled by oars”, as are we, if we look at the dictionary definition in an open minded way.
From there it is a small step to realise that a “navigable Inland waterway” can be construed to be the birth canal, as it is navigable.
A “harbour” can also be regarded as the womb. “Harbour works” is a baby within the harbour.
You’ll find more as you read.
The statutes also have to be written so that they can be read as having their ‘normal’ meaning. This leads to many convoluted statutes, which were commented on in contemporary publications about the law. I may not have listed all of these.
See also
All Upper case text is in fact not recognised as English.
The timeline starts in 1066 and has a summary of a couple of the most important events, to my mind, in each century, before going into more detail, with links, following the summary:
11th Century
William the Conqueror signs a document confirming London as a city state independent of England
Upon his death, William does not leave England to any of his sons, but rather the lands pass to the barons who supported him, which effectively puts an end to England ever existing again as a land law jurisdiction, people’s state, under a single leader.
All subsequent versions of England have been colour of law entities, such as air jurisdiction church lands known as the Commonwealth of England, or maritime jurisdiction corporate lands, confusingly titled the Country of England or the the Land of England, which was frequently shortened to just England.
12th Century
For much of the 1100’s the was conflict between those who had been left the lands and those increasingly distant relations of William who believed they had a right to the non-existant crown.
Richard I was crowned in this year and this date was later referred to as ‘before the time of legal memory’. This is likely because a code of maritime laws known as the Laws of Oleron Oleron Law were adopted in England successively under Richard I., Henry III., and Edward III. and are often cited before the admiralty courts.
Richard also created the Order of the Knights of St George (Knights of the Garter), which would not have been possible if he were not paying some sort of homage to the Pope.
13th Century
1213 – 1217
John, a King in France, who had no English lands of his own, is given the title ‘King’ (of the common wealth) by the Pope and becomes overseer of the extensive church lands in England, latterly known as the Commonwealth.
Shortly after this John dies and is succeeded by his 9 year old son Henry III and a year later, in 1217, there comes the Covenant of the Commonwealth, where the Church gained the “eternal” right to possess the land and inheritance of “paupers” vouchsafed to its care by the ‘King’ of England.
The very first Statute in ‘Statutes of the Realm’ is Statute of Merton which proclaimed in Chapter 4 that the lord alone could, without anyone’s consent, enclose part of a common, so long as he left sufficient to satisfy the rights of the commoners, although it seems that what was sufficient was left to the discretion of the Lord.
14th Century
Pope Boniface VIII brings the ‘world’ into being, claiming, by means of the Unam Sanctam trust, to be trustee, and therefore legal title holder, of the land, sea and air until the return of the messiah, meaning it is his to distribute as he sees fit. The last line of the declaration reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” This is the beginning of tricking people into believing that having the title to a thing is the lawful right to a thing.
1349 -1341
The Ordinance of the labourers and The Second Statute of Labourers were brought in to curb the free market, after the ravages of The Black Death led to a shortage of labour and inflation. These statutes prohibited people from moving to places that paid more money and set the maximum wage at a level that it had been before the plague.
Increasing oppression of the serfs eventually led to the Peasant’s Revolt some forty years later, which was effectively ended by the killing of peasant leader, Wat Tyler, during negotiations in 1381.
15th Century
1455 + 1481
The Popes were at it again, issuing Eternal Papal Bulls in 1455 and 1481 to create the First and Second Crowns of the Commonwealth. The first deprives people of all beneficial entitlements and rights on the land, making all land ‘Crown’ Land or ‘Real’ (Royal) Estate.
The second makes people slaves of the holder of the ‘Crown of Aragon’ by the granting of their flesh to the pope via the baptism certificate. These certificates could then be sold (as they still are) as a private bond to the central bank of the nation.
At the same time in England there were the civil Wars of the Roses, which saw the Tudors eventually come to power after a dispute about succession between male and female lines of the Plantagenet family, which had claimed the dissolved throne of England since 1154, over 400 years.
16th Century
The Pope creates the ‘Crown of the Sea’, which, in league with a change to the baptism ceremony gives the holder of the crown, charge of a person’s soul, rendering them a lifeless vessel and therefore not eligible to be treated as a living man or woman.
Once again though the certificate can be monetised, indicating that it is possible to sell someone’s soul. The Crown of the Sea is granted to Henry VIII, enabling him to raise large sums of money to fight his wars, but also committing the population at large to a life of servitude. To further pay for his wars, he seizes all Catholic estates, large and small for his own, leaving approximately 95% of the population as paupers
Erection of Cottages Act prevents peasants from building a dwelling without permission from the parish, further swelling the ranks of the poor to be moved into workhouses, where they would remain until they died.
17th Century
The King James Bible is written in tandem with ‘The Bounty Book’ as ther basis for the Commercial, Corporate, Jurisdiction of the Sea
The Detail starts here:
1066 – This timeline starts just after the Battle of Hastings. Apparently William had been promised England by the previous king and his claim was supported by the Pope.
This invasion was also apparently as the British were in violation of the Treaty of Camlan, in
which they had ceded Wales to the Gauls some centuries before.
William I (the Conqueror) comes to London and agrees that it can keep its ancient rights and customs. This means that London is independent from rule by the monarch.
William puts favoured nobles in charge of the land. These are his tenants-in-chief, who then have to pay William for the privilege of their position. They do this by taxing the peoples of their individual domains.
1087 – William commissions the Domesday Book, which lists the assets of the kingdom, but tellingly does not include London, or Winchester, where William was based when in the country.
William dies in France as the result of a hunting accident. He leaves the succession of his English lands ‘for God to decide’ and not to any of his sons.
The tenants in chief take this to mean that they now rule over the lands under their control; this was intended to ensure that there would be no single monarch of England from then on.
His son, William II, is left 5000 pounds of silver, but no territories. William II then headed to England and demanded to be crowned. This proceeds, but he has no real lands to be King of, however he does have the title. This title gets passed down through succession until it ends up with king John.
William also leaves a lot of useless land to the church. These church lands are ultimately under the control of the Pope. These lands are known as the Common Wealth.
William II Norman 1087–1100
Henry I Norman 1100–35
1100 – Charter of Liberties of King Henry I
Stephen Blois 1135–54
Henry II Plantagenet 1154–89
1185 – Laudabiliter of Pope Adrian IV (The only English Pope) – This reported document granted Henry II the right to invade Ireland, thus enabling Gregorian Reforms to change the nature of the Irish Christianity and bring the church under Roman control, perhaps in the same way that the Synod of Whitby in 664 had usurped the English Christian calendar with the Roman one (this mainly hinged on the calculation of Easter and by controlling ‘time’ everything that then adhered to that calendar was deemed to be under control of the Roman Church, its creator. – Maxim of Law, He who creates something, controls it)
Richard I Plantagenet 1189–99
1189 – Everything before this is ‘before the time of legal memory’. This is likely because a code of maritime laws known as the Laws of Oleron were adopted in England successively under Richard I., Henry III., and Edward III. and are often cited before the admiralty courts. Richard also created the Order of the Knights of St George (Knights of the Garter), which would not have been possible if he were not paying some sort of homage to the Pope.
2 Backstone’s Commentaries. 31. Lord Coke defines time of memory to be “when no man alive hath had any proof to the contrary, nor hath any conusance (legal knowledge) to the contrary.” Co. Litt. 86a, 86b. (Very useful ruling if anyone mentions that William I left no heirs and therefore there was no longer a Lawful Nation of England, rather just a land mass and similarly named church common wealth lands)
John Plantagenet 1199–1216
1213 – Great Britain owned by Vatican – Treaty of Verona – – King John is known as John Lacklands as he has no territory of his own. The Pope makes him steward of the Common Wealth (church) lands. Every monarch since has been a stooge of the Roman Pontiff.
1215 – Magna Carta – King John 1st – King John acknowledges to the Barons (descendents of William I’s Tenants-in-Chief) that he is not the sovereign king of England and they are sovereign in their own right over their own lands. They agree on a host of other things, but these promises are broken on both sides within weeks. Other Magna Cartas follow.
More here:
Henry III Plantagenet 1216–72
1217 – Covenant of the Commonwealth, where the Church gained the “eternal” right to possess the land and inheritance of “paupers” vouchsafed to its care by the King of England.
