This is what you are fighting for, an end to corporate greed and tyrannical government.

It can all be achieved by a return to Common Law.


Common Law is very simple.


It gives you the freedom to do what you will as long as you follow the following maxim:

Do no harm.

It is the jurisdiction of the Land and Soil.

Never go to court, or respond to any official documents.


These requests, demands and summons are from the jurisdiction of the Sea.


Governmental legislation only applies to those in their jurisdiction.


What the government calls law (in the Sea) is just legislation to those on the land. 


They have no authority over living people.


They say so themselves.


Their law (legislation) says a person may be a corporate being (or such like, the important word is corporate i.e. dead).


They do not say a person may be a living being. They have allowed us to assume that.

The government court system regards us as dead, due to self referencing obscure legislation.

In case you don’t understand:

Imagine I have two cars, a Ford and a Ferrari and you ask to borrow one.

If I say “You may borrow the Ford”, that doesn’t give you permission to borrow the Ferrari.

As usual the truth has been in plain sight all the time.

A person can only be a corporate being not a live one, no living thing is given permission to be a person in the jurisdiction of the Sea.

Moving on


Court is where the king made decisions for chancery law, which then got mixed up with common law to form King’s Equity Law, courtesy of Lord Mansfield in the 1760’s..

This invented legislation introduced victimless crimes. As there was no victim, no compensation was due. However breeches of pointless legislation resulted in fines being levied.


Of course, these practices continue until this day, with the madness of fines for opening a shop or walking in a crowd.


It is just an excuse to attempt to extort money from people going peaceably about their business.


Those crimes that are not victimless, such as rape and murder are not thoroughly investigated, as they take time and the accused are frequently acquitted and therefore yield no money for the Crown.


Those that are imprisoned are effectively used for slave labour. 


Each has a trust made in their name, the future value of which is gambled on by ‘futures’ traders.


Don’t Cha just love those bankers.


Well, you’re complicit in those activities if you have an ISA or a pension. Think on that. 


Your prudent investment is built on the endeavours of those incarcerated poor who are unable to afford to pay a good lawyer.


Take your money out, buy silver or gold, if you must have savings.


But remember the people who dig precious metals from the ground are slaves to the governments, through large corporations.


Rather invest in yourselves, learn practical skills that will be useful when the world changes for the better, skills that will enhance the lives of your fellow men and women.


Everything has a cost / benefit calculation to it, which is why older people are arrested on demonstrations. They are less likely to fight back and more likely to pay up when fined.


This cost/benefit explains why the evil eviction legislation was brought in.

Most landlords run their ‘property portfolio’ as a limited company, which in turn is a trust fund generating money for the government.

If people are living in houses and no money is coming in, the government owned trusts become worth less.

No way do the government want less money coming in, so they despicably overrode common law repossession (difficult and unsuccessful) with eviction legislation (easy and successful).

Compensation is awarded for some common law crimes, such as assault perhaps. However at the same time the Crown are very careful to also get their costs covered as well as imposing a fine.


I hope this explains common law and why we have legislation in an easy to understand form.


If I want to stand under a tree, I stand under a tree. If I want to stand under common law, I stand under common law.


I don’t need to tell anyone that I am standing under common law, it should be a self evident truth, because ignorance of the law is no excuse.


Legislation never applies to me. I cannot contract with a company as it is a non-living entity.

No-one has any right to bother me or you with their petty, money grabbing, rules and regulations.


The sooner everyone, especially police, bailiffs and the military realises this, the sooner this madness ends.


To paraphrase the Gospel of Samuel L Jackson’s Jules Winnfield in Pulp Fiction; 


Now is the time to strike down upon those, who would poison and destroy our brothers and sisters, with rightful vengeance and furious anger, and they will know our name is the people, when we lay our vengeance upon them.


Common law courts can do all that.