The seven Hermetic principles are a set of universal laws that govern the workings of the universe. They were first introduced in the ancient text known as the Kybalion, and have been studied and applied by individuals and groups throughout history.

The purpose of the Hermetic principles is to provide a framework for understanding the fundamental laws of the universe and how they operate. By studying and applying these principles, individuals can gain a greater understanding of themselves, the world around them, and their place in the universe.

The seven principles cover a wide range of topics, from the nature of reality to the power of thought and the interconnectivity of all things. They provide a holistic perspective on the workings of the universe, and offer insights into how individuals can live in harmony with the natural laws and principles that govern their lives.

The principles are not meant to be taken as absolute truths or dogma, but rather as tools for personal growth and understanding. By applying these principles in their lives, individuals can learn to align themselves with the natural flow of the universe and create positive outcomes for themselves and those around them.

Hermetic Principle #1

Hermetic Principle number one is known as the Principle of Mentalism. It states that “The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.” This principle suggests that the entire universe is created by the workings of the mind, and that everything in existence is a product of the thoughts of the All or the Universal Mind.

The Hermetic Principle number one is based on the idea that the universe is a mental construct, and that everything that exists is a manifestation of the mind. It suggests that everything in the universe, from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy, is created by the power of thought. In other words, everything we see around us is a product of the mind, and the universe is a mental creation.

The Principle of Mentalism suggests that the mind is the ultimate power in the universe. It implies that the mind is the source of all creation and that everything we see around us is a product of the mind’s thoughts. This principle is not limited to the human mind, but rather applies to the Universal Mind, which is the source of all creation.

The Principle of Mentalism suggests that the universe is a living entity, and that the mind is the force that animates it. It implies that everything in the universe is connected, and that there is a common thread that runs through all things. This principle suggests that we are all part of the same mental construct, and that everything we do has an impact on the universe as a whole.

The Principle of Mentalism also suggests that the mind has the power to change the universe. It implies that our thoughts and intentions can shape the world around us, and that we have the power to create our own reality. This principle suggests that we are not passive observers in the universe, but rather active participants who can influence the course of events.

Hermetic Principle #2

Hermetic Principle number two is known as the Principle of Correspondence. It states that “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This principle suggests that there is a correspondence between the different levels of reality, and that the same patterns and laws apply to all levels.

The Principle of Correspondence implies that there is a similarity between the microcosm and the macrocosm, and that the laws that govern one level of reality also apply to all other levels. It suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected, and that there is a unity that runs through all things.

The Principle of Correspondence is based on the idea that there are different levels of reality, ranging from the physical to the spiritual. It suggests that each level of reality has its own set of laws and principles, but that there is a correspondence between them. This principle implies that the physical world is a reflection of the spiritual world, and that the spiritual world is a reflection of the physical world.

The Principle of Correspondence suggests that everything in the universe is connected, and that there is a common thread that runs through all things. It implies that we are all part of the same fabric of reality, and that our actions and thoughts have an impact on the world around us.

This principle also suggests that there is a hierarchy of existence, with each level of reality having its own distinct characteristics and laws. It implies that the physical world is the lowest level of existence, and that the spiritual world is the highest. However, it also suggests that each level of reality is equally important, and that all levels are necessary for the proper functioning of the universe.

The Principle of Correspondence also implies that there are patterns and cycles that exist throughout the universe. It suggests that everything in the universe operates according to these patterns, and that these patterns can be studied and understood.

Hermetic Principle #3

Hermetic Principle number three states that “nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” This principle suggests that everything in the universe is in a constant state of motion and vibration.

This principle is supported by modern scientific discoveries that have revealed that all matter is made up of atoms that are constantly in motion. The movement of atoms creates energy, which generates vibrations that can be detected through sound waves or other means.

Furthermore, the principle suggests that these vibrations can affect the human experience. For example, music is often described as having a certain “vibe” or feeling, and this is because the vibrations created by the sound waves can affect the listener’s emotions and physical sensations.

The principle also suggests that everything has its own unique frequency of vibration. This means that all things, including human beings, have a unique vibrational energy that contributes to their overall experience of life.

The Hermetic Principle number three also implies that it is possible to change the vibrational energy of a person or thing. This can be achieved through various means, such as meditation, visualization, or the use of certain tools like crystals or sound therapy.

By understanding and applying the Hermetic Principle number three, individuals can begin to tap into the power of vibrational energy to enhance their overall well-being and experience of life. They can learn to tune into their own unique vibrational frequency and make adjustments to align with the vibrational frequencies of things they want to attract into their lives.

In conclusion, the Hermetic Principle number three is a fundamental concept that suggests that everything in the universe is in a constant state of motion and vibration. By understanding and harnessing the power of vibrational energy, individuals can improve their lives and experiences.

Hermetic Principle #4

Hermetic Principle number four, also known as the Principle of Polarity, states that everything in the universe has two opposing poles or aspects that are interconnected and interdependent. This principle suggests that there are always two sides to everything, and that these sides are necessary for balance and harmony.

The principle of polarity can be observed in various aspects of life, such as light and darkness, hot and cold, love and hate, and many others. Each pole has its own unique characteristics, and these characteristics are essential for creating a sense of balance in the universe.

One important implication of the principle of polarity is that the extremes of any polarity are actually the same thing, just at different ends of the spectrum. For example, light and darkness may seem like completely opposite concepts, but in reality, they are both aspects of the same thing – electromagnetic radiation. Without one, the other cannot exist.