1265 – First Statute in ‘Statutes of the Realm’ – Statute of Merton – Commons Act 1236 – Common and pasture by free-holders within great manners – (20 Hen. 3. c. 4) The lord alone could, without anyone’s consent, enclose part of a common, so long as he left sufficient to satisfy the rights of the commoners.
Edward I Plantagenet 1272–1307
1279 – Statute of Mortmain –
This was intended to put an end to “the fraudulent bestowal of estates on religious foundations, on the understanding that the donor should hold them as fiefs of the church, and as so exonerated from public burdens.
Statute of Westminster 1285 formalised the system of entail so that land would only pass to the heirs of a landlord.
1290 – Quia Emptores – (18 Edw.1 c.1) =
The feudal dues of the superior lords, the king the chief of them, are secured by the abolition of subinfeudation; as, in this act, they are secured by the limitation of ecclesiastical endowments.
This statute established that socage tenure, which was passed from one generation, or nominee, to the next, would be subject to inquisitions post mortem and would usually involve a feudal relief tax. This contrasts with the treatment of leases, which could be lifelong or readily subject to forfeiture and rent increase.
…Meanwhile across the seas in Rome
1302 – “Unam Sanctam” Trust – Pope Boniface VIII – Claimed the land, sea and air of the ‘world’ for the messiah, to be passed onto him upon his return.
The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”
It is not only the first trust deed in history but also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust.
Effectively, the Pope claims to be in charge of the world (and has God on his side)
…Back to England.
Edward II Plantagenet 1307–27
This is where the statutes start, although there is some disagreement about whether this was a statute of just an acknowledgement of the king’s rights.
– Statutes have a short title as well as a character system that defines them. For example – 10 &11 Vict. c. 27 – would refer to the 27th act of the parliament that sat in the 10th and 11th years of Victoria’s reign. But the tyranny of Victoria is over half a millennium away, there’s plenty that goes on before then.
We start with one of the oddest statutes that remains on the books. Unfortunately I don’t have the evidence that I need (and may never have due to the obscurity of the clinching document) to offer it as proof of how twisted things can be, but hear me out.
1322 – Prerogativa Regis – 15 Edw 2 cc 13 17 – Whales and Great Sturgeons –
This Act was subject to a treatise on ‘The Statutes of the Realm’ in 1495 by Thomas Frowyk who was admitted to the Inner Temple of the Inns of Court.
Only two parts have apparently not been repealed.
Section xiij originally reads as follows:
Item habet warectum maris (a) per tottnn regnuni ; wallenas et
sturgiones captos in mari vel alibi infra regnum, exceptis quibusdam
locis privilegiatis per Regis.
Also the King shall have wreck of the sea (a) throughout the
realm ; whales and sturgeons taken in the sea or elsewhere within
the realm, except in certain places privileged by the King.
It was altered in 1894 to read thus and is found as such on the government website:
xiij Wreck of the Sea, Whales and Sturgeons.
Also the King shall have . . . F4 throughout the Realm, Whales and [X3great Sturgeons] taken in the Sea or elsewhere within the Realm, except in certain Places privileged by the King.
Editorial Information X3 Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: Sturgeons
Textual Amendments F4 Words repealed by Merchant Shipping Act 1894 (c. 60), Sch. 22
This all seems pretty innocuous, but will be referred to in a section for 1495 when we come to discuss its importance 570 years into the future.
Edward III Plantagenet 1327–77
Black Death in the winter of 1349–1350
The first definite statute that seems to control the populace came just after a European Pandemic
1349 – June 18 – The Ordinance of Labourers – (23 Edw. 3) – – Introduced in response to the ravages on the workforce of the Black Death. It forced all under 60 to work and prohibited free movement of labour. Fixed wages and introduced price controls.
1350 – A Statute for those born In Parts beyond Sea (1350) –
1351 – Second Statute of Labourers – – This statute set a maximum wage for labourers that was commensurate with wages paid before the Black Death, specifically, in the year 1346
1351 – Statute of Provisors is the 25 Edw. III, St. 4 – Stops the pope installing foreigners in church positions.
1354 – Liberty of Subject –
1362 – Pleading in English Act 1362 – Edw. 3 St.1 c. 15 –
1368 – Observance of due Process of Law –
Richard II Plantagenet 1377–99
1381- May 30th – November 1381 – The Peasants’ Revolt, also named Wat Tyler’s Rebellion or the Great Rising, was a major uprising across large parts of England in 1381. Result: Sacking of Tower of London and mass killing of Royal Officials. However it didn’t last long.
1392 – Statute of Praemunire – 16 Ric 2 c 5 – Its intention was to limit the powers of the papacy in England, by making it illegal to appeal an English court case to the pope if the king objected, or for anyone to act in a way that recognized papal authority, or any other foreign jurisdiction, or claim of supremacy, over the authority of the king.
Henry IV Plantagenet: Lancaster 1399–1413
Henry V Plantagenet: Lancaster 1413–22
Henry VI Plantagenet: Lancaster 1422–61
1452 – Pope Nicholas V issues the Dum Diversas Papal Bull , which ushers in the West African slave trade.
1455 – Pope Nicholas V creates the first Testamentary Trust, through a deed and will. This creates a Deceased Estate, through the Papal Bull “Romanus Pontifex.”
This is only one of three (3) papal bulls to include the line with the incipit “For a perpetual remembrance.”
This Bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real (Royal) Property, from the original Express Trust, Unam Sanctam, to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity. Hence, all land is claimed as “crown land”.
This 1st Crown of the Commonwealth is represented by the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born. It deprives people of all beneficial entitlements and rights on the land.
22 May 1455 – 16 June 1487 War of the Roses
Edward IV Plantagenet: York 1461–70
Henry VI Plantagenet: Lancaster 1470–71
Edward IV Plantagenet: York 1471–83
1481 – Pope Sixtus IV creates The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth
The second Crown was created with the papal bull Aeterni Regis, meaning “Eternal Crown”, being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.
It gives the Bearer control over all lands as the Pope’s representative of the Unum Sanctum
This Papal Bull created the “Crown of Aragon”, later known as the Crown of Spain, and is the highest sovereign and highest steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff.
This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born and, by the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, ostensibly depriving people of ownership of their flesh and condemning them to perpetual servitude, as a Roman person, or slave.
Edward V Plantagenet: York 1483
Richard III Plantagenet: York 1483 – 85
1483 – The “first” Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts – 1 Rich.3 c.1
22 May 1455 – 16 June 1487 War of the Roses
Henry VII Tudor 1485 – 1509
1492 – Pope Nicholas V imposes a “Christian duty” on Christian Monarchs to enslave non-Christians.
1494 – Vagabonds and Beggars Act 1494 – (11 Henry VII c.2) “Vagabonds, idle and suspected persons shall be set in the stocks for three days and three nights and have none other sustenance but bread and water and then shall be put out of Town. Every beggar suitable to work shall resort to the Hundred where he last dwelled, is best known, or was born and there remain upon the pain aforesaid.”
The next bit is my own speculation of which I have no proof.
1495 – Thomas Frowyk (1460 – 1506) of the Inner Temple gives a reading about Prerogativa Regis of 1322 (The Royal Prerogative – with regard to Whales and Great Sturgeons). Thomas Frowyk’s mother was Jane Sturgeon. His Grandfather, Henry, was Lord Mayor of London.
It is my supposition that there is some aside in one of the manuscripts of the reading about ‘man being a great Sturgeon’ as the current legislation in 2020 refers to Great Sturgeons rather than just sturgeons, which would be the correct translation.
This imagined aside is what I believe enables the amendment of Prerogativa Regis in 1894. The Monarch will no longer be able to claim all ‘wrecks of the sea’ as his property, but this twisted interpretation will enable the same ends.
The most likely manuscript of the eight or so that were known to have survived until the 20th century to contain this aside was probably kept in the Inner Temple library, which was bombed in 1943 and the manuscript was apparently destroyed.
My suspicions are backed up by the fact that there is argument in support of keeping the words “Sturgeons” in future legislation, for example –
Stu’rgeon. n.s.
[sturio, tursio, Latin.] A sea-fish.
