There follows a radical overhaul of the way we can view ‘law’ and how it has been worked in relation to the Birth Certificate and the three Crowns:
1. The Crown of the Commonwealth (Air jurisdiction, church ‘lands’, as shown on UK Ordnance Survey maps )
2 . The Crown of Aragon (Land jurisdiction,< 6” below the surface of the soil, the ‘land’ of the underworld, as shown on Geological maps)
- The Crown of the Sea (Maritime jurisdiction – high seas and inland waterways, as shown on Naval Charts).
Note that all maps / charts are fictions, mere scaled down 2D representations of where that jurisdiction interfaces with the living soil, of which there is no map.
All three crowns were created by a variety of popes, down the ages, for the rulers of particular sections of their great fiction.
This really got going with the Unam Sanctam trust in 1302, where the Earth was effectively declared to be a great big stage and renamed the World, or Globe.
Uncoincidentally, the Globe was the name of the theatre popularised by Shakespeare’s plays, which were written to serve as an education about the fictional nature of law.
Each of the three crowns is bestowed upon whoever can provide the most ‘favours’ to the pope, but can be withdrawn and reappointed to another at any time, following the maxim that he who creates controls.
Those three jurisdictions are fictions of law. The only truth to them is that man cannot live in any of the jurisdictions.
The true global jurisdiction is that of the Soil, as it totally covers the land around the planet, both below the atmosphere and the waves.
To enhance the fiction, all maps that are made are designed to enable the usurpation of the primacy of the soil, by mapping the interface of the jurisdiction in a variety of ways.
Admiralty, or maritime, maps are made by mapping the contours of the sea bed, the interface of the waters with the soil.
Land, or geological maps are made by mapping the strata of rock, where they interface with the soil.
Air, or ordinance (British Ordnance Survey) maps are made by mapping the contours of the air, where it interfaces with the soil.
All of these are created by those who would try to cheat us of our birthright and extract our sweat equity and more, with no effort on their part.
There are many stories told about our plight, from the Bible to the Wizard of Oz and even in Christmas carols. So the ideas in this article are nothing new.
What is likely to be new is discovering the definitions of a variety of words and actions that are used to deceive people in places across the planet.
This is how it is done.
When an infant is born a Certificate of Live Birth is created, giving it a (Law of the Land) Lawful name and recording its weight. A blood sample is frequently (maybe always?) taken by the means of pricking the baby’s heel and it has also been the practice that a footprint should be taken.
As an aside, the Law of the Land only applies in buildings as, according to law ‘Land includes buildings’ thus excluding everywhere else, by the maxim of law ‘Unius inclusio, alterius exclusio’.
But wait.
Pretty well all of these practices are done incorrectly. This is because the medical staff are mistakenly applying their knowledge of day to day, English language to that of a different, fictional jurisdiction of law, which they are unaware that they are operating in.
So we’ll have a look at that first, before getting on with the birth action.
Jumping Jurisdictions, Batman!
Moving between jurisdictions has become so much a part of an unthinking routine for most people on the planet that they are not aware when they have changed jurisdictions.
Jurisdictional change is done by signing a contract, then demonstrating this outwardly to the public, by following its rules, dress code (uniform), deference to rank authority, location and identifying themselves by their job title.
In the public facing part of the hospital all the medical staff have to wear a uniform or identification of some sort.
This indicates that they are no longer operating as themselves in the jurisdiction of the soil, but have been presumed (via various edicts and proclamations) to have taken on an office, or persona, on the World’s stage, with some sort of title of rank and have become an officer.
Officer comes from the latin ‘officina’ which has the meaning of sect, or clique.
The public, merely by their presence in the hospital and interacting with the staff are also presumed to have taken on the persona of the officer with the lowest ranking title in that jurisdiction.
While playing this lowest ranking part, the public therefore has no hierarchical authority of rank to question the word of any of the uniformed staff, they are just there to obey orders.
Places Everyone
Now that ‘the stage is set’, let’s hope the actors have learned their lines and are ready to follow their cues.
When on the Soil, English is the common day to day language, but this changes once in the hospital, with the donning of the uniform and the acceptance / use of the title; nurse, doctor, etc.
The official language of the hospital, i.e. the one presumed to be spoken by its officers, is the language of the Law of the Land.
They don’t speak day to day English, even though it sounds like and is written the same as English, many of the words have meanings quite different to those that the man on the Soil would take them to have.
