Article originally inspired by David de Surrey

Most people are not aware that there are multiple jurisdictions of law, one for people that has no written code, and others for those same people, to allow them to interact with  fictions of the mind known as corporations, with millions of pages of rules that most people believe apply to them, but don’t.

(see: )

So I have lived my life in the jurisdiction of the soil for about a decade, not the legal realms of the land, air and water (law), so nothing referred to here is legal advice.

I never reply to any unsolicited communication from the government, or other agencies. I pay no property tax, water, gas or electricity bills.

I never get any POST from the government or the agencies.

What I do get though is INTERNAL CORPORATE MAIL, which is wrongly delivered to me.

What appears to be Census, Income Tax Returns, Council Tax, Water Rates, Credit Card Bills in the UK and anything else that comes in an envelope with a clear window showing your, or your address, details are not what they seem.

All this MAIL appears to have your contact details.

But let’s consider that on the document that bears the details, it could possibly say, ‘On no account must this document fall into the hands of…Mr Joe Smith, 87 High Street, Anywhere. PO57 0DE.

The postal delivery worker doesn’t know what else is on the document and is actually committing a crime when accessing and making use of any information contained within an envelope, even when it is plain sight.

Reading such information is known as candling (where, historically, a candle was held behind a sealed envelope to read the contents). Its demise is predicted in Revelation 18:23 where it states “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee;”

Besides that, with MAIL, the details shown through the clear window on the envelope are not a real name and address, even though they seem like it.

They are the details of a fraudulent trust fund made for the benefit of those who run the government. Those with my name are probably worth around 10 billion dollars, so there’s plenty in it to pay any debts that need settling. Not that I can access it. Yours is probably worth several billion too.

Mail has no Post Office stamp of value on it. It just has a printed image where a stamp normally goes and a window in the envelope where the details pertaining to a trust fund can be seen.

These trust fund details are deliberately similar to your contact details to fool you into voluntarily contracting.

If you check all the MAIL you receive, you will note that different organisations, bank accounts, gas bills, credit card, council tax etc. all have subtly different details showing through the window.

This difference may be as simple as a full stop after an initial, or capitalisation of the details.

To a human these are not noteworthy, but a computer recognises that these differences are very important and refer to completely separate financial trust funds.

The numerical details on the documents inside the envelopes are just statements. Like ‘It’s a nice day’ is a statement. It isn’t a fact.

They look like invoices, which require payment, but they aren’t invoices and you don’t need to pay a penny.

They are just requests for a voluntary contribution.

You don’t have to pay them as they are issued in a different jurisdiction of law from the one that applies to you.

It’s like getting a bill from Japan, when you’ve never left this country. It’s a con.

Sometimes they simply send an envelope, enclosing a form of some type with your address details, as a phishing scam.

These are commonly addressed to the Licence Payer, the Occupier and The Householder (the latter in the case of the census), or some such anonymous person.

I’ve been ignoring these for years now on England, with no problem.

Even a summons to court is simply internal MAIL, referring to an invented trust fund. I ignore it just the same.

A summons is a request that can be accepted or turned down. It’s just another one of their sharp practices aimed at taking more money from you

If you accept the invitation, you are then likely to accept any fine imposed.

POST (as opposed to mail) will always have an address written on the envelope, not showing from a document inside it.

POST will also have a postage stamp of the appropriate value affixed to it, not printed on the envelope in place of a proper postage stamp.

If postal workers were correctly educated, they would deliver the MAIL straight to the PO BOX on the back of the envelope.

Although it is designed to get to you, to deceive you, it is not addressed to you.

So you see, in reality you never get any bills.

On the other side of this madness, when we have won, all this will stop.

So, if you mistakenly open some internal Royal Mail. Don’t worry, it’s not a crime.

To share this document: 

Historically I’d just bin any mail, but this is the advice given to Americans by Anna von Reitz. :

Thanks to impeccable and duly noted and honored reasoning, we can all prove which jurisdictions the courts are operating in. There are only three (3) choices: Administrative (Corporate Tribunals addressing their own employees), Admiralty (Military Law of the Sea) and Maritime (Otherwise known as Commercial Law, or the Law of Contracts).

None of these jurisdictions represented by these courts happen to be competent to address average Americans. So in order to gain jurisdiction over you and subject you to their law, they have to pretend that you are something or someone else.

It’s that simple.

The way to respond to them is equally simple, no matter which of the three choices they invoke.

If you receive mail, citations, court documents, summons, etc. and it is addressed in your name or what appears to be a variation of your name in all capitals, like this: JOANNE K WARBURY, it’s either an Administrative Court or a Maritime Court, presuming that you are responsible for the creation and administration of a Uniform Code Contract Trust of some kind.