It is part of the scutellated bone of a sturgeon, being flat, of a porous or cellular constitution on one side, the cells being worn down, and smooth on the other.
The Latin word ‘sturio’ translates as sturgeon. ‘Tursio’, when I first used Google Translate, gave the word ‘pervert’, but now gives the word ‘turn’, which in Johnson’s dictionary Verb va #14 means:
- To change to another opinion, or party, worse or better; to convert; to pervert.
Henry VIII Tudor 1509–47
1531 – The Vagabonds Act of 1530 (22 Henry VIII c.12) – Directed the justices of the peace to assign to the impotent poor an area within which they were to beg. Generally, the licences to beg for the impotent poor were limited to the disabled, sick, and elderly.[20] An impotent person begging out of his area was to be imprisoned for two days and nights in the stocks, on bread and water, and then sworn to return to the place in which he was authorised to beg.[21] An able-bodied beggar was to be whipped, and sworn to return to the place where he was born, or last dwelt for the space of three years.
1534 – Act of Supremacy 1534 – (26 Hen. 8. c. 1) –;view=fulltext and [Anglicana Ecclesia] – English act of Parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the “Supreme Head of the Church of England.” The act also required an oath of loyalty from English subjects that recognized his marriage to Anne Boleyn.
1535 – Suppression of Religious Houses Act – 27 Hen.8 c.28 – – King Henry VIII of England and his Venetian/Magyar banking advisers seized the property of the poor and common farmers as well as the major church properties under the pretext they were “small religious estates”.
1536 – Statute of Uses 1536 – (27 Hen. 8 c. 10) – An Act of the Parliament of England that restricted the application of uses in English property law. The Statute ended the practice of creating uses in real property by changing the purely equitable title of beneficiaries of a use into absolute ownership with the right of seisin (possession).
The Statute was conceived by Henry VIII of England as a way to rectify his financial problems by simplifying the law of uses, which moved land outside the royal tax revenue (ie., through royal fees called feudal incidents), traditionally imposed through seisin. At the time, land could not be passed by a will, and when it devolved to the heir upon death was subject to taxes. Hence, the practice evolved of landowners creating a use of the land to enable it to pass to someone other than their legal heir upon their death, or simply to try and reduce the incidence of taxation.
V26 – STATUTE OF USES 1535: English Law Series
Wardship of minor heirs of a tenant in chief was one of the king’s ancient “feudal incidents” (amongst escheat, marriage, relief, custody of an “idiot”,[4] etc.), that is to say a right of royal prerogative dating back to the feudal principle of seigneurial guardianship.[5] King Henry VIII of England prevented his tenants from depriving him of royal revenue by sponsoring the 1535 law called the Statute of Uses.[6]
1537 – Pope Paul III creates The 3rd Crown of the Ecclesiastical See
The third Crown was created through the papal bull Convocation, also meant to open the Council of Trent.
It is the third and final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, set up for the claiming of all “lost souls”, lost to the Sea (See [of Rome]).
The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540, to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII.
This 3rd Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and “reaping” of lost souls.
This Crown is represented by the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is baptized.
It is the parents’ grant of the Baptismal certificate––title to the soul––to the church or Registrar. The application of baptisimal sacramental procedure was changed In a Papal Bull l, Altitudo divini consilii issued by Pope Paul III in 1537
Thus, without legal title over one’s own soul, you will be denied legal standing and will be treated as things––vessels (or ships{see later]) without souls––upon which the BAR is now legally able to enforce Maritime law.
1539 – An Acte for dissolution of Abbeys – 31 Hen.8 c.13 – – Henry seizes larger estates.
The court was established from 1540 by two Acts of Parliament, Court of Wards Act 1540 (32 Henry VIII c. 46) and the Wards and Liveries Act 1541 (33 Henry VIII c. 22).
1542 – Laws in Wales Act –
1540 – Statute of Wills – (32 Hen.8 c.1), all property was to be owned through “Estates” effectively being Welfare Funds granted by the Crown to the Benefit of use of Subjects with the most common being Estates for the non wealthy now considered “Wards of the Estate”.
1542 – Crown of Ireland Act – (33 Hen 8 c.1) –
1545 – (37 Hen.8 c.1) – – King Henry VIII reintroduced a title directly and solely connected to the slave trade of Rome, abolished by emperors and forbidden under Christian law called the “Custos Rotulorum” meaning literally “Keeper of the Slave Rolls” into every county, to maintain records of the Poor now as slaves. The same sacrilegious, immoral, ecclesiastically unlawful positions continue into the 21st Century as connected with Birth Certificates.
Edward VI Tudor 1547–53
1547 – (1 Ed.6 c.3), Edward VI issued a new statute that did forbid people considered poor from travelling, except for work, or from claiming their own time and activities and whether or not to work.
All people (except those members of the ruling elite, particularly those non-Christian sects from Pisa, Venice and parts of Spain responsible for wholly false religious and legal texts) now declared slaves were either to be gainfully employed in the service of some lord or master, to work to death, or if they were found to be idle, or enjoying life then they were to be seized and permanently branded with a “V” and either sold as a slave or exterminated.
The only exceptions to the rule were those men who chose to dedicate themselves to support the status quo and become educated and knowledgeable in the false texts and false scriptures of the slave masters, i.e. those who joined the legal profession. (Given the title Esquire).
This act was supposed to have been repealed in 1549 (3 & 4 Ed.6 c.16).
However, the act was then restored to full effect in 1572 (14 Ed. c.5) and through subsequent repeals of repeals, remains in force.
Mary I Tudor 1553–58
Elizabeth I Tudor 1558–1603
1558 – Supremacy Act – 1 Eliz. c. 1 –
1571 – Letters Patent Act 1571 –
1588 – An Act against the erecting and maintaining of Cottages 1588 – (31 El c. 7) – (Partially available for free at) Measures were introduced which had the effect of accelerating the disenfranchisement of land peasants into landless paupers. The peasants then required local parish permission to erect dwellings whereas before the erection of a dwelling by a land peasant on their lord’s land was considered a “right”.
As a result, the ranks of the landless poor, or “paupers” swelled as available to be press-ganged into work.
1601 (43 El. c.2) To placate the overwhelming hostility against England as a hellhole of slavery, exploitation and superstition, a new act was introduced. This was one of the early Poor Acts
1601 – Relief of Mariners Act (43 El. c.3) – A “secret version” of 43 El. c.2 began to industrialize, hide and franchise slavery with the introduction of “overseers” of the poor as the foremen over the slaves, under a “cleric” of the parish and the renaming of children sold as sex slaves and workers to be called “Apprentices”.
Thus the Apprenticeship system was invented not to improve conditions, but to “rebrand” slavery under the Non Christian English-Venetian-Pisan model of commerce.
The act also introduced a new levy, collected by Parishes was called the “Poor Rates” (now called “council taxes”) against wealthy property owners for their “rent” of use of the poor as slaves.
This is the financial origin of Annuities 100 years later
James I Stuart 1603–25
1604 – The King of Spain loses the Crown of the Commonwealth. (Land)
1605 – The Crown of the Commonwealth is granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the “Union of Crowns”, or Commonwealth, in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot.
1609 – The Mystery Act – 7 Jac. c 14
1609 – Sea Sand (Devon and Cornwall) Act
1611 – King James Bible – His Catholic Majesty James 1 explained in detail the Counter-Reformation Plan to mischaracterize and bilk the English Protestants in his publication, The Book of Bounty , which was published in tandem with the King James Bible, —which was adopted as the Bible for the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, while the Protestant Geneva Bible remained the Bible adopted for use on dry Land. Quote James I, “It all begins with a False Registration….”
1618 – 30 years War Europe
1633 – Crown Lands Act + Monopolies Act
Charles I Stuart 1625–49
1641 – Rene Descartes a Jesuit taught, french philosopher publishes “Meditations on First Philosophy, in which the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated”
It is this work that introduces the idea that the only thing that can be certain is that “I think, therefore I am”
This leads to the Cartesian Dualism conclusion that the universe contains two radically different kinds of substances – the mind or soul, defined as immaterial thinking and the body, defined as material and unthinking.
