There are two types of authority in the world; law and legislation
Living people are covered by law
Non-living things, such as companies and financial instruments, which have living people speaking for them, are covered by legislation.
The law of the living takes precedence over the legislation of the non-living in every case
This means government legislation does not ever need to be obeyed.
All governments know this, but have concocted a fictional world in their jurisdiction to fool us
That is to say, for everything valuable in the world, there is a trust, or multiple trusts.
These are identified by similar names to things in the real world
These similar names apply to real things (people, properties vehicles etc), services (gas, electric, water, phone etc.) and conceptual things (insurance, taxes)
This dates from 1302, when the Pope of the time claimed the whole world into a trust fund.
He convinced the world that by owning this trust, the whole world was his, but it wasn’t of course. (The physical things are in possession of whomsoever is making use of them. More on this further down.)
Since then this global trust has been divided into billions of smaller trusts.
These legislative trusts are used to scam money from living people.
This is how it is done.
Envelopes, with the name of a trust showing through a window, requesting or demanding payment for something, are put in the postal system.
This is not post in the jurisdiction of the common law of the land, but rather internal mail in the legislative jurisdiction of the government.
Lawful post will include: an addressed envelope;a lawful stamp; and a full and complete physical return address where someone may reside or work
A window envelope has no address on it, therefore it is not post.
A ‘frank’ is evidence of Royal Mail payment, not a lawful stamp.
A PO Box is not an address.
Mark the (unaddressed) envelope (jettisoned mail, not post), ‘Unclaimed’ and ‘Return to sender’.
International Post Law is enacted to prevent a living man or woman, opening post [and mail] not addressed to the opener.
The postal workers aren’t told about the scam, which they are part of, as it is detrimental to them and they are being scammed too.
The postal workers ‘wrongly’ deliver the internal mail containing a request for payment to innocent people with similar reference details (Names and address) to those of the trust, that show through the window..
The living people don’t realise the difference between mail and post and ‘voluntarily’ make a contribution to the designated trust bank account, as they have not been educated about the existence of trusts with similar legal names to their lawful names.
The people running the government and the courts and the police and the military are the same ones who send out the letters asking for voluntary payments.
However, the government scam all their ‘officers’ too and laugh at their stupidity of not knowing what is really going on
The instant we stop paying, their whole house of cards comes tumbling down and their power is at an end.
We, the people, then move from the tyranny of millions of legislative rules, to the simple law of the land.
We can hold those who have harmed us to account, and punish them as we see fit.
What we possess (the home we live in, what we make regular use of within our homes and work buildings and tools for our business) is ours.
That which we do not possess is someone else’s or nobody’s, like common land.
The transition can be very swift but there are likely to be hiccups on the road ahead.
Hiccups are much more benign than experimental vaccines.
Start now, stop all payments to mortgages, loans, credit cards, utilities, etc. taxes. The planet is ours to enjoy once more.
How do I know all this works, because I’ve been ignoring their internal mail for the best part of a decade, having had requests and demands for payment £60 – 80 000.
They can’t take action because I don’t acknowledge their jurisdiction.
At first I ignored it because of circumstance. Then it gradually dawned on me that if I ignored them all that happened was that I got a bit more wrongly delivered mail through my letter box. No police taking me away for non payment.
So I started looking into why ignoring them worked so well. Finally in early March 2021 I found out.
By ignoring them I’d unknowingly put myself in another jurisdiction where they can’t touch me.
If you do the same, all your current debt is instantly cancelled, and with no income the cabal is history.
Any questions, read the rest or get in touch (details at the top.)
Longer version
This will take about ten to twenty minutes to read. Some will understand the implications straight away. Many are likely to disbelieve the conclusion, until they see others acting upon the new truth.
This truth will be unbelievable to many, but eventually it will become obvious that it is the only possible conclusion to come to, given the information.
If you want freedom, but are looking inside the system to find it, you are looking in the wrong place.
Like Neo in ‘The Matrix’, you can only find the way to freedom outside of the system you are in.
I have been able to (metaphorically) see the system from the outside and this document will enable you to see what I saw.
This document pulls the curtain away from in front of the Wizard of Oz.
This document explains why you currently own nothing and have only illusory freedom in the current system.
There is more evidence to come, but due to the pressures of time upon us, this will suffice for now.
About the document
I start with the most important implications.
This is followed by an explanation of the situation as it is and then the explanation of how we got here, interspersed with evidence as to why what is written here is the truth.
I will provide some ideas for the way forward and other implications, but the way forward is not for any one man or group of people to decide.
