Discovering Your True Life Purpose

Duration: 15 minutes

Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing yourself to settle into the present moment. Let go of any tension or distractions as you begin this journey of self-discovery.

(1 minute) Grounding and Relaxation: Take a few moments to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling the air fill your lungs, and exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension or stress. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly, allowing your body and mind to relax completely.

(2 minutes) Setting Intentions: Bring your attention to the intention of finding your true life purpose. Repeat silently or aloud, “I am open and ready to discover my true life purpose. I trust that it will be revealed to me in divine timing.”

(3 minutes) Exploring Inner Wisdom: Visualize yourself in a serene and peaceful place in nature. It can be a beach, a forest, or any location that brings you a sense of tranquility. As you immerse yourself in this scene, invite your inner wisdom to come forward. Ask yourself, “What is my true purpose in this lifetime? What brings me joy, fulfillment, and meaning?”

(4 minutes) Reflecting on Past Experiences: Recall moments in your life where you felt deeply fulfilled and aligned with your true self. Reflect on the activities, skills, or passions that were present in those moments. What patterns or themes emerge? Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with these experiences.

(3 minutes) Cultivating Self-Compassion: Recognize that discovering your life purpose is a journey, and it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right now. Embrace self-compassion and let go of any self-judgment or expectations. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be in this moment.

(2 minutes) Connecting with Your Heart: Place your hands over your heart and feel its gentle rhythm. Imagine a warm and loving light glowing within your heart center. Allow this light to expand, filling your entire body with a sense of love and compassion. Feel this love radiating outward, connecting you to the world around you.

(3 minutes) Inviting Guidance: Ask the universe, your higher self, or any spiritual guidance you resonate with to provide insights into your true life purpose. Pose the question, “What steps can I take to align with my true purpose and live a life of meaning and fulfillment?”

(1 minute) Gratitude and Closure: Express gratitude for the guidance and insights you have received during this meditation. Take a deep breath, slowly exhaling any remaining tension or resistance. Trust that the answers and clarity you seek are on their way to you. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes and return to the present moment.

Remember, this meditation is just the beginning of your journey to discover your true life purpose. Be open to signs, synchronicities, and new experiences that may guide you along the way. Trust in yourself and the process, and know that your purpose will unfold in perfect divine timing.

Finding my life purpose – a poem


In whispers of wind and songs of the earth, I wander through moments of joy and mirth.

Each step I take, a clue unfurls, Guiding me closer to the purpose of my birth.


I delve into memories, both old and new, Seeking the lessons that life once threw.

In every triumph, in every strife, Lies a piece of the puzzle, my purpose in life.


In the depths of my passions, I find a spark, Igniting the flame that lights up the dark.

With every pursuit that sets my soul ablaze, I inch closer to unraveling life’s maze.


I open my heart to the whispers within, As the universe weaves its tapestry, I begin

To recognize signs, synchronicities so clear, Revealing the path that brings me near.


Through self-reflection, I learn to embrace, The essence of love and my unique grace.

For in being true to who I am meant to be, I discover the purpose that sets my spirit free.


No longer confined by the expectations of others, I forge a path that aligns with my soul’s colours.

With gratitude, I embrace each twist and turn, Knowing that every experience, I am meant to learn.


For my purpose lies not in titles or fame, But in the lives I touch, hearts I inflame.

To spread kindness and compassion far and wide, To make a difference, to stand by humanity’s side.


So I surrender to the journey, the unknown, Trusting that my purpose will be shown.

With patience and faith, I let my purpose unfold, Embracing the beauty of a life yet untold.


In the dance of existence, I find my stride, As I unveil the purpose for which I reside.

With courage and passion, I step into the light, Living my truth, with purpose shining bright.