This idea is no longer considered correct by modern philosophy, however it was this idea that enabled someone’s body to be legally separate from their mind.
This outdated philosophy is a practice that continues to this day. As such it goes a long way to explain why there is so much confusion about the workings and rules of the legal system.
1642 – English Civil War
1648 – Treaty of Westphalia – Regarded by some as the first appearance of the Nation State, but opinion is divided and it is more of a time stamp according to Wikipedia.
Interregnum [Between Monarchs] (1649–59) Charles 1 Beheaded Jan 1649
1649 – 53 No Head of State
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector 1653–58
1657 c.30 An Act for setling the Postage of England, Scotland and Ireland
Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector 1658–59
Charles II Stuart 1660–85
Acts start in 12 C. i.e. the 12th year of Charles reign as he was deemed to have succeeded, as de jure, rather than de facto, king, upon the death of his father Charles I. {but this does not always seem to be the case with numbering in publications – more investigation needed}
1660 – Tenures Abolition Act 1660 – 12 C. II., c. 24 – – , which established in England the tenure of free and common socage.
1660 – Post Office Act 1660 – 12 Cha 2 c.35, December 1660
1661 – Corporation Act
1661 – An Act for a free and voluntary present to his Majesty 1661, CHAPTER 4 13 C 2 St 1
1662 – City of London Militia Act – (14 Car.2 c.3)
1662 – An Act for the better regulateing of Workehouses for setting the Poore on Worke / An Act for the the Better Relief of the Poor of This Kingdom – (13 &14 Car.2 c.12) – – The concept of “Settlements” as plantations of working poor controlled by the Church of England was further refined, including for the first time the issuance of “Settlement Certificates” equivalent to a “birth certificate, passport and social security” rolled into one document.
A child’s birthplace was its place of settlement, unless its mother had a settlement certificate from some other parish stating that the unborn child was included on the certificate.
However from the age of 7 upward the child could have been apprenticed and therefore “sold into servitude” for some rent paid back to the church as “poor taxes”.
The act also made it easier for the “clearing of common houses of the poor” and for the first time made the definition of poor the value of tenancy being a taxable value of less than £10 per year.
The act also modified the age of “emancipation” from child slavery to adult slavery as the age of 16; and
Under these draconian and morally repugnant dictates no one was allowed to move from town to town without the appropriate “Settlement Certificate”.
If a person entered a parish in which he or she did not have official settlement, and seemed likely to become chargeable to the new parish, then an examination would be made by the justices (or parish overseers).
From this examination on oath, the justices would determine if that person had the means to sustain himself. The results of the examination were documented in an Examination Paper.
As a result of the examination the intruder would then either be allowed to stay, or would be removed by means of what was known as a Removal Order, the origin of the modern equivalent of an “Eviction and Removal Notice” when a sheriff removes people from their home; and
1665 – Great Plague
1666 – Great Fire of London
1666 – The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 – The Great Fire of London creates the occasion for the creation of individual public trusts as a means of seizing private property: Sets forth the nature and construction of Roman Inferior Trusts in England to allow state management of property belonging of unknown survivors of the Black Death and the Fire of London.
More here again:
Current version references ‘O.’ in ‘Statutes of the Realm’ in Trinity College
1667 – An Act for the Relief and setting to work of poor prisoners – (19 Car. 2 c.4) – The concept of “workhouses” were formalized and licensed as being effectively the very worst and hellish places where people considered “prisoners” could be “legally” and effectively worked to death for the profit of the elite pirates and thieves, under the full endorsement by the Church of England.
This is the act that invented the concept of “Employment” and an expansion of the highly profitable white slavery business models of English aristocracy.
Thus, people who were taken into custody by virtue of being poor, were expected to work as well as live in conditions as traumatic and evil as any in civilized history; and
1670 – Workhouses Act – 1670 (22 & 23 Car. 2 c.18) – The abuse of poor prisoners through the “workhouses” employment model was extremely profitable and a new act was required to regulate the corporations “renting” of prisoners as “employees” for profit, particularly in the paying of their accounts to the Crown.
1677 – Statute of Frauds
1679 – Habeus Corpus
1681 – Oaths of Minors Act – About minors being bonded and never coming into the country (‘contrary’ in the text!)
James II Stuart 1685–88
1685 – Administration of Intestates’ Estate Act / Settlement of poor Act – An Act for reviving and Continuance of several Acts of Parliament therein mentioned – (1 Jac.2. c. 17) – – Previous acts were continued and some made perpetual such as the controls over paperwork and “Settlement Certificates” as the origin and ancestor of Birth Certificates by James II, as one of the few acts that the ruling elite permitted to remain as an active Statute of Westminster under his reign.
DEAD MAN‘S PART, English law. By the custom of London, when a deceased freeman of the city left a widow and children, after deducting what was called the widow’s chamber, (q.v.) his personal property was divided into three parts; one of which belonged to the widow, another to the children, and the third to the administrator.
When there was only a widow, or only children, in either case they respectively took one moiety, and the administrator the other; when there was neither widow nor child, the administrator took the whole for his own use and this portion was called the “dead man’s part.” By statute of 1 Jac. 2, c. 17, this was changed, and the dead man’s part is declared to be subject to the statute of distribution. (22 & 23 Car 2 c 10) 2 Bl. Com. 518. See Bac. Ab. Customs of London, D 4. –
James abdicated and was replaced by Protestants from Holland
1688 – Coronation Oath Act
1688 – Great Seal Act
William III and Mary II Orange/Stuart 1689–1694
1689 – English Bill of Rights – Concerns the abdication of James II and the rights of the English people and the restrictions on the Crown.
People’s rights include
- Protestants (Non-catholics) have the right to bear arms
- Freedom of speech
- Reasonable terms for bail
- No cruel or unusual punishments
- No right to fines before conviction
- Freedom of elections to Parliament
- Trial by jury
Crown Restrictions include
- No standing army without Parliament’s permission
- No creation or enactment of laws by regal authority
- No levying of money, other than agreed by Parliament
- Ecclesiastical and other courts are illegal
No following statute can over-rule these rights – currently omitted on the UK government website
1689 – An Act for Reversing the Judgment in a Quo Warranto against the City of London and for Restoreing the City of London to its antient Rights and Priviledges. [ William and Mary, Chapter VIII. Rot. Parl. pt. 1. nu. 10.]
This confirms that the City of London is an independent city state. As it does not have a ‘democratic’ voting system, it has never been a member of the E.U.
1691 – Amending Settlement of Poor Act – (3 W. & M. c.11) – – Under William and Mary of Orange the acts of workhouses and abuse of the poor were continued and further refined, with greater oversight on paperwork and accounting for poor entering and leaving parishes, to prevent fraud by overseers and corporations.
1694 – (The Bank of England Act) – An Act for granting to theire Majesties severall Rates and Duties upon Tunnage of Shipps and Vessells and upon Beere Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompenses and Advantages in the said Act mentioned to such Persons as shall voluntarily advance the summe of [£1,500,000] towards the carrying on the Warr against France – –
In case you don’t understand how banks become so rich consider this:
According to a legal dictionary money is ‘gold or silver coin of the realm embossed with the monarch’s image’
You start a bank with no money, but just an impenetrable building, some henchmen and a cunning plan.
Initially you charge people to keep their money safe.
You do a good job, but they still have to take their money out to pay for things and at this point it can be stolen.
So you offer a service where they write a cheque to another person and the bank transfers the money from one strong box to another.
After a while everybody thinks the bank has money of its own, but it doesn’t, it just looks after money.
Because people don’t often withdraw their money and it is also believed the bank owns money, the bank can now offer loans by ‘borrowing’ from its customers without them knowing.
The bank simply writes a credit note to a person, they then write a cheque to whoever they are buying something from and the recipient thinks that the bank has transferred the money to their (the recipients) strong box. But of course they haven’t as that money has just been created from thin air.
If the recipient wants the gold, the bank just takes it from other strong boxes and puts it back when the original borrower pays their loan and interest back in real money.
Now imagine that only 10% of the money is ever taken out, this means that the bank could ‘play’ with money that it doesn’t own.
Here’s the really cunning bit. Let’s say a bank fraudulently loans out £100 to ten people and charges 10% interest just by using credit notes.