State control is at and end
Most importantly all state control is now at an end, because all their legislation has been discovered to be fraudulent. We have been tricked into funding the state through coercion.
The necessity to have a test or vaccination for entry to anywhere or for travel anywhere is at an end. The perpetrators can face any sentence we, the people, decide including hanging, drawing and quartering.
Also, fiat currency (money created from thin air) is at an end. But don’t worry, all your currency is now asset backed. There is no need to get all your cash out of the bank, but the world has now changed enormously.
This is not immediately obvious because what has changed is the illusory fiat currency system. We could not see it. Now that it is over, the system still looks the same.
But there are different laws governing everything now.
The whole world will wake up to this and effect more change in the hours, days, weeks and months to come.
All debt to corporations is at an end. Ownership of property is also at an end, but possession is not. So if you live somewhere, you currently possess that property (If you possess something, you are making regular use of), even if you rent it or have a mortgage on it.
If you own a property portfolio, you only have the right to possess one of those properties as your main dwelling.
You never need to pay any more for anything that you possess, so if you currently use a car, van, house, flat, house boat, it is yours to continue using for free until you, as part of we, the people, decide on reasonable charges to keep the planet running.
The system will be kept running, but the rewards will go to those who put in their time and effort to keep the system running, not their corporate masters.
People will make their own ethical choices on which businesses to support. If people choose good, all will prosper. If not we will return to a few having the power.
Where we are now
This is a moment in history like no other.
The deceit, which has clouded our minds and the tyranny that deprives eight billion souls of their freedom, comes to an end here and now.
Those, whom we thought were looking after us, were doing nothing of the sort. They were exploiting us, on a global basis. Just as they exploited our ancestors, for generations.
They sent them to war to kill them for profit, they starved them for profit and now they inject them for profit.
They did it by controlling the Church at the highest level. Then used its power not for good, but for evil. This brought governments under their control too.
That led to control of the education system, so that they could divert our minds and keep from you that which I am about to reveal.
The most important concept to grasp
There four separate jurisdictions of law
We are never educated about this, or its ramifications
Those whom we currently believe have authority over us are aware of and respect these jurisdictions.
However, they interweave the ones that they control with others that they don’t control, through the use of deliberately deceitful language.
The jurisdictions are named Soil, Land, Sea and Air.
They do not overlap.
You cannot be in two jurisdictions at once.
But you can move from one jurisdiction to another of your own volition
Should you do harm in one jurisdiction and leave it, you can be pursued into the other.
That is not to say that this is the ultimate truth, just what currently applies worldwide and is based on Biblical/Roman Law.
That means we can look to the Bible, even if we aren’t religious, to find the rules that we should live under.
The jurisdiction of the Soil
This applies to the individual.
Its existence is confirmed in documentation pertaining to the United States. It refers to the soil that God created Man from
The authority in this jurisdiction is the self.
This allows you the freedom to do whatever you will, as long as you cause no harm to others. It also allows you to have possessions that others cannot take from you. It allows you to give consent for others to do things to you. No-one has authority over you on the Land or Soil as long as you follow this law.
The jurisdiction of the Land
This Applies to interactions between individuals and groups
The authority in this jurisdiction is a jury of 12 men and/or women.
Its existence is confirmed in The Bible
Basically the laws of this jurisdiction are:
Do no harm
If you do harm, redress the situation.
If you do not redress, then expect to be punished by the group
Once again, no-one has authority over you or your group, as long as you don’t encroach on another individual or group. Groups can possess property, but members of the group are jointly liable for harm done by the group. They can also contract with individuals or other groups.
The jurisdiction of the Sea
This applies when multiple people are at sea in a vessel.
Here is where things get a little more complicated. For instance, if everyone sat on one side of a boat it might capsize.
So when at sea, there is a hierarchy and those who are deemed to be better versed in the art of seamanship have the highest authority.
This means the crew have authority over passengers, but they must all yield to the highest authority; the captain.
The captain has authority to set rules of behaviour that all must obey for the safety of the vessel. These rules are not the same for every vessel worldwide though, as they will vary depending on the type of vessel and operating environment.
Such rules are said to be made in Colour of Law.
Colour of Law means they must be obeyed, but only when at sea in some sort of vessel, so the Colour of Law rules end when you leave the vessel and step onto land.
If you get into another vessel, then that captain’s particular rules apply.
These laws give no authority over you if you are not endangering others.
The jurisdiction of the Air
This lies ‘beyond the sea’, and originally had no flying machines to deal with, but instead dealt with spiritual matters of the intangible, immortal soul.