On the Soil, an infant is seen as a living baby, but Lawfully an infant is defined as being unable to speak. This would appear to tally with the English understanding of the word.
However, Lawfully, to speak is to ‘utter with the mouth’, which is subtly different, as uttering a cry would not be seen as speaking on the Soil, where it is regarded as intelligible speech.
Logically therefore, anything that can utter with the mouth is not an infant.
Read that again, in a different way. In the Lawful World, an infant cannot make a sound.
That is very important, it’s why living people can’t be heard in the jurisdictional courts.
Now that the stage is set and we assume that the players have learned their lines.
Let’s get back to the birth.
When a baby is born, a member of the medical team quickly steps in and cuts the umbilical cord, separating the baby from the placenta, which will be born shortly afterward.
The placenta is delivered into a dish (manger) to prevent it touching the soil(ed) sheets
It is then put in a bin. BIN also means Banking Identification Number.
This cutting of the cord is done by one of the medical staff (actors), acting on the cue of the baby being delivered.
One of the medical team then smacks the baby’s bottom, to check for an utterance, to see if it can speak; in a Lawful, not English, manner, of course.
Upon hearing the baby utter a cry, the stage directions would now cause the doctors and nurses to identify the baby as not being an infant, because a Lawful infant makes no sound.
However these medical experts then get stage fright, they forget the cue (or more likely never read the lines telling them how to identify an infant) and, ignoring the baby’s cry, now act as if the crying baby were the soundless infant.
However the Lawful infant can only be something that has been born by the mother, which is unable to utter from the mouth.
It can’t be the baby, as has already been noted
The only thing born of the mother, which is incapable of uttering, as it has no mouth, is, of course, the silent placenta.
Back to where we came in.
The medical staff should therefore enter the placenta’s weight and ‘footprint’ as the Lawful infant’s Live Birth details, but, because they are unaware of the Lawful definition of infant as being the placenta, they enter the details of the baby.
The blood taken from the baby is consanguineous, the same as and shared, with the placenta. So the details of the blood are correct for the placenta. Everything else is wrong though.
The weight of the baby is likely at least ten times, if not more, than that of the placenta. The footprint is of course quite different.
It may seem silly to suggest that a placenta has a foot print and the truth is it doesn’t, it has a footprint (all one word), as do buildings and nowadays even people have a carbon footprint.
So prints of the left side and right side of the placenta should be taken, but they aren’t of course.
Finally comes the question of the name. The mother should be asked the infant’s name, but most likely gets asked, “What’s his (or ‘her’, or ‘the baby’s’) name?”
Naturally the mother tells the medical staff what her baby is going to be called, and once again this is wrongly entered as the name of the infant.
There you have it folks. The blacksmith of the gods, Hades, has forged a new identity.
Providentially, in the manner of Prometheus, you are now receiving the light of knowledge from this forge of the gods
End of Act One, almost.
There remains the matter of what happened to the Lawful infant, the separated placenta, which contained vital nutrient carrying blood that is the baby’s birthright.
The placenta is Lawfully considered to be an abandoned stillbirth, (yet another redefinition of a word) even though its connection to the baby was deliberately cut, as it is, of course, unmoving.
Not only does the stillbirth definition hold, but the relevant law further holds that a stillbirth excludes death (with no time limit implied).
The Lawfully undead placenta is then placed on a dish for removal.
The dish can be seen as a receptacle for animal feed, a manger.
Following the etymology of ‘manger’ leads to the Latin ‘mandor’ meaning ‘to hand over’ as well as to ‘entrust’. Thus a trust is created from the placenta.
This follows the maxim of law ‘There is no form without substance.’ The people who create these fictions have to base them on some (twisted) facts.
This chain of people involved in the cutting of the umbilical cord and the removal of the ‘abandoned’ placenta means that ownership can be transferred, due to the ruling in the case of Thomas Haslem v. William A. Lockwood, Connecticut, (1871) about abandoned horse manure.
Lawfully, whoever takes possession of the placenta is then able to sell it on the open market.
Buy Buy Baby, Baby Buy Buy.
[What follows may be somewhat wrong in the order of occurrence and other details, also the terms lawful and legal may also be confused, but that does not alter the essence.]
From here one of two routes may be taken to end up with effectively similar results.
The king of whichever fictional jurisdiction (land, sea or air) holds the placental infant has already got evidence of the weight of the infant from the hospital, via its (wrongly completed, remember) Live Birth Record.