At the beginning of the year the bank has no money of its own, but at the end it will have £100 and money of its own to lend out.
It can now lend that £100 pounds out ten times over as well as the depositors money. So at the end of the second year it has doubled its own money as well as once again doubling that of its depositors – without them knowing – so it just pockets the money.
Because the bank is a private enterprise it is possible to siphon off vast amounts of profits for personal gain.
In less than half a century this regular doubling will lead to the banks owners squirreling away a unimaginable fortune – all in gold remember. They lend out paper and demand gold in return.
If too many people want their money back at the same time, the bank can’t pay and so goes bankrupt, leaving the depositors with little return but the owners with their billions.
The bank owners use their private wealth to buy political favour, control interest rates and install their bank in other lands and make it the national bank or if others don’t agree to the carrot, they use the stick of threatened violence against friends or family.
Finally, they decide they don’t want anybody getting their gold back, so they persuade politicians to pass a law in their favour ‘for the good of the country’. See the later banking Acts.
Now who do you think the real government is?
1694 – December 28 – Mary dies
William III Orange 1694 – 1702
1695 – The Bank of England began issuing notes in 1695 with the promise to pay the bearer the value of the note on demand in specie (gold or silver coin).
1697 – Poor Apprentices Act – (8 & 9 W. c.30) – One of the more horrific of the wicked and morally repugnant acts of Westminster was the introduction (in §2) “Poor receiving Alms to Wear a Badge” – The “badge” of the poor was the letter “P” to be worn at all times on the shoulder of the right sleeve.
The first examples of badges as a stigma to status is most likely this act.
The use of the “P” as a form of curse and stigma is the same model of modern passports for citizens listed as “P” (Paupers, Poor, Peasant, Prisoners, Property, Peon, Passenger) used today. See 2010 / 2021.
{Blue Peter is the nickname given to the nautical signal flag that represents the letter “P.” Each signal flag has a specific meaning. The letter “P” means “All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea.”}
1698 – The Poor Act – (9 & 10 Will 3 c.11) – – This act reinforced the measurement of the poor being one who does not have an annual lease taxable at ten pounds or more. This made more than 95% of the population of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland “poor” at that time.
1689 – Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689 –
1701 – Act of settlement –
Anne Stuart 1702–14
1702 – Crown Lands Act – (1 Ann, 1 c.1) –
1702 – Through an Act of Parliament the responsibility for the armed forces was changed from the Sovereign to the Government.
1702 – Maritime Wagering Act – The British Crown and Dutch East India Company collude under Maritime Wagering Act. Living men are deemed to be “vessels” and insured. Their death/loss becomes a means of enrichment for the commercial corporations and the British Government.
Although there is no reference to this on the web, it is unnecessary, as the word “vessel” can be found to refer to a person (‘body corporate’ in legal terms) in the majority of, if not all, dictionaries. In later Acts the word vessel is replaced with ‘ship’ and possibly even ‘house-boat’
Some evidence here?: see page xxiv
1702 – Relief of Poor Prisoners for Debt – 1 Ann. c.25 –
1702 – Union with Scotland
1707 – The Cestui Que Vie Act 1707 – (6 Ann c.72) – (Originally 6 Ann. c.18 according to notes on the link, which was “An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and false Musters; and for the better Payment of the Army and Quarters.” ) – Roman Inferior Estate Trust
1713 – (12 Ann. S.1 c.18) – The extension of Settlement Certificates –
[Originally in An Act for the Better Relief of the Poor of This Kingdom – (13 & 14 Car. 2 c.12)] as a form of negotiable Security was introduced for the first time (and continues with Birth Certificates today) whereby those born in a place but without a Settlement Certificate (including women and children), could be moved to a different location, such as a commercial workhouse when the “cost” of such certificates were purchased by a corporation.
As the lifetime’s labour output of someone in the workhouse could be estimated, the Crown could borrow money against their future ‘domestic product’. This practice continues today, with the borrowing taking place against your future tax payments. Basically someone is borrowing money and you have to pay it back.
1713 – Wreck of the Sea Act 1713 – 12 Ann. Stat.2 c.18 (Ann. 13 c.21) – An Act for the preserving all such Ships and Goods thereof, which shall happen to be forced on Shore, or stranded upon the Coasts of this Kingdom, or any other of Her Majesty’s Dominions.
Looks like an act to discourage wrecking, until you realise that the salvaged ship is in fact a ‘person’ with a name similar to what you are called and answer to. But they keep this secret and use it to charge your part of the national estate that was part of the Settlements act. They then keep that secret too and get you to pay again.
George I Hanover 1714–27
1716 – Bank of England Act
1719 – Excise Act 1719 – 6 Geo 1 c 21
1722 – Workhouse Test Act – An Act for Amending the Laws relating to the Settlement, Employment, and Relief of the Poor – 9 Geo.1 c.7 – – Due to the increase in the number of “poor”, in which those who had been thrown out of their homes or had their land seized by pirates and thieves operating with endorsement of Westminster and who sought relief from the Church to stay alive now had to “compete” to enter into a workhouse to survive.
Furthermore, the act expanded the ability for a wide variety of business owners to contract with churchwardens for the rent and use of the poor as “indentured servants” and “apprentices”.
George II Hanover 1727–60
1727 – Demise of the Crown Act
1733 – Bastard Children Act – (6 Geo.2 c.31) – An Act for the Relief of Parishes and other Places from such Charges as may arise from Bastard Children born within the same. – One of the most inhumane and barbaric edicts in history was issued by Westminster (and remains an underlying pillar of the slave system today), whereby poor people who could not purchase a “license” to be considered married, would have their children deemed “bastards” and such children could then be seized by Churchwardens and “sold”.
Thus the baby slave trade was born and fully endorsed by the Church of England and British Society. See also Bastardy Bonds
1750 – Constables Protection Act –
1754/56 – 1763 Seven Years War / French and (North American) Indian War World’s first “Central Bank ” created in Prussia to control commodity prices.
1758 – de Vattel publishes Law of Nations – a nation is a ‘person’ in law
George III Hanover 1760–1820
1760 –The Crown Estate goes back to 1760, when George III handed over land and property to the Government – with the revenue going to HM Treasury. This was in return for a fixed salary, which before the Sovereign Grant was called the Civil List.
1761 – (2 Geo.3 c.22), Westminster declared that all poor as mental “infants” and too stupid to realize the underlying system of slavery and complicity of the Christian Churches, were now to be cursed and doomed as “dead in law” by their registration in the Bills of Mortality and the creation of the “civil birth” rituals being rituals of death that continue today within modern hospitals and registration of new born babies.
There is a central register (I had found evidence, but not sure where at the moment) of ‘deaths’ which can be changed at will, should anyone request permission to see it. Once the register entry has been seen, it can then be changed back again.
This was further reinforced with the act in 1767
that poor children were to be registered and considered “dead in law”
- And be it further enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the abstract of the register of the said infant poor shall be according to the Schedule hereunto annexed marked (D).
If you read the Schedule you will see that (D) refers to the dead.
1765 – The pollution of English Common Law with Admiralty Law to create “Equity
Law” granting absolute power to the judiciary to seize upon and distribute private
property comes to fruition in England under Lord Mansfield
1765 – Isle of Man Purchase Act 1765 – 5 Geo. 3 c. 26, also known as the Act of Revestment, purchased the feudal rights of the Dukes of Atholl as Lords of Man over the Isle of Man, and revested them into the British Crown.
This allowed the Isle of Man to become a tax haven and allowed the British Monarch to assume the title ‘Lord of Man’
{His Majesty King Charles III was proclaimed as Lord of Mann at Government House at 12 noon on Sunday 11 September 2022.}
1773 – Inclosure Act 1773 – (13 Geo.3 c.81)
1797 – Bank Restriction Act – (37 Geo. III. c. 45) – British banknotes were overprinted (greater value issued than was held on reserve) by the government of William Pitt the Younger after Britain declared war on revolutionary France in 1793.
The passing of the Bank Restriction Act released the government from the fear of mass redemption of such convertible banknotes, and by the end of the war in 1814, the banknotes in circulation had a face value of £28.4 million, yet was backed by only £2.2 million of gold.