The authority was God (Remember we are referring to the current world wide legal system)
The word of God on Earth is contained in The New Testament. So that would be our prime source for checking the truth of Church edicts.
On Earth, authority for the spirit was originally split between churches. However the Roman Catholic Church effectively appointed itself as the authority, through hotly disputed interpretation of the Bible and the use of monetary influence.
Church legislation operates under Colour of Law as it only applies to those who wish to belong to the Church.
Church law is also known as Canon or Ecclesiastical law.
The difference between legal and Lawful
Colour of Law jurisdictions are also known as legal jurisdictions as opposed to the Lawful jurisdictions of the Soil and Land.
However within their own jurisdictions the legal authorities refer to their regulation and statutes as law. (This is the beginning of the deliberate scheme to mix jurisdictions)
Confusion of the Jurisdictions
Some didn’t like this arrangement and wanted power and authority over others.
However, as you have just seen, the only jurisdictions that they could have authority in, to make rules for others to obey, were the jurisdictions of the Sea and the Air.
So, in order to get power, they took the immutable, inviolable laws of the Soil and the Land, which have applied to living men and women since time immemorial and hid them behind their fraudulent modern facade of Commercial (Sea) and Canon (Air) Law..
If they could have made laws that apply to us on the Land and Soil they would, but they didn’t.
That would have been a step too far against the laws of God, to whom they look for authority.
They know exactly where their authority starts and ends, which is why they have been so diligent in trying to conceal it. But not quite diligent enough, as this document shows.
Through chicanery they now allow us to mistakenly incriminate ourselves in their fraudulent jurisdiction, then have their courts and bleed us of the fruits of our labours.
They also abused their power by getting our forefathers to swap gold and silver for paper, insisting it was just for convenience, was worth just as much and could be swapped at any time.
Eventually they changed their minds and said paper was no longer worth as much as gold or silver, but don’t worry, you can just carry on as normal anyway and we’ll keep the precious metals, thank you very much.
Nowadays they deliberately fail to tell the good living men and women, who work for them and whom they are in charge of educating, about their deceits.
They pretend to assume that the people they hire know about the deceit and need no education.
Why do they make this assumption?
This ‘assumption’ is made because they see people are making use of their non physical legal constructs such as bank accounts, mortgages, investment schemes, registration certificates and such like.
The ‘assumption’ is that no-one would use something if they didn’t know how it worked.
So, it is then, that many of their workers act against their fellow man, thinking that they are working for good, but they are being duped and acting wrongly against us.
See this for info about the various legal juridictions done by Brian Guignard
The history of the deception
All statute laws worldwide originate with the Church (and have been largely distributed to around the globe via the British government’s military forces), so by examining the Church we can expose what is going on.
There is no need to be religious to believe this, it is just how things are. This means that we can look to the rules of the Church, which are contained in The Bible, to see if they are following their own rules, which have been laid down by their higher authority
In 1302 Pope Benedict VIII issued a Papal Bull, claiming charge of the world and everything in it and that the Church would not rest until every person was under the control of the Roman Pontiff. He formed the legal Unam Sanctam trust to take care of these claimed possessions until the Messiah’s return. In the meantime he would administer it.
He backed his claim through fear of retribution, highly un-Christian.
This trust was gradually divided into three other main trusts. The pope created Crown officers of these trusts. Whoever the pope bestowed the crown on administered the trust.
Rather than naming the Crowns after the jurisdictions which the Crown officer was claimed to have authority over, they were named as follows:
The Crown of the Commonwealth (Soil jurisdiction)
The Crown of Aragon (Land jurisdiction)
The Crown of the Sea (Sea jurisdiction)
In legal language (Glossa) a trust is a Person.
This was contrary to the word of God, the one who had authority over the Pope.
What you possess is all yours, the place you live in, the car you drive, everything. Their game is up. A brave new world is upon us.
In the Bible in Romans 2:11 it states “For there is no respect of persons with God.”
So, from the very beginning, the Roman Catholic Church is breaking its own law, which makes everything that follows null and void.
However, the hierarchy of the Church proceeded as if it were truth.
In 1537, Pope Paul III started the issuance of baptism certificates, by which parents freely donated the soul of the baptised child to the Church, by completion of a baptism certificate, a practice that continues today.
A certificate is evidence of a deposit.