He can then sell this for its weight in gold, to someone who values the life (and DNA bearing) blood content more than gold.
It seems reasonable that the one that values blood more than gold is the one with an abundance of gold, this would most likely point to a sale from the jurisdiction of the air to the jurisdiction of the land.
However it may be that the placenta is already in the land or underworld, the hospital being owned by that jurisdiction and that the spirit world wants the incorporeal essence of life and so will pay for it with the gold that it has acquired.
Whichever way this plays out, once the blood essence of life has been removed from the placenta, there still remains the bag of flesh, or vessel, that contained that life.
Whether the life and vessel are divided by the first owner, or it happens in a chain, is unimportant. The main idea is that this is essentially what happens.
The lifeless vessel is naturally sold to the king of the sea, who is always on the lookout for more vessels.
Aha, now I get it
That being the case, if the king of the Sea is always after more vessels (neither of the others would be interested in them) it seems likely that the king of the air, or spirits, is always after more life essences and the king of the land will be seeking to recover any gold that has been removed from his domain.
My reasoning, then, is that the infant is born into the hospital, in the jurisdiction of the underworld, the land, as the agents of the underworld have built the hospital up through the soil from the lifeless rocks of the land.
Only the roof of the building, as the top 6” covering the building, is regarded by those within the construct as being in the jurisdiction of the soil. (This might explain why there are so many unfinished buildings in Israel)
The jurisdiction of the air pays for the life essence with gold that it has stacked in tunnels beneath the Vatican.
So although the money of the jurisdiction of the air is already in the underworld, as the pope is head of everything in this fictional World, it need only be moved virtually, simply by transferring ownership on a ledger.
The king of the sea, in charge of all the (unthinking, order following) lifeless vessels hires them out to both rivals, the king of the underworld and the king of the land, to work in commerce for them to build more buildings and as mercenaries of war to destroy those same buildings, without thinking about what they are doing or the consequences of their actions.
Lawful vs Legal
The question of lawful vs legal jurisdiction within the hospital, and other places is confusing me. The building is of the land, but the staff are of the sea. Any thoughts are welcome.
Support for the overall theory
In the Iliad, the sky, sea and underworld are the jurisdictions of the three Olympian brothers who divided the world amongst themselves, following the victory over their Father Cronos and the Titans.
Zeus claimed domain over the sky and the air and was recognized as ruler (also known as the Sky Father). Poseidon was given the sea and all the waters, whereas Hades was given the Underworld, the realm of the dead.
The earth (soil) was left common to all to do as they pleased, even to run counter to one another, unless the brothers (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades) were called to intervene.
We call on them to intervene when we interact with any of their ‘services’. Possible that the stolen placenta is seen as a sacrifice to Hades.
Exodus 25:30 – and thou hast put on the table bread of the presence before Me continually.
The ‘shewbread’ was placed on a gold (land) covered table along with offerings of frankincense (air) and salt (sea).
There is also a phrase in the story about the Trojan Horse which warns about being beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
Interestingly Johnson’s dictionary defines Greece thus:
[corrupted from degrees.] A flight of steps.
This seems to describe freemasonry to a tee. The three wise men of the Bible were likely Freemasons too, which leads us neatly onto this.
In the Biblical story of the nativity the three kings brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The latter was to preserve the placenta (used in mummification by the Egyptian), the frankincense was to sweeten the air, while the gold ensured that Jesus never entered into debt, also known as sin.
These three kings can be identified as those who bore the crowns of the Commonwealth (air), the Underworld (land) and the Sea
The eldest, Melchior, whose name may derive from the Hebrew phrase melki’or, meaning “my king shines”, or the Old Persian melk quart, meaning “city of the king.” brought gold, the first gift, a symbol of the jurisdiction of the land. (Hades, king of the underworld was the oldest son of Chronos)
Caspar, meaning “keeper of the treasure”, The greatest treasure is life. Frankincense was the second gift and is a sweet smelling fragrance suggesting air.
Balthazar, which means “Baal protect the king.” brought myrrh, which was used to anoint the dead, who are Legally found in the jurisdiction of the sea.
More King of the Land
From this it would therefore also appear that the first king to have a claim on the infant is the king of the land.
The infant would therefore be subject to the Law of the Land and be given a Lawful Public Name for identification purposes to create a Lawful Public Person.
The king of the land is likely the Lord Mayor of London, or the Black pope with the Mayor as his deputy. London is the commercial capital of the world, with its livery companies each being in charge of a particular aspect of commerce.