Also –
1800 – Union with Ireland Act –
Crown Private Estate Act
1801 – Inclosure Consolidation Act 1801 – (41 Geo.3 c.109) –
English Parliament effectively “privatized” massive amounts of common land for the benefit of a few, causing huge numbers of land peasants to become “landless paupers” and therefore in need of parish assistance.
Previously, in America, this caused massive rebellion as well as in Ireland and Scotland and contributed to forming a Patriot militia leading to the “War of Independence”. Almost the entire Patriot militia were deceived, captured and executed in New York (in 1777) under a deal between George Washington of the United Company of Merchants Blue Army and General Cornwalis of the East India Company Red Army.
The Americans were therefore fooled into thinking that they had won independence
The Inclosure Acts are the foundation of Land Title as it is known today; and
(xviii) Because of the deliberate “legal” theft of land under parliamentary Inclosure laws of the late 18th and early 19th Century, the number of paupers dramatically increased. This led to the most awful and cruel laws being introduced to deliver to an elite few, the slave labor force needed for the industrial revolution through the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) which effectively stated that the poor could not receive any benefit unless they were constantly “employed” in a workhouse prison. Thus, despite international treaties against slavery, the very worst slavery being “wage slavery” or “lawful slavery” was born whereby men, women and children lived in terrible conditions and were worked “to death”.
1807 – Slave Trade Abolition Act – 47 GE0 III, SESSION 1, CAP. 36 –
1815 – Stamp Act
1815 – The Bank of England is deliberately bankrupted immediately after the battle of Waterloo by perfectly legitimate, if devious, means.
An agent of a well known international banking family is at the Battle of Waterloo. Immediately after Napoleon’s defeat to the Duke of Wellington a courier leaves for London with the news, in order to get there ahead of the ‘official’ agent of the Duke of Wellington.
By getting there first there is potentially a vast fortune to be made in financial markets before there is official news of the result of the battle.
Up till this time the bankers were rich individuals who made their money available to the bank for a return of interest. The bank itself had little money, it was just a centralised lending institution. The bank issued bonds on the back of these investments
The bankruptcy was then brought about by bankers selling bonds as if they had knowledge of the result of the battle. They sold them quickly at low prices, which suggested that Wellington had lost and Napoleon could now invade.
However the cunning bankers who instigated the ‘fire sale’ sold them cheaply to their own agents, knowing full well Napoleon had lost..
There was a selling frenzy amongst the other investors and the agents in the know bought up virtually all the bonds for about 1% of their worth.
A day later official word reaches London that Wellington beat Napoleon and the country is safe.
However, the bankers are now broke as they sold their bonds so cheaply and one family controls all the money.
1816 – The King of England loses the 3rd Crown, due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England following the Battle of Waterloo.
But the 3rd Crown doesn’t actually go very far.
The 3rd Crown is granted to the Temple Bar in the City of London (claiming to be a separate city state and not part of England since 1066) which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown.
The Bar Associations have since been responsible for administering the “reaping” of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.
1816 – Coinage Act 1816 – 56 Geo. III c.68 – A great currency reset – All lawful money in the form of gold and silver coins was collected and melted down and new coinage issued in its place and termed legal tender. This meant that it was now all in control of the single family, privately run Bank of England
1816 – Habeus Corpus
57 G. 3. c. 127
1819 – Dean Forest Act
- Crown Land Act
George IV Hanover 1820–30
1820 – Militia City of London Act
1821 – Cinque Ports Act 1821
1822 – A digest of the public general statutes from the Magna Charta a.d 1224-5 to 1 & 2 Geo. 4 a.d. 1821 – by Tyrwhitt and Tyndale of The Middle Temple –
Preface – page vi – admits that not all acts are shown with an excuse that they are not relevant to the purpose of the work.
This can explain the reason that the Maritime Wagering Act cannot be found.
1822 – The then-Pope and then-British Monarch secretly colluded to act in Breach of Trust against the Americans and signed the secret Treaty of Verona.
Slave Trade Act – 1824 – Refers to the Government of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies.
1825 – Juries Act –
1826 – Aliens Registration Act
William IV Hanover 1830–37
Representation of the People Act – 1832 – 2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 45 THE REFORM ACT 2 Wm. IV. Cap. 45, 1832.
(2 & 3 Will. 4) C. 65 – (Scotland)
An Act to amend the Representation of the People ofIreland – (2 & 3 Will. 4) C A P. LXXXVIII.
1834 – Parliament burns down, due to burning six centuries of financial records kept on Tally Sticks
1834 – Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) – (5 & 6 Will.4 c.76) – This effectively stated that the poor could not receive any benefit unless they were constantly “employed” in a workhouse prison. Most importantly, much of the inhuman, barbaric and wholly immoral and sacrilegious framework of dictates and edicts of Westminster remained in force and were not repealed by this act.
Thus, despite international treaties against slavery, the very worst slavery being “wage slavery” or “lawful slavery” was born whereby men, women and children lived in terrible conditions and were continued to be worked “to death”.
See also English Poor Law Policy (report 1910)
1835 – Merchant Seamen Act 1835 – (5 & 6 Wm IV c 19) – (Sir James Graham’s Act) – An Act to Amend and Consolidate the laws relating to Merchant Seamen of the United Kingdom, and for forming and maintaining a register of all the men engaged in that service under the scrutiny of the Board of Trade. – Boys over the age of 13 can be Apprenticed to any ship anywhere in the land if they so agree – (It’s either that or the potential of remaining in the poor house for life.)
1835 – Municipal Reform Act – (5 & 6 Wm IV c 76)
1836 – The Births and Deaths Registration Act – (1836) – (6 & 7 Will.4 c.86) This created the General Register Office and the requirement for uniform records of births, deaths and marriages across the Empire by Municipal Councils and Unions of Parishes.
Victoria Hanover 1837–1901
Piracy Act 1837
1837 – July 1st – The British Settlement Act sets aside public wastelands as “common wealth” and paupers are said to be settled upon this land, thus becoming wards of the state. This effectively prevents the lower classes from ever being landlords and provides a basis for claiming them as chattel property.
The Birth Certificate was formed as the successor of the Settlement Certificate for all “paupers” disenfranchised of their land birthright to be considered lawful (“voluntary”) slaves with benefits provided by the local parish / region underwritten by the Society of Lloyds as it is still today.
1837 – Harbours, Piers and Ferries (Scotland) Act –
1837 – The Slave Compensation Act 1837 – (1 & 2 Vict. c. 3) – was the world’s first major act of compensated emancipation and an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom, signed into law on 23 December 1837. It authorised the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to compensate slave owners in the British colonies of the Caribbean, Mauritius, and the Cape of Good Hope in the amount of approximately £20 million for freed slaves. Based on a government census of 1 August 1834, over 40,000 awards to slave owners were issued. Since some of the payments were converted into 3.5% government annuities, they lasted until 2015.
Dean Forest (Mines) Act 1838 – 1 & 2 Vic. c.43
1839 -140 – 3 Metropolitan Police Acts
On 10 February 1840, Queen Victoria married Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (he later took the title of Prince Consort). They were married at the Chapel Royal, St. James Palace in London. At this point everything she owned became his property and thus came under control of the head of the house of Saxe-Coburg.
1844 – Bank Charter Act 1844 – 7 & 8 Vic. c.32 –
This act ensured that the Rothschild owned Bank of England would be the only one allowed to issue bank notes.
1844 – Order Prohibiting Outdoor Relief –
1844 – August 9th – An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws Relating to the Poor of England – 7 & 8 Vic. c.101 – – Page 788
?????? Not completely repealed in 1948 Assistance Act !!!!
Counties (Detached Parts) Act 1844
This defines the county boundaries for TECA
1845 – Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 – 8 & 9 Vict. c. 16 – –
1845 – Land Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 – 8 & 9 Vict. c. 18 – – refers to “The Special Act” – See 1861
SPECIAL ACT. A private statute; an act which operates only upon particular persons or private concerns. 1 Bl.Comm. 86; Unity v. Burrage, 103 U.S. 454, 26 L.Ed. 405.