This ‘’voluntary deposition’ (de[from] position) of the child’s soul, moves the life force of the soul from the jurisdiction of the soil, to the jurisdiction of the air. This however means that the Church and the parents have trespassed on the jurisdiction of the soil from the jurisdictions of the Air (Church) and Land (parents). Once again, this makes the ‘contract’ null and void
The soul was cared for by Cestui Qui Vie (He Who Lives) trusts. It may come as a surprise that the Church was then able to raise money against the ‘value’ of these souls.
It is a maxim of law that something freely given cannot be reclaimed. So there was no chance of the living soul, which had been ‘freely given’, ever returning. That is something the Church might now like to reconsider, lest the selling of and profiting from souls be confused with dealing with the reaper of souls; Satan.
Furthermore, in the twisted logic of the Church, this donation of the soul then left the body destitute (legally abandoned) or lifeless. This fact is naturally hidden from the parents, who would be horrified.
This ‘lifeless’ body was then regarded as something dead ‘lying’ on the Land, so it could then become a possession of whoever ‘found’ it. Having no ‘life’, the body could not possess anything either and thus its possessions were also claimed by whoever found it
The body and possessions would of course be returned into the charge of the living soul when it returned from beyond the sea.
The Pope then created The Crown of the Sea and bestowed it on King Henry VIII. This put Henry in charge of all of the trusts of the lifeless bodies who were ‘lost at sea, while their soul was beyond the sea.
Cunningly, Henry ‘re-animated’ the bodies through his laws dealing with relief for the poor (relief meaning re-live or re-animate and not a charitable donation of money). These destitute paupers were registered (registration meaning ‘of the king’) on parish rolls
This registration was similar to the Vatican’s soul reaping, baptism scam, but was applied to the body and possessions.
This meant that about 95% of England’s population were legally (law of the sea) slaves as were all those that had their birth registered after them.
Thus Henry was able to raise money, against the worth of the people’s possessions and the future earnings of their ‘re-animated’ bodies, to fund his never ending wars.
The souls of the wealthy were not taken, as their baptism was not certificated, but rather recorded, which preserves the soul within the body.
While some of Henry’s parliament were uneasy with these actions, they were persuaded to pass the laws through a mixture of bribery and threats. These laws are still in force today, which means we are all slaves.
The earnings of the body and soul are taken through voluntary taxes, which started with ‘Peter’s Pence’, and other charges, not to fund the country, but rather to go into giant slush funds for The Crown and The Vatican.
This situation continued until 1816, when, following the bankrupting of the Bank of England immediately after the Battle of Waterloo, The Crown of the Sea was transferred to the Temple Bar and the judiciary in the City of London (a city-state that is still legally separate from Britain). The baptism scam continues today, with large kickbacks going to the Vatican.
The international bankers that took over the Bank of England effectively controlled the government as they controlled the money supply and had a great currency reset via The Coinage Act of 1816
To raise even more revenue the people who ran the British government came up with yet another ruse, whereby they would allow the slaves to vote if they were registered once more.
They started with the richest (as the poor had little to contribute) in the Reform act of 1832. Although they had already trialled it in America in 1828.(You thought the Americans won the War of Independence? George Washington was King George III’s cousin).
As the industrial revolution kicked in and more people could afford to pay, they worked their way down the social scale ‘allowing’ more to register again in 1867 and 1884 until finally all men got the vote in 1918.
Women of substance were also conned into registering in 1918. By 1928 all women over the age of 21 were registered and finally in 1969 more of both sexes were added as the age was reduced to 18.
Interesting that it is being suggested that the age should be lowered to 16. That’s right, they are coming for your children once more.
Not that voting would ever change anything, except around the fringes, but once again it deceived people into volunteering themselves.
Representation, you probably think means you have a representative. In fact it means you are being re-presented as the asset of a new financial trust.
This trust will of course once again be financed by imposing yet more charges on the general public through real and stealth taxes.
So much of the people’s work was yet again put into trusts and money was yet again raised, against their worth, to yet again fund military campaigns around the world.
The vanquished were then ‘freed’ by yet again offering the voter registration and they and their possessions rolled up into further trusts. Makes you think differently about freedom fighters perhaps.
It was in order to extend the number of taxpayers worldwide that ‘Britain’ colonised virtually the whole globe.This was not for the benefit of Britain, but rather those behind the scenes, which is why we have food banks and homelessness.
In the 1760’s Lord Mansfield initiated change in the courts and brought in King’s Equity Law.
This was basically another cash cow, whereby those who did wrong were fined, but the fine did not go to the person who was wronged, in redress, rather it was just added to the giant slush fund, which is what still happens up until this very last day of deceit.