The largest company is the Mercers. This is the company that supplies mercenaries, those who can be bought for a price. Their company seal has an image of the goddess Columbia on it.
The gold that Melchior brought meant that the debt that would accrue due to caring for the infant, his weight in gold, would be covered. Thus Jesus would not have to work to pay it off to free himself or be sold.
The king of the underworld would rather have gold than an infant in his hands, so sells the infant to the king of the Commonwealth or church lands (air).
King of the Air
This king wants the greatest treasure, the soul or life (depending on the Biblical translation), which according to Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
So the king of the Commonwealth, the British Monarch, takes the blood from the vessel of the placenta (perhaps via the heel prick, or perhaps later, once the placenta has been removed from the delivery ward).
The Lawful Person is renamed and given an Ecclesiastical (Christian) Name to become an Ecclesiastical Person and voluntary servant of the church, subject to its obligations and benefits.
This leaves a soulless body to be sold to the king of the sea.
King of the Sea
The king of the sea is likely the First Lord of the Admiralty, or perhaps the so called Grey Pope, with the Lords of the Admiralty being his deputies
The Ecclesiastical Person is renamed and given a Legal Name to become a Legal Person with a title such as Mr, and is a paid servant of the Admiralty, subject to its obligations and benefits.
What about the living baby?
As for the baby, it shouldn’t answer to any of these names and, I would suggest, style its name in all lower case such as martin ansell, with no Capitals or ‘letters of ART’ as they might be called.
If anything we should inform / correct / use our status as father of the placental child that was converted to an infant and reclaim it, and everything that was derived from it.
As a further note, from a banking point of view, the commercial banks of the land would be operated by the City of London, with the Sea jurisdiction commercial banks operated from elsewhere, quite possibly Venice. The Vatican has its own bank for church purposes.
They will however cease to be as everything has been created by the endeavours of living people. The only banks on the soil would be seed banks.
It’s a fight between dark and light. Sky and Land.
Tree of life grows from the land into the sky
Placenta is the child conceived in the womb – woman of the bible
When we call on the gods for help we go to their temples their courts
They seek to teach us lessons by fining or incarcerating us
Municipal air courts can’t incarcerate as a spirit cannot be imprisoned
Sea courts can incarcerate or fine
Land courts can only incarcerate?
Currency of the Soil Bank is sweat equity, which can be swapped as two or more men agree.
The private aspect of the Soil is the freeman, who supports himself, or works in cooperation with others to support nature.
The public aspect of the Soil is the company, where those who do not have the skills to support produce goods to exchange for food and shelter.
The Land is the underworld. It is the first of the legal fictions, inhabited by Lawful persons subject to the Law of the Land.
The land is always covered by six inches of living soil, even beneath the sea. This is why, in English Law one can only come to an estate in land via a life, or maybe it has something to do with human (placental of worse) sacrifice
The land is mapped by a geological map at its interface with the soil.
Currency of the Land Bank is gold, a person on the land may work for their freedom, or be sold for the price on their head.
The private aspect of the Land is that of those who own the land. In England these would have been the Barons, who were on the land following the death of William I in 1087. The Baron would offer land to his supporters in exchange for gold or produce from the soil of the land.
The public aspect would be those who work the soil on the Baron’s land in exchange for a tithe of their produce.
THE AIR – The Municipal Jurisdiction
The air is the jurisdiction of spirits and incorporeal things such as patentable ideas.
Currency of the Air Bank is souls, which can be paid for by devotion to the religion. A person’s soul will be saved if they devote their minds and sweat equity to the religion.
The private aspect of the Air is the clergy survive by the donations of the ‘devoted’. Canon law applies to those who are rewarded for their service to the church, while Ecclesiastical Law, or Common(wealth) Law applies to the rank and file voluntary servants.
The higher ranks rarely deal with the public. Everyday contact is via the carrot and stick enforcers. The carrots being the mainly peaceful priests, who sometimes preach a bit of stick damnation. The bigger sticks are wielded by the Jesuits or inquisition and such like.
The public aspect of those persons of the Air is to devote their lives to their religion. The de-voted have no say, or vote, in how their lives are run.
Order is kept by the threat of excommunication and regular ‘donations’ are ensured by the collection of taxes and imposition of fines.