1845 – Railway Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 – 8 & 9 Vict. c. 20 – –
1845 – Real Property Act 1845 – 8 & 9 Vict. c. 106 – or, for more info and in case it goes missing
This did not abolish livery of seisin, for transferring right to property, but it did allow deeds to be used freely as granting devices, which had the same effect. The Law of Property Act, passed in 1925 (15 & 16 Geo. 5, c. 20), finally abolished the livery-of seisin ceremony. This meant that land could no longer be transferred without using a deed. i.e. through a private, land jurisdiction, gentlemen’s agreement and witnessed ceremony such as ‘Turf and Twig’ (see Google doc above)
1847 – Markets and Fairs Clauses Act 1847 – 10 &11 Vict. c. 14 – – refers to “The Special Act” – See 1861
1847 – Commissioners Clauses Act 1847 – 10 &11 Vict. c. 16 – – refers to “The Special Act” – See 1861
1847 – Harbours, Piers and Docks Clauses Act 1847 – 10 &11 Vict. c. 27 – – – refers to “The Special Act” – See 1861
1847 – Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 – 10 &11 Vict. c. 34 –
1847 – Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847 – 10 &11 Vict. c. 65 – – refers to “The Special Act” – See 1861
1845 – Inclosure Act 1845 – 8 & 9 Vict. c. 118 –
1846 – Inclosure Act 1846 – 9 & 10 Vict. c. 70 –
1847 – Inclosure Act 1847 – 10 & 11 Vict. c. 111 –
1848 – Inclosure Act 1848 – 11 & 12 Vict. c. 99 –
1848 -Treason & Felony Act – This is what Michael O’Bernicia’s private prosecution is based on
1849 – Inclosure Act 1849 – 12 & 13 Vict. c. 83 –
1851 – Inclosures Commissioners Act 1851 – 14 & 15 Vict. c. 83
1852 – Inclosure Act 1852 – 15 & 16 Vict. c. 79
1854 – Railways and Canal Traffic Act 1854 – 17 & 18 Vict. c. 31
This extends Admiralty jurisdiction to include not just seas and inland waterways, but also canals and railways. Further extension to place to eventually cover the land in the form of post walks, which are registered as postcodes.
1854 – Inclosure Act 1854 – 17 & 18 Vict. c. 97
The crown on the Victorian coins showed both the Imperial Crown and St Edward’s Crown. (Needs checking maybe changed at some point)
1856 – Settled Estates Act 1856 – 19 & 20 Vict c. 120 –
1857 – Inclosure Act 1857 – 20 & 21 Vict. c. 31
1858 – Benjamin Disraeli begins the push to enfranchise British labourers as properties belonging to the British Crown. They and their assets are seized upon in the process as collateral backing government debt. Their “voluntary” enslavement is used to fund the British Raj in India—though they are never told any of this.
1859 – Inclosure Act 1859 – 22 & 23 Vict. c. 43
1859 – Queen’s Remembrancer Act 1859 – 22 & 23 Vict. c.21 –
1860 – Petition of Right Act 1860 – 23 & 24 Vict. c.34 – Page 118 – See also and
1861 – Domicile Act – (24 & 25 Vict. c. 121)
1861 – General Pier and Harbour Act 1861 – 24 & 25 Vict. c. 45 – –
1861 – Harbours and Passing Tolls etc. Act 1861 – 24 & 25 Vict. c. 47 – – – (This is the “Special Act” referred to in Harbours, Piers and Docks Clauses Act 1847) –
1862 – General Pier and Harbour Act 1861, Amendment Act 1862 – 25 & 26 Vict. c. 19
1862 – Harbours Transfer Act 1862 – 25 & 26 Vict. c. 69 – An Act for transferring from the Admiralty to the Board of Trade certain Powers and Duties relative to Harbours and Navigation under Local and other Acts; and for other Purposes –
1864 – Naval Agency and Distribution Act 1864 – 27 & 28 Vict. c. 24 – An Act to provide for the Appointment, Duties, and Remuneration of Agents for Ships of War, and for the Distribution of Salvage, Bounty, Prize, and other Money among the Officers and Crews thereof.
This is the act that enabled the setting up of ‘prize courts’, that are effectively the magistrates courts of today, where unwitting people are misidentified as foreign (enemy) agents and are fined for their ‘illegal’ and ‘hostile or belligerent’ actions such as not paying council tax, parking fines etc, etc.
Amended in 1973
3. The Distribution of Prize Money (Amendment of Regulations) Order 1917(1) shall be amended—
(i) in regulation 2 by the substitution for the words “on account of Naval Prize, or to the Accountant-General of the Navy, in order that it may be transferred to the said account”, of the words “for the credit of the Defence General Cash Account”; and
(ii) by the deletion of regulation 11.
This Order amends two of the regulations contained in an Order dated 6th February 1917 governing the distribution of Prize Money among personnel of HM Ships and other Naval vessels. Transactions under that Order, which are now confined to Salvage awards, are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General. This Order accordingly removes the requirement for a separate account to be laid annually before the House of Commons.
1864 – Naval Prize Act 1864 – 27 & 28 Vict. c. 25 –
1865 – Navy and Marines (Property Of Deceased) Act 1854 – 28 & 29 Vict. c. 111 [5th July 1865]
An Act to regulate the Disposal of Money and Effects under the Control of the Admiralty, belonging to deceased Officers, Seamen, and Marines of the Royal Navy and Marines, and other Persons.
1866 – National Debt Reduction Act 1866 – 29 & 30 Vict. c.11
1867 – Lyon King of Arms Act 1867
1867 – Representation of the People Act 1867 – 30 & 31 Vict. c 102 –
The people re present or gift themselves to the Crown.
1868 – Inclosure &c Expenses Act 1868 – 31 & 32 Vict. c. 89
1871 onwards, further historic changes in the administration of “vital statistics” such as birth certificates and death certificates with the introduction of health districts or “sanitary districts”.
1871 – The Local Government Act of 1871 (34 & 35 Vict. c.70)
1872 – Public Health Act 1872 (35 & 36 Vict. c.79)
1873 – Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 – 36 & 37 Vict c. 66 – This and other judicature Acts from the same period fundamentally changed how the English Courts worked, all the jurisdictions effectively came under the same roof and trial by jury was changed from being the norm for common law to being a rarity. This meant that it became very difficult for anyone to be sure about which jurisdiction they were being tried in.
1874 – The Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874 – (37 & 38 Vict. c.89) ????
1874 – Board of Trade Arbitrations, &c. Act 1874 – – refers to “special act”
1875 – The Public Health Act 1875 (38 & 39 Vict. c.55) created a system of “districts” called Sanitary Districts governed by a Sanitary Authority responsible for various public health matters including mental health legally known as “sanity”.
Two types of Sanitary Districts were created, being Urban and Rural. While the sanitary districts were “abolished” in 1894 with the Local Government Act of 1894 (57 & 58 Vict. c.73), the administration of the “poor” is still maintained in part under the concept of district health boards of Guardians including magistrates and other “Justices of the Peace”; and
1875 – Public Works Loans (money) Act 1875 – – refers to any special act – – – latest available
1876 – Commons Act – 39 & 40 Vict. c.56 –
1878 – Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act 1878 – 41 & 42 Vict. c.73
Possibly similar to the Australian Seas and Submerged Lands Act of 1973, which served to seal off the land and soil jurisdictions and the courts serving those jurisdictions.
1881 – Army Act – 44 & 45 Vict. c.58 –
1881 – Negotiable Instruments – 44 & 45 Vict. c.66 [India] – –
No reference on website – but referenced by the Bank of England in answer to question 7 –
- What is a Promissory Note?
As previously mentioned in question 4, it is not the role of the Bank of England to define what instruments are. Promissory notes are defined in Section 4 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.
Further on the B of E
Section 2 Rep. by the Amending Act, 1891 (12 of 1891), sec. 2 and Sch. I, part I.] –,%201881&STitle=Repeal%20of%20enactments – but –
Section 2 Omitted according to
1882 – Bills of Exchange – 45 & 46 Vict. c.6 – [18th August 1882.]
An Act to codify the law relating to Bills of Exchange, Cheques, and Promissory Notes.
1887 – British Settlements Act 1887 – 50 & 51 Vict. c. 54 –
1890 – Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890 – 53 & 54 Vict. c. 27 Makes every court an Admiralty court.