From 1873 the Judicature Acts mixed the Common law courts with the courts of equity. This led to a thorough confusion of jurisdictions, making it absolutely impossible for anyone who was in the system to know quite which jurisdiction that they were in.
This was especially the case for the vast majority of the Police, Judiciary and other legal enforcers, such as those who work for councils, tax offices, as well as the driver and vehicle and other licensing agencies. They were deliberately kept in the dark too.
Most of these workers, who are named officers to differentiate them from other workers (officer simply comes from the Latin ‘opus’ meaning work), are given a uniform, so that the public think that they are dealing with an authoritative organisation rather than an individual.
Remember, a thing can not be in two jurisdictions at once.
Acting as a police officer, the policeman or woman has no jurisdiction over anyone on the Land.
Acting as a Man or Woman on the land, they lack the Colour of Law authority, which they have in the jurisdiction of the Sea.
To overcome the inconvenience of us, the people, being in a separate jurisdiction, the government simply came up with a fictitious sea to cover the land.
Remember, they have the Crown of the Sea from the Pope, so they added inland waterways, then ports, then land along the coast, then built canals, then post roads over which they claimed jurisdiction for commercial matters, then railways, which they converted to inland waterways by legal semantics. Finally they covered the country with post routes which they now call postcodes.
Pathetically, they claim jurisdiction over us, as we use these codes when we complete their offer of contract registration forms for bank accounts and vehicles etc.
They use these offers so they claim that we have a contract with them. Of course they know that contracts are only valid with full disclosure on both sides and signed by both parties.
But the deceit didn’t stop there, oh no. All these fraudulent trusts are named similarly to the living men and women, who populate the jurisdictions of the soil, or the trusts are named similarly to your possessions, such as homes and vehicles.
There are multiple trusts with similar details to yours:
Mr Ferris Bueller
Mr Ferris J Bueller
Mr F J Bueller
Ferris Jon Bueller
Ferris Jonathon Bueller
All have slight differences and yet none of them are the real Ferris Bueller. They are all relating to financial instruments in a different jurisdiction, rather than the living man.
Most of you will have an image of the guy from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, but he isn’t Ferris Bueller is he? He’s Matthew Broderick. See how easy it is to have an image of one thing that is really a disguise for something else? They look identical, but one is a persona. A fictional Person.
The government then writes their ‘laws’ to refer to these trusts, or ‘Persons’ as they have defined them in their jurisdiction. They can’t refer to persons in any other jurisdiction, as they have no authority over them. It seems mad, but living people don’t exist in the legal world.
The government also deliberately gives legal constructs similar names to other physical things to further obscure what they are doing. They write both the legal and common dictionaries too, to keep us going round in circles.
So when a government, or bank or insurance or utility or whatever letter is put into the postal system and addressed to a person it should really go to the trust of the same name.
You’ll know when they are pulling this scam as there won’t be an named person and physical address on the envelope, nor will there be an address that can be visited as a return address.
The scams use unaddressed envelopes with a PO box for returns. The name and address is not on the envelope, but shows through a window, which allows people to see from the Lawful jurisdiction of the land, into the legislative jurisdiction that the internal document refers to.
Other evidence that this is internal ‘mail’, rather than ‘post’ is the fact that mail is ‘franked’ with a printed image, while Lawful post has a stamp, that has value affixed to it.
However the mail can never reach the trust, as it is a non physical legal construct, so the letter ‘accidentally’ reaches a living person whose contact details are similar to those on the internal document.
The living person naturally thinks that the letter refers to them and so is usually duped into making a voluntary payment of some kind into the trust.
It reaches them because the government owned Post Office doesn’t educate their ‘postal officers’ about the jurisdictions.
The postmen and women have no idea what they are doing is wrong, but as everyone has been so completely duped, there are never any complaints. The trust can’t complain that it isn’t getting mail as it has no mind or voice of its own
The deposit into the trust has to be voluntary as it is from a different jurisdiction (from the Land to the Sea).
Remember those in the jurisdiction of the Sea have no authority over those on the Land.
The dodgy trust administrator (cabal/government/whatever) is quite happy to keep receiving ‘voluntary deposits’ into the trust, as the response to a penalty charge notice, a congestion zone charge, a credit card billing statement, a tax return, a student loan, a hire purchase agreement, vehicle excise duty or whatever.
All through its ’life’, a trust is traded as people or algorithmic machines gamble on the value of future voluntary contributions.
Of course there are unforeseen events, cars crash, people die, houses burn down, people lose their jobs.