Any breaking of the rules is dealt with by Justices of the Peace in a magistrates court, which is effectively a Catholic confessional. Only those PERSONS who are guilty of sin would attend. They then effectively have to pay a penance in the way of a fine. Some are shown mercy to give a semblance of justice to the uninformed observer.
Such courts do not have the authority to incarcerate anyone. This stands to reason as the jurisdiction of the air only deals with incorporeal events, and how can air be imprisoned.
VESSELS ON THE SEA – The Territorial Jurisdiction
Currency of the Maritime Bank is intrinsically worthless military scrip in the form of notes and tokens, credit and debit. These IOU’s are the ‘rewards’ offered to Persons in the jurisdiction of the Sea, which they can exchange in return for goods produced by others in the worldwide commercial company stores.
The private aspect of the Sea is those who are allied to its king, (Poseidon, Grey Pope,) whose servants are the Lords of the Admiralty and a variety of high ranking military officials that make their money through war by ‘peaceful’ commerce along with territorial invasions and subsequent rebuilding.
The public aspect of those persons of the Maritime jurisdiction is as mercenaries and commercial staff. The mercenaries have no say in how their lives are run, but must simply obey orders. The commercial staff can simply be dismissed if they fail to obey orders.
Order is maintained by the threat of punishment, ultimately through a court martial. The Territorial, civilian, commercial aspect of this is the Crown Court, where it is determined whether an order was obeyed or not.
If the order was not obeyed then the punishment is decided by the court. It may be that in some cases no punishment is meted out. This is to maintain the appearance of justice perhaps being available to the uninformed observer.
Those ‘bodies’ that do not wish to serve in a military or civilian style may be given a very low level of military scrip support (benefits) to keep them on as bodies that can be insured and
claimed on, once their lives come to an end.
All courts, from the king’s down to the magistrates, are for actors; their Land, Air and Water are the jurisdictions of the sons of Chronos / Saturn.
His supporters still wear the black cube upon their brow, which is seen in 2D as an octagon, like a Police Officer’s cap, or a square (masonic mortarboard), as worn at graduation ceremonies, for those who have achieved the first degree of Freemasonry, even though they don’t realise it.
Those sons are:
- Zeus / Jupiter (sky / air), played by the White Pope, this role was taken to the grave by Benedict.
- Hades / Pluto (underworld / land), played by the Black Pope, whom I assume is the Chief Rabbi.
- Poseidon / Neptune (waters / sea), played by the Grey Pope, whom I understand is a guy by the name of Pepe Orsini.
Land, Air and Water, are initialised as LAW, so if you are obeying the law you are a follower of one of these gods.
The soil is left to man and his lore, but the gods can come if summoned, and may continue their quarrels on the soil, using, as their agents, those men who would rather side with the gods against other men.
When people talk of God’s law, they actually mean gods’ law.
The gods of course want to control men, because without followers / worshipers they are nothing.
Therefore they use all kinds of trickery and cajolement to get men to join their particular sect, rather than remaining free men.
It all starts with the placenta as the living substance that enables Hades to ‘forge’ the form of a new identity, as a Lawful Name Live Birth Record, such as Martin Ansell.
[Maxim of Law: there is no form without substance]
All hospitals are within Hades domain, so that he can harvest the placental ‘infant’.
He then forges new identities from the placental blood (lifeforce) for Zeus (Christian / Baptismal / Fore name), to create a Municipal citizen, MARTIN ANSELL
Then he uses the placental sacs (titled vessels) to forge further identities for Poseidon (legal persons), to create a Territorial Subject, Mr Martin Ansell.
It must be realised that these identities are fakes and only by answering to the name does one assume that identity.
Any communication must also be put in writing as the placental infant is defined as an ‘infant’ as it doesn’t have the ability to ‘utter from the mouth’, because it doesn’t have one.
The Law of the Land, when invoked by seeking planning permission, enables Hades to push up through the soil to create buildings and also to interact with Zeus and Poseidon
This enables people to voluntarily enter his domain and they can even voluntarily register with him via land registry if they have a building that isn’t registered.
All the investment banks were controlled by Hades, as his jurisdiction is where the gold comes from.
Zeus also has buildings on the soil, but these are consecrated, so that they do not come under the jurisdiction of Hades. These are of course churches and other religious establishments.
Once again people can freely enter, but servants / officers of Hades or Poseidon may not.
Zeus servants work for free and should they devote enough time to him, he bestows gifts uopn them such as housing for priests
Naturally Poseidon has his vessels on the soil, which are of wooden construction, within other buildings. These are the various courts, in which his empty vessels (order taking, civilian or military taxpayers) may go to, to pay further homage and seek advice about how to live a better life.