If you receive mail addressed to what appears to be your Proper Name addressed in Upper and Lower Case, like this: Joanne Warbury, it’s an Admiralty Court, pretending that you are some kind of Officer or Enlisted Person. For example, if you have mistakenly agreed to act as a “Taxpayer” they can presume that you have voluntarily agreed to collect taxes for the Queen and are acting as a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service.

The moment that you receive — by hand from a Process Server or via mail — any official piece of paper from any of these courts, you need to “Return Service”. They have offered you the “service” of making a contract offer. The proper response is to “Return Service”.

So, here are the steps you will need to “Return Service” to any and all of these courts:

  1. Take the Summons or Charges or Citation or whatever other piece of paper you first receive, and a red ink pen (which in their signal lingo means “Land Jurisdiction”) and you write across the top of the page — without quotation marks — “Returned Service: No UCC Contract Trust and no Territorial Office.”
  1. Directly under this one sentence and on the right side of the page, you sign using the same red ink pen and using a by-line like this– By: Ruth Sawyer.
  1. Directly under your Signature, you write the date out, like this: August 21st of 2023.
  1. Make two (2) copies of this page.
  1. Take both pages directly to the Office of the Court Clerk involved and have both date stamped. Give the wet-ink original copy to the Clerk. Keep your copy for your records.

And that’s it. That’s all you should have to do, and it forestalls any further action in 90% of all cases, without further harassment.


First of all, because you have made the proper reply by “Returning Service” they can’t hold you in contempt of court.

Second, because you have already returned service to all venues — Maritime and Administrative are answered by “no UCC Contract Trust” and Admiralty is answered by “no Territorial Office”– they have no leg to stand on to pursue you like a rabbit running from one jurisdiction to the next. You’ve quashed their whole shooting match.

Now, you are probably wondering — why does she say this works in “90% of all cases” instead of all cases?

Because as I have told you repeatedly, 90% of all the Acts of Congress do not pertain to us, but what about the 10% that do?

That’s why 90% of all cases are misaddressed to us, but there are some that may actually hold water.

A few.

So let’s review that aspect to give you some more thinking points.

If you are a Federal or State-of-State Contractor, you may have Federal Income and you may owe a Federal Income Tax as a result.

If you obtained all or a substantial percentage of your retirement or pension from Federal, State-of-State, or other government service, you may owe a Federal Income Tax on that part of your retirement that derives from Federal employment— only that portion that was from Federal or “federally connected” franchise sources.

If you are licensed to sell, manufacture, or transport firearms, alcohol, or tobacco across state lines, and are caught doing something improper in pursuit of these activities, you may be subject to their courts.

If you are knowingly and voluntarily engaged in interstate commerce and are operating a registered corporation for that purpose (remember, “commerce” is business between two incorporated entities) other than a “UCC Contract Trust”, you may be subject to their courts. So if you choose to operate as an S-Corp, Non-Profit, LLC, Cooperative, etc., you may be subject to their courts.

If you are currently in the military service you are obviously subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice on the land and Admiralty Law at Sea; but did you know? — even after you have been discharged from the Services, if you do not provide a Letter of Termination to your Branch Commander, they can continue to presume that you have chosen to remain in their jurisdiction and that you are voluntarily subjecting yourself to their law? This means that every penny you subsequently earn in the private sector becomes “federally connected” and subject to Federal Income Tax. If you do not formally surrender your commission as an officer as part of your Termination Letter, you remain accountable to the military for life.

If you enter a properly ceded military base, encampment, arsenal, dock, or other facility, including a post office or federal courthouse, and cause a disturbance or violate posted warning signs or vandalize anything, you are subject to their courts. So, you see, you can become subject to their courts and can be legitimately addressed by their courts under certain circumstances and if you voluntarily participate in federally regulated activities or choose to “reside” in their jurisdiction, they can pull your chain at will.

However, under most circumstances— and with you knowledgeably operating in your normal capacity as Joe Average American— a simple “Returned Service” process is sufficient to ward off any untoward presumptions aimed at you.

End of Anna’s article

Using capitals in this manner means that you are not using English, but rather DOG LATIN, which when written in this manner means absolutely nothing.

However those who deliver the post will give it meaning and deliver it to the appropriate PO BOX that they should have delivered it to originally.

The same of course applies to parking tickets that come in clear envelopes.

The material of the envelope is separate from the contents and it should not matter if the envelope is clear or opaque.

If you find a PO BOX address on it, simply pop it back in the system.

Any ‘fine’ or request for payment that follows simply pop it back in the post with an UNDELIVERED notice on it.


The more people that do this, the sooner the madness ends. The trusts will become worthless.

In the meantime write a letter to the organisation that sent you the letter, enclosing this information. It will probably be a surprise to them that this fraud has finally been discovered after so many years.