To compensate for these eventualities insurance is udes. This is another financial instrument to recompense the trader, left standing with the trust, at the end of its similarly named doppelganger’s physical life.
This insurance too can be gambled and traded, as all the while it is receiving regular top ups.
To compound the fraud the cunning inventors of global fraud use yet another crooked way of working; the legal concept of vicarious liability.
This doctrine imposes responsibility upon one person for the failure of another, with whom the person has a special relationship.
This deceit is used to cross jurisdictions by stealth, connecting a living person to a financial Person or PERSON. Once again this is trespass and so nullifies any authority they might claim over the living person.
I suspect that a vast amount of the legal profession have no idea that they are being used for such nefarious means.
What this boils down to is that you are under no obligation to pay any ‘bill’ except those from a fellow living man, with whom you have personally contracted, with full disclosure. Any other contract is fraudulent and therefore null and void.
So you don’t need to pay corporate or incorporated limited liability companies for any of their goods either, even if you think have signed a contract
To many people this might seem a bridge too far. That’s because you are thinking of the company as the people who own it. That is not the company. It too is a trust that is being traded in stocks and shares.
Even if it is not publicly traded it can be privately traded as it too must be a financial instrument to exist in the jurisdiction of the Sea. People will be betting on its future tax yield and profits.
It’s not just the white collar legal profession and company owners that are being deceived. The way they trick their uniformed military troops and police is on another scale completely.
Legally, the police are not allowed to deal with living men and women, as their jurisdiction is not that of the Land, but rather that of the Sea.
This is why they have to swear an oath of allegiance to the Crown, as it is a non living thing. They cannot swear an oath to the living people due to being on the other side of the jurisdictional boundary.
The government uses the word ‘person’ to allow the police and their other agents to confuse a legal, non corporate person with a lawful living person in order to extort money.
To fund their unimaginably lavish lifestyles, the (cabal/government/whoever) put their uniformed employees in conditions of stress.
If the government told them what the words mean legally rather than lawfully, their jobs could no longer involve arresting people, containing demonstrations and other such unlawful acts against the people.
The government’s contempt for their own employees and officers goes even further though from the office workers, to manual workers and all of the military too..
Anyone who contracts with the government or a company can have ‘income tax’ taken from their pay. This is done by way of a situs trust.
As the trust is controlled by the (cabal/government/whoever) they can also dip their grubby little fingers in and remove deposits made into it i.e. it can also be taxed by the legal rules of that jurisdiction. They take money from employees pay and donate it to themselves
Those who are self employed have no need to pay income tax, as they never contract within the jurisdictions of the sea or air. However they are invited to contract by way of a ‘tax return’ and encouraged to pay up by way of demands and other sharp practice.
High income individuals are conned into forming companies, by offering the government offering complex tax breaks and by deliberately miseducated accountants.
These companies are simply trusts administered (administer – control on the behalf of others) by Companies House, another government agency.
This ensures that the companies stay within the jurisdiction of the government and can be fleeced more easily.
All their tax, rather than just a portion, could have been avoided if they hadn’t tried to avoid it by means of ‘clever’ accounting. Does anyone else see the irony?
Limited liability is not a concept in the law of the land, where all are seen as being responsible for their actions and if they act as part of a group, all are liable under common law.
So anyone sticking anything into anyone’s arm or up anyone’s nose has personal unlimited liability.
If they have acted under instruction those who gave such instruction are also liable for any harm done, as of course are any who produced anything for the purpose of injecting into anyone else without full disclosure and informed consent.
All tax across the planet is a con and in the UK all goes into the giant slush fund of HM Treasury, a private company, of which a proportion is released to the government to fund public projects. Much of this though of course finds its way in the pockets of favoured individuals.
Carrying on with the poor policeman, who has been deceived into acting against his fellow man and also into paying ‘tax’ and stressed through being allowed to operate unlawfully (trespass) on another jurisdiction. The biggest jokes are saved till last.
The government gets the police and military to risk life and limb, and toil for over half their working life so that they can pay a mortgage on somewhere to live, get a licence to drive and a loan for a car.
So why do we have ‘Help for Heroes’ and other charities? Because those in power like to laugh at the utter ‘stupidity’ of the taxpayers who once again contribute more of their hard earned money so the vastly wealthy don’t have to raise a finger.
The living man or woman in the jurisdiction of the Land needs no licence at all, for anything, they have an inalienable right to travel the land and possess property.
No Colour of Law in any other jurisdiction can deny these rights. So if someone wants to drive a car at 200 mph, own a gun or even fly a plane, as long as they cause no harm, no-one has any authority to stop them.