The advice is invariably not to do again that which brought you here, accompanied by a fine or incarceration to emphasise the point.
All three gods have human lieutenants that are rewarded in various ways for their loyalty. Meanwhile the sweat equity / labour / time of those not within the inner circle simply keep their betters in the style to which they like to be accustomed.
The only way for those, who are aware, to break the unaware taxpayers out of the system, as far as I can see, would be to slowly flood the system with gold, so that the taxpayers desert Poseidon.
With no taxpayers to then be hired out to fight wars in the names of Zeus (socialist / democrat / labour) and Hades (capitalist, republican, conservative) these gods too will lose their power.
Hopefully this will be a fairly short time and then men can get on with sifting out the supporters of the Black Cube of Chronos, before getting on with their own lives.
To share this document:
An addendum:
If we are truly going to move on to a better place we need to realise that only we have the power to stop the constant warring of the gods of the Land, Air and Water.
We need to stop them attempting to destroy each other, with us as collateral damage, so that they can carry on their war unhindered by mankind, having replaced us with robots that have no rights.
It remains to us to bring them to heel and treat them as beloved and faithful servants, rather than allowing them to be our masters.
Without them however, we men of the soil could not survive, so we must stop the bad treatment of them all by the deliberate pollution of the planet.
I use the word men to describe all of us of either sex. The wo-man of the Bible, was a womb man. The rib from Adam’s side was the umbilical cord, the woman was the soft and pliant placenta. Knowing good from evil was about whether to obey law or not. While the clothing that they put on were the identities forged by Hades.
The time has come for the creator to sweep away their unjust laws, leave their jurisdictions and start afresh.
The creator is the stuff of life, that spark that transfers energy at the moment of fertilization to balance the electrical charges between male and female.
This will of course lead to upheaval in the short term as people get used to thinking for themselves and coming together to face the challenges.
People away from today’s western society, such as the Amish, or the historical native Americans of the plains, as well as current day Inuit and reindeer herders of Lapland all manage this, but many of us prefer the comfortable life.
This is where the greatest challenge will be, integrating modern conveniences out of the family group and into the wider community, without a hierarchical structure of control.
That’s not to say that we shouldn’t defer to those with greater expertise and knowledge, but those powers will need to be examined and checked by the populace, to ensure their decisions are beneficial, rather than detrimental.
Our biggest challenge, from a moral point of view, if we are to fully throw off what we see as the metaphorical shackles of these gods, is to throw off the real shackles, by which I mean we will have to release all prisoners (and end all fines) as none have ever been tried by an undirected jury of their fellow men on the soil.
As I say, this will be a challenge, especially for those that have suffered at the hands of another, but buildings are annexed to the land, this makes them part of that fake jurisdiction. If we are truly to be free we must see buildings as separate from that old world and part of the new where all is one. They are not a different jurisdiction, but merely shelters from the elements.
Those that have broken the laws of the gods must be given a chance to redeem themselves in an environment free from the oppressive laws that shaped their character. Otherwise we will be no better than the system we are replacing.
However, that doesn’t mean a free pass. Those who then break the moral and ethical code of their local community must suffer its consequences, whatever that community decides, although the simplest is likely to be ostracisation and readily available information of their crime.
This would ensure that no-one bears the burden of killing or injuring another. I leave it at that.
Our first step must be to inform medical staff that they need to allow every child its birthright of placental nutrients and that the umbilical cord should not be clamped or cut, leaving nature to take its course as necessary
Any birth product remains (including pre-term) should then either be destroyed on site or only released to the parents, to prevent any misuse by cultists. People smarter than me will work out what should be done about any names.
Our postal workers need to be educated about the mail fraud and only deliver communications to the address on the envelope, not relying on anything that they can see inside, even if the only address is a return address on the rear.
Targeting medical staff and postal workers with information about the wrongs that they have unwittingly been doing will change matters within days, as will releasing prisoners, as the money earned from incarceration will no longer be available, rendering all bonds based on their imprisonment worthless.
To expedite this, prisoners should be informed to never answer to the name in the roll call. I’m sure there are those reading this that can get this information to the appropriate people.
Finally, removing registration plates and defacing chassis numbers could also be used as a tactic for a mass convoy of solidarity, like the farmers in France and Germany. If someone wants to organise such a thing, I’ll be there.