AN ADDITION written July 2023

For a further understanding of Post / Mail / Contract fraud

Imagine I  meet a friendly seeming foreigner, and we get chatting.

We don’t quite understand each other, due to language differences and he smooth talks me into signing a black and white picture collection of some random images, myself and my home, or my car, or similar, without me (and maybe even him) really knowing what it all meant.

Does that place me under any obligation to him?

Maybe, although it might easily be argued not, if there was no true meeting of minds and comprehension of the document.

Does that place me under any obligation to anyone that is not him, if he tells me that he is working for someone else, but doesn’t reveal whom?

Once again, possibly, but that would then add an extra layer of potential confusion to the meeting of minds.

If he hadn’t been supplied all the details and wrongly assumed some of those details, then any agreement would surely be null and void.

Let’s now assume that sometime in the future post was delivered to my home, not because of comprehensible writing on the front face of the envelope, but because the postman saw a picture of my face and a picture of my place through the transparent window on the envelope, in spite of there being an alternative, written address on the back.

Would I open it?

Out of curiosity, probably yes, as it would appear to have something to do with me.

If I saw the postmark as being from a different jurisdiction, let’s call it Sumalia, would I think that this had anything to do with me?

Unlikely, but I might still open it out of curiosity.

Now let’s assume that the enclosed document bears a further series of images that I could, with a bit of imagination, construe to mean that unless I sent $500 to somewhere in the jurisdiction of Somalia that my home / car would be taken from me.

Would I pay?

Only if I had been brainwashed from birth to believe such images actually meant anything.

Only if the media and similarly brainwashed / friends / family / strangers on the internet had been at me night and day to believe such a thing.

If I showed the envelope and images to anyone in our reality, that doesn’t use images, but rather written words for communication and asked what I should do, what would they say?

“What do you mean, what should you do?” they would ask in return.

“Are you a complete idiot? For Pete’s sake man, it has nothing to do with you. It’s from a different jurisdiction. Ignore it, it’s obviously a scam”

“But can’t you see?” I say, “They are going to come and kick me out of my home! Look at the images, don’t you understand the message?”

So I don’t pay, but a few days later another envelope is delivered, by the same well meaning postman, who should be delivering to the address ON the envelope, but thinks the images of my face and place IN the envelope mean it should be delivered to me.

The images on this document now don’t simply request, but rather DEMAND that I must pay, but now, because I hadn’t already paid, I have to pay ten times as much.

Would I now pay?

What would those of sound mind say?

So I don’t pay and another ‘helpfully’ delivered communication arrives.

This time the imagery is even more threatening and it seems to demand even more, or I shall be summoned to the Friends of Sumalia Meeting House, to explain myself.

“It’s still a scam, say my friends. If you don’t pay and go to the meeting house, do you think they will allow you to leave without paying? Do you think anything that you say will change their minds?”

I agree, “That’s a good point. I’ll ignore it.”

A few days go by and a man in a black uniform knocks on my door, explaining in Sumalian English that he represents the Friends of Sumalia.

He flashes a picture of himself at me.

He shows me a black and white picture of me, my house, a picture of a guy in a black robe and white wig and a picture of a huge pile of cash.

I shake my head and close the door.

He posts an envelope with my picture showing through a transparent window.

I ignore it.

My friends congratulate me for seeing the light.

Time passes and one day there’s another knock at the door.

This time there are a few Friends of Sumalia and they’ve brought some Heavy Friends of Sumalia with them.

The Heavy Friends wear even blacker uniforms, covered with numbers and insignia.

I explain to the Heavy Friends that the Friends of Sumalia image of me is not me, any more than the images of themselves, which they carry, are them.

The images are just representations, I explain, which they have been brain trained to associate, so closely, with themselves that they no longer determine the difference.

“Just like I was” I say, “Until my common sense friends woke me up.”

The Heavy Friends wake up, realising that they have fallen for evil Sumalian tricks that cause them to be kept from their friends and family for most of their lives.

The not quite so heavy Friends of Sumalia wake up too.

Everyone realises that something needs to be done about the bogus messages from the jurisdiction of Sumalia.

The postal workers are informed of the error of their ways and from then on deliver the mail to the address on the envelope, not in it.

The Sumalian money scam is ended.

The Heavies and everyone else have realised that all entities created on documents, such as Councils, Governments and Corporations, have brain trained the people to be part of the Sumalian money scam.

People realise that Sumalia wasn’t even a real place, it was a legal fiction, a story, created by a few cunning minds, to ensnare the unwary.

Everyone is now able to ignore any laws of Sumalia and get on with their lives, supporting their community and linking with others across the world, free from the influence of the jurisdiction of Sumalia.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The Beginning.

p.s. After writing this I realised the Sumalia could be split into two words, Sum and Alia, which I believe in Latin mean I am and other.