It gets crazier
All mortgages, loans, credit cards, and overdrafts utility bills, in fact anything that comes in an envelope with a widow, as you might now have realised are just more financial instruments with your name.
They are immediately paid off with your signature when you first take them out, because the government can’t pursue you on the Land for payment..
These financial instruments then have a value depending on the current and future expected payments made into that instrument.
‘Billing statements’ in the name of that financial instrument then get sent out and you are tricked into thinking that you owe something, but you don’t.
These aren’t real invoices or bills. They are just ‘statements. And like the Pope’s statement back in 1302 they are not a statement of fact, but one made in order to benefit those in control of the statement.
The average person fears severe retribution for non-payment to financial instruments that have the same descriptions as physical things in the real world. (bills to most people)
But, I must repeat and you must understand, although the trusts that are registered with your name and a description of your property, such as your house and your car, that does not make them the same thing.
Those things that have physical presence cannot be taken away. So when a ‘judge’ issues an order to take possession of a ‘property’, they are ordering that possession be taken of the trust.
That’s all the judge can do, as he has no authority in the jurisdiction of the Land, only in the Sea
It isn’t the judge’s fault if those who are hired for the job get the wrong end of the stick and take possession of the physical thing with the same name.
The more expensive the property, the more likely the billing statements are going to be paid on time. Such a trust will have a higher value, as otherwise the initial ‘loan’ would not have been made.
These trusts are generally safe bets for the hedge funds that trade in them and make billions of Dollars, Pounds or Euros from your lifetime’s hard work. Sucker.
Your credit rating is not for your benefit, but for theirs, to help them assess your potential investment worth.
There has recently been a move to include browsing history in credit scores, as those who have been awakening to the scam have been testing the system by not paying taxes.
Full disclosure here: I have paid no Income Tax for over a decade. I have had a few demands, but no bully boys knocking at my door. I pay no electricity bill, council tax or water rates on my property and haven’t done so for the same amount of time.
I have taken out loans to the tune of around £60 000 and barely repaid anything, (Only intermittently to begin with, before I realised that no action was taken for non-payment)
I am revealing all this now as I only figured out why I didn’t have to pay in March 2021
I still see wrongly delivered internal mail that contains requests, threats and demands, but have simply ignored them.
My property is still in my possession
As for housing, there is a difference between possession and ownership. If you live in a property, whether it is purchased or rented, you are said to possess it.
It can only be repossessed by the decision of a common law jury of your peers. A common law jury is only likely to grant possession to someone else, if you have taken possession while they were temporarily away and it is their only residence.
An eviction notice is served by government legislation and therefore has no authority over living men and women using buildings as their homes or for their working businesses..
A common law jury is never going to see the sense in giving possession to something like a trust, as a trust has no need for a roof over its head.
So you are effectively free to continue to live in the house you possess with no future payments, except in very exceptional circumstances that will be decided by a jury of your peers and not a judge.
So you see my friends, Nesara/Gesara is already here. There is no need to ever make another voluntary payment into a trust fund ever again. Simply cancel all your payments to those wrongly delivered statements.
P.S Some study notes
Why the STRAWMAN is dead
To end corporate greed and tyrannical governments:
Vehicles, not VEHICLES
Find out more about Common Law:
Why you don’t ever need to pay another bill again:
This document, The Red Pill:
See this for excellent info about the various legal juridictions done by Brian Guignard
For more detailed info about the history (ongoing research) of the global madness created by UK legislative Statutes:
Contact me:
Revelation 18
And after these things I saw another messenger coming down out of the heaven, having great authority, and the earth was lightened from his glory,
and he did cry in might — a great voice, saying, `Fall, fall did Babylon the great, and she became a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird,
because of the wine of the wrath of her whoredom have all the nations drunk, and the kings of the earth with her did commit whoredom, and merchants of the earth from the power of her revel were made rich.
And I heard another voice out of the heaven, saying, `Come forth out of her, My people, that ye may not partake with her sins, and that ye may not receive of her plagues,
because her sins did follow — unto the heaven, and God did remember her unrighteousness.
Render to her as also she did render to you, and double to her doubles according to her works; in the cup that she did mingle mingle to her double.
`As much as she did glorify herself and did revel, so much torment and sorrow give to her, because in her heart she saith, I sit a queen, and a widow I am not, and sorrow I shall not see;
because of this, in one day, shall come her plagues, death, and sorrow, and famine; and in fire she shall be utterly burned, because strong [is] the Lord God who is judging her;
Ezekiel 25:15-17
“Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of the doings of the Philistines in vengeance, And they take vengeance with despite in soul, To destroy — the enmity age-during!
Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am stretching out My hand against the Philistines, And I have cut off the Cherethim, And destroyed the remnant of the haven of the sea,
And done upon them great vengeance with furious reproofs, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My giving out My vengeance on them!”
- The Cherethim are those who deal out death – The birth certificate fraud. See how the haven of the sea is destroyed with the ‘furious reproofs’ that are in the document above.
From the Gospel of Matthew 16
1 And the Pharisees and Sadducees having come, tempting, did question him, to shew to them a sign from the heaven,
2 and he answering said to them, `Evening having come, ye say, Fair weather, for the heaven is red,
3 and at morning, Foul weather to-day, for the heaven is red — gloomy; hypocrites, the face of the heavens indeed ye do know to discern, but the signs of the times ye are not able!
4 `A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet;’ and having left them he went away.
5 And his disciples having come to the other side, forgot to take loaves,
6 and Jesus said to them, `Beware, and take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees;’
7 and they were reasoning in themselves, saying, `Because we took no loaves.’
8 And Jesus having known, said to them, `Why reason ye in yourselves, ye of little faith, because ye took no loaves?
9 do ye not yet understand, nor remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many hand-baskets ye took up?
10 nor the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?
11 how do ye not understand that I did not speak to you of bread — to take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?’
12 Then they understood that he did not say to take heed of the leaven of the bread, but of the teaching, of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Here Jesus is saying to take no notice of the legislation, produced by those who are obsessed with other written and unwritten teachings, which is contrary to his own.
13 And Jesus, having come to the parts of Caesarea Philippi, was asking his disciples, saying, `Who do men say me to be — the Son of Man?’
14 and they said, `Some, John the Baptist, and others, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.’
15 He saith to them, `And ye — who do ye say me to be?’
16 and Simon Peter answers referring said, `Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’
17 And Jesus answering said to him, `Happy art thou, Simon Bar-Jona, because flesh and blood did not reveal [it] to thee, but my Father who is in the heavens.
18 `And I also say to thee, that thou art a rock, and upon this rock I will build my assembly, and gates of Hades shall not prevail against it;
When speaking of the rock, Jesus is referring to the lawful Land jurisdiction. This is because it is the one where authority lies over interactions between individual men and women of the Soil.
The soil is everywhere supported by rock (the land beneath the soil)
His assembly is going to be built on the foundations of the Law of the Land, which is very simple; love thy neighbour as thyself.
This statement about the rock has always been a source of disagreement and discussion by the various groups of the Christian faith.
In 1870 Pope Pius IX declared Papal infallibility. Following on from this, he subsequently ruled that the rock referred to Peter.
A definition that separated the Church from the Law of the Land was especially important to the development of the fraudulent primacy of Admiralty (Sea) ‘colour of law’ legislation across the world.
Notwithstanding the papal ruling about Peter, there is the concept of Petrine Primacy. Although this is taken to mean that the word of Peter the Apostle was supreme above the others, the Bible does not bear this out.
This Petrine Primacy refers to the Law of the Land.
19 and I will give to thee the keys of the reign of the heavens, and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens.’
These keys appear on the Vatican coat of arms, as well as those personal to the Popes. It should be noted that this verse does not give the Pope any power to bind anyone in the sea.
The popes have made claims that they have jurisdiction over all men, but the Bible does not bear this out.
20 Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.
21 From that time began Jesus to shew to his disciples that it is necessary for him to go away to Jerusalem, and to suffer many things from the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and to be put to death, and the third day to rise.
22 And having taken him aside, Peter began to rebuke him, saying, `Be kind to thyself, sir; this shall not be to thee;’
23 and he having turned, said to Peter, `Get thee behind me, adversary! thou art a stumbling-block to me, for thou dost not mind the things of God, but the things of men.’
24 Then said Jesus to his disciples, `If any one doth will to come after me, let him disown himself, and take up his cross, and follow me,
25 for whoever may will to save his life, shall lose it, and whoever may lose his life for my sake shall find it,
26 for what is a man profited if he may gain the whole world, but of his life suffer loss? or what shall a man give as an exchange for his life?
This shows that it was wrong for Pope Benedict VIII to claim the whole world for the Unam Sanctam Trust
27 `For, the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of his Father, with his messengers, and then he will reward each, according to his work.
28 Verily I say to you, there are certain of those standing here who shall not taste of death till they may see the Son of Man coming in his reign.’