1894 – Prize Courts Act 1894 – 57 & 58 Vict c. 39 – [17th August 1894]
An Act to make further provision for the establishment of Prize Courts, and for other purposes connected therewith.
Making sure that all courts are .prize courts – See Naval Agency and Distribution Act 1864
1894 – Merchant Shipping Act – 57 & 58 Vict c. 60 – [25th August 1894] – –
An Act to consolidate Enactments relating to Merchant Shipping.
Ship ” includes every description of vessel used in navigation not propelled by oars –
In this, your body is regarded as a vessel for the soul or spirit and so comes under governmental control
1898 – Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act – 61 & 62 Vict c. 44 –
Edward VII Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 1901–10
1903 – Motor Car Act 1903
- (4) If a car is used on a public highway without being registered… the person driving the car shall be guilty of an offence under this Act. Note a living man or woman is not a person while in the jurisdiction of the land.
Commonwealth Naturalization Act – 1903
Merchant Shipping Act – 1906
1906 – Marine Insurance Act – 6 Ed VII c.41–COtNg20UVwZFsyOpupnLI/edit
Merchant Shipping Act – 1906
Notification of Births Act – 1907
Assurance Companies Act 1909
Motor vehicle insurance section amended by Road Traffic Act 1930
George V Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Renamed Windsor from 1917) 1910–36
1920 – Finance Act 1920 – 10 & 11 Geo. 5. c. 18.
Section 13 – Road Tax
1920 – Roads Act 1920 – 10 & 11 Geo. 5. c. 72.
1925 Settled Land Act – (15 & 16 Geo. V c.18) About People and Land – See David Higgs FB
1925 – Trustee Act – (15 & 16 Geo. V c.19)
Pertaining to Equity and accessing Birth Certificate funds.
1926- Law of Property Act – 15 & 16 Geo. 5, c. 20 –
Land can no longer be transferred by Livery of Seisin
1926- Law of Property (Amendment) Act 1926 – 16 & 17 Geo. 5 c. 11
War was outlawed in 1928 by the Kellogg-Briand Pact
1930 – Road Traffic Act 1930 – (20 & 21 Geo. V c.43.)
Third party insurance is the bare minimum needed for a person to drive legally on public roads. It has been compulsory since it was introduced with the Road Traffic Act 1930.
1930 – LAND DRAINAGE ACT? 20 & 21 Geo. V c.44 –
“Watercourse” includes all…and passages through which water flows
1931 – 21st September an act is passed that allows The Bank of England to stop exchanging notes for Gold or Silver.
1934 – Equity codes Emoven
Edward VIII Windsor 1936
1936 – Public Health Act 1936 – Geo. V & 1 Ed. VIII – – – – latest available
George VI Windsor 1936–52
1948 – The National Assistance Act (11 & 12 Geo.6 c.29) was introduced and supposed to abolish the Poor Laws. But repealed just bits – deliberately?
1948 – Companies Act 1948 – (11 & 12 Geo.6 c.38)
1948 – Statute Law Revision Act 1948 – (11 & 12 Geo.6 c.62) – Not available on refs CQV 1666 and others –
1950 – The Shops Act 1950 – (14 Geo.6 c.28) –
Apparently they have where we live classed as commercial premises and we are classed as shop assistants.
” shop ” includes any premises where any retail trade or business is carried on ;
” shop assistant ” means any person wholly or mainly employed in a shop in connection with the serving of customers or the receipt of orders or the despatch of goods
BUSINESS. The term “business” has no definite or legal meaning.
The term may mean or embrace: Activity
Definition of “business” is not dependent on whether enterprise is profitable or has prospects of being profitable. Doggett v. Burnet, 62 App.D.C. 103, 65 F.2d 191, 193.
Elizabeth II Windsor 1952 – 2022
1953 – Royal Title Act 1953 (26th March) – 1 Eliz. II c. 9 – This was enacted before Elizabeth II was officially crowned, This enabled the Queen’s titles to be changed throughout the Commonwealth after she abdicated from the throne of Great Britain and the Commonwealth 3 days after her Coronation, from whence she has sat on The Chair of the Estates.
1956 – Administration of Justice Act 1956 – Ship ” includes every description of vessel used in navigation not propelled by oars – –
1957 – Brussels convention – International Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Sea-Going Ships, and Protocol of Signature –
1960 – Corporate Bodies’ Contracts Act 1960 – 8 & 9 Eliz. 2 c.46
This act in effect opened up the floodgates of corruption and allowed private individual contracts of BODIES — CORPORATIONS, and especially MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS a.k.a. STRAWMEN— to supersede and overcome the Constitutional contracts owed by the Queen, the Crown and Government to the people of Great Britain. Because of this Act, you could unknowingly sign away your Constitutional Guarantees and effectively “jump ship” to become a UN CITIZEN (and slave), subject to UN CORP “private law”.
And if you didn’t do this unconsciously for yourself, then it could be done “for” you via the Birth Certification process.
1964 – Harbours Act 1964 – – – – latest available
1969 – Statute Laws (Repeals) Act 1969 – UK Public General Acts 1969 c. 52 – – – – latest available –
1971 – Wild Creatures And Forest Laws Act – Text was altered by Lord Cranbrook in the House of Lords to include Sturgeons instead of Royal Fish.
1979 – Merchant Shipping Act 1979 –
1980 – Limitation Act 1980 – not propelled by oars – – – – Whole Act without Schedules
1988 – July 20th – Her Majesty the Queen -“The Bill of Rights and the Scottish Claim of Right of 1689, still part of statute law, are the sure foundation on which the whole edifice of Parliamentary democracy rests, and had great influence abroad, especially in the United States of America and in the Commonwealth.”
1972 – Essex River Authority Act 1972
1987 – Essex Act 1987 –
Search for ‘guts’
“owner” has the meaning given by section 343 of the [Public Health] Act of 1936
” owner” means the person for the time being receiving the rackrent of the premises in connection with which the word is used, whether on his own account or as agent or trustee for any other person, or who would so receive the same if those premises were let at a rackrent;
Refers to section 290 of the 1936 Act
Public Health Act 1936 –
Water Industry Act 1991
Water Resources Act 1991
1993 – July 21st, the Speaker of The House of Commons, Betty Boothroyd, said: “There has of course been no amendment to The Bill of Rights . . . ”
1993 – The Merchant Shipping (Local Passenger Vessels)(Masters’ Licences and Hours, Manning and Training) Regulations 1993 – –
1993 – The Merchant Shipping (Registration, etc.) Act 1993 (Commencement No. 1 and Transitional Provisions) Order 1993 –
1999 – Merchant Shipping (Life Saving Appliances for Passenger Ships of Classes III to VI(A)) Regulations 1999(1). –
- 1995 c. 21: sections 85 and 86 were amended by the Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997 (c. 8), section 8.
2006 – The Merchant Shipping (Inland Waterway and Limited Coastal Operations) (Boatmasters’ Qualifications and Hours of Work) Regulations 2006 –
Revoked –
2009 – Marine and Costal Access Act 2009 – – A Marine Policy Statement (An “MPS”) is a document. Therefore an MPS is a Marine Policy Document, which can also be a Marine Insurance document – – There are outstanding changes not yet made by the editorial team to Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Those changes will be listed when you open the content using the Table of Contents below. Any changes that have already been made by the team appear in the content and are referenced with annotations.
2010 The Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Medical Certification) Regulations 2010
2010 – Person referred to as P (As in poor badge from 1697)
2011 – PLA river works licence –
2014 – Port of London (Inland Waterways [advertising]) –
2015 – The Merchant Shipping (Boatmasters’ Qualifications, Crew and Hours of Work) Regulations 2015 –
2017 – The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) (Amendment) Regulations 2017
2021 – Nationality and Borders Bill – Still using the ‘P’ badge to mark the Poor from 1697 page 5
More research needed.
See this for info about the various legal jurisdictions
Port State Control
International Labour Organisation
Government statutes referring to mca are referring to both
Mca – Midwife care assistant – maritime and costguard agency
Boatmasters and midwives both have to revalidate their certificates of competency
An agent, very broadly, means someone who has authority, whether express or implied, to change or enter into legal relations on behalf of another person or business, and does so, whether intentionally or not.