Many are now wondering how we get back to our common law of the jurisdictions of the Land and Soil.


You need do nothing.  You are already here.  Look around you. You live on the land and soil, where common law applies.


Common law is the only law that you need to adhere to. (See end for details)


Unfortunately, massive propaganda from the government deliberately misled both you and your fellow men and women who are their uniformed enforcers.

This deceit leads you to believe that government legislation, which is made in and is only applicable in the jurisdiction of the Sea, has to be obeyed on the Land and Soil.


It doesn’t.


Their legislation is like the law of another country, such as Italy. (This being written in England)


When in Italy you would obey their law.


An obvious law is about driving on the right hand side of the road, rather than the left.


However, that does not apply to you if you live in a country where people drive on the left.


Although people live in Italy, no-one lives in the jurisdiction of the Sea.


In every country of the world we live in the jurisdictions of the Land and Soil.


You’d have to be mad to drive on the right in England, likewise, now that you know about jurisdictions, you’d have to be mad to take any notice of legislation and ‘bills’ as they relate to a jurisdiction other than the one you are in.


There is absolutely no need to fight the government, when you can simply ignore them.

They are just a pesky fly in the glorious picnic of life.

Now stop responding to their bills and legislation and do no harm.

They’ll soon go away and eat whatever it is that flies eat


It’s a great feeling for life to finally be simple, isn’t it.




Common law is:-


Do no harm.

Cause no loss.

Make suitable reparation, if you cause harm or loss.

Expect a trial by jury, if you fail to make suitable reparation .


This is easily understood and remembered, so ignorance of the law can be no excuse.


(If you’re not sure whether you’re keeping to the law or not, you probably aren’t)