The principle of polarity also suggests that everything has a dual nature. This means that everything in the universe can be seen from two different perspectives, and that these perspectives are equally valid. For example, the same event can be seen as a tragedy or an opportunity for growth, depending on the perspective of the observer.

Furthermore, the principle of polarity suggests that all things contain the potential for their opposite. This means that every negative experience or emotion contains the potential for positivity and growth, and vice versa. For example, a difficult challenge may seem overwhelming and negative at first, but with the right mindset and approach, it can lead to personal growth and development.

The principle of polarity also implies that everything is constantly changing and evolving. Just as the pendulum swings from one extreme to the other, so too do all things in the universe experience cycles of change and transformation. This can be observed in nature, where the changing of the seasons and the cycle of life and death are essential for the balance and harmony of the ecosystem.

By understanding and applying the principle of polarity, individuals can learn to embrace the duality of life and find balance and harmony in all aspects of their experience. They can learn to see challenges as opportunities for growth, and to appreciate both the light and dark aspects of life.

Hermetic Principle #5

Hermetic Principle number five, also known as the Principle of Rhythm, states that everything in the universe operates according to a rhythm or cycle. This principle suggests that all things move in a consistent pattern of expansion and contraction, and that these patterns can be observed in both the physical and metaphysical aspects of life.

One example of the principle of rhythm in the physical world is the cycle of day and night. The sun rises and sets in a predictable pattern, creating a rhythm that affects all living things. The seasons also operate according to a rhythm, with cycles of growth and decay that are essential for the balance and harmony of the ecosystem.

In the metaphysical realm, the principle of rhythm can be observed in the cycles of human experience. Just as the seasons change and evolve, so too do our emotions, thoughts, and experiences. We may experience periods of growth and expansion, followed by periods of contraction and introspection.

The principle of rhythm also suggests that everything has its own unique frequency and vibration. This means that everything, including thoughts and emotions, operates according to a rhythm or cycle. By understanding these rhythms, individuals can learn to work with them in order to achieve their desired outcomes.

Furthermore, the principle of rhythm suggests that there is a natural ebb and flow to life, and that attempting to resist or control these cycles can lead to disharmony and imbalance. Instead, individuals can learn to work with the rhythms of life in order to achieve a greater sense of balance and harmony.

The principle of rhythm also implies that everything is connected and interdependent. The cycles of the natural world are essential for the survival and well-being of all living things, and the rhythms of human experience are connected to the larger patterns of the universe.

By understanding and applying the principle of rhythm, individuals can learn to embrace the natural cycles of life and find balance and harmony in all aspects of their experience. They can learn to work with the rhythms of the universe in order to achieve their goals and aspirations, and to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Hermetic Principle #6

Hermetic Principle number six, also known as the Principle of Cause and Effect, states that everything in the universe has a cause and an effect. This principle suggests that every action has a corresponding reaction, and that everything that happens in the universe has a reason and a cause behind it.

One important implication of the principle of cause and effect is that everything that happens in our lives is a result of our own thoughts and actions. This means that we are responsible for creating our own reality, and that we have the power to change our circumstances by changing our thoughts and behaviors.

The principle of cause and effect also suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected and interdependent. This means that even the smallest actions can have a profound impact on the world around us. For example, a single act of kindness can create a ripple effect that spreads far beyond the initial action.

Furthermore, the principle of cause and effect suggests that everything in the universe operates according to natural laws and principles. These laws and principles govern the behavior of everything in the universe, from the movement of celestial bodies to the behavior of subatomic particles.

By understanding and applying the principle of cause and effect, individuals can learn to take control of their own lives and create the reality they desire. They can learn to recognize the causes behind their experiences, and to take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions.

The principle of cause and effect also implies that individuals can influence the world around them by choosing to act in accordance with natural laws and principles. By aligning their thoughts and behaviors with these laws, individuals can create positive outcomes and contribute to the greater good.

Hermetic Principle #7

Hermetic Principle number seven, also known as the Principle of Gender, states that everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine energies. This principle suggests that all things are created through the interaction and balancing of these two polar energies.

The principle of gender is not limited to the physical realm, but also extends to the metaphysical aspects of life. It is not necessarily related to biological sex or gender identity, but rather to the energetic qualities that exist within all things.

In the physical realm, the principle of gender can be observed in the reproductive cycles of living organisms. The interaction and balancing of masculine and feminine energies is necessary for the creation and continuation of life.

In the metaphysical realm, the principle of gender can be observed in the interplay of different energies and forces. Masculine energies are associated with qualities such as strength, action, and aggression, while feminine energies are associated with qualities such as nurturing, intuition, and receptivity.

The principle of gender suggests that both masculine and feminine energies are necessary for balance and harmony in all aspects of life. It is not about one energy being superior to the other, but rather about recognizing the importance of both and learning to balance and harmonize them.

By understanding and applying the principle of gender, individuals can learn to balance their own masculine and feminine energies in order to achieve greater harmony and balance in their lives. They can also learn to recognize and appreciate the different energetic qualities in others, and to work together in order to create positive outcomes.

Furthermore, the principle of gender suggests that everything in the universe has the potential for both creation and destruction. Masculine energies can be associated with the active creation of new ideas and projects, while feminine energies can be associated with the nurturing and preservation of existing ideas and projects.

The principle of gender also implies that everything in the universe is constantly in a state of change and transformation. By understanding and working with the natural cycles of creation and destruction, individuals can learn to navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and grace.


Overall, the purpose of the Hermetic principles is to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and their place in the universe. They provide a framework for personal growth and development, and offer insights into how individuals can live in harmony with the natural laws and principles that govern their lives.