Value is a nebulous concept since everyone defines and provides it in their own unique ways.
So let’s make things simpler.

You add value by describing people’s problems and suggesting a fix.

In addition, you add value by describing people’s needs and suggesting a solution.

What is hurting them?

What keeps the individuals in your market from reaching their objectives is a pain, often known as a PROBLEM. You can enter their minds by outlining their difficulties. You’ll be able to assure them that there is a resolution to their problems once you are inside their mind.
Who defines needs?

They are the aspirations, objectives, and needs of your audience. AMPLIFY them when you understand what they are. Your writing should inspire the thought in the reader, “That’s exactly what I want/need.

How to make a list of the challenges and goals for content development

Write down all of the mental obstacles you have faced throughout your life to begin with. The psychological justifications that keep you from acting are known as mental barriers.

The human experience is the same everywhere in the world. I can guarantee you that a lot of other people have faced challenges akin to yours.

List between 15 and 30 mental obstacles you’ve faced in the beginning.


I don’t have the time,

“I have no idea where to begin.”

I am bad at XYX.

Write down each of the solutions once you have them on paper. Write down what YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW that you KNOW works if you’re still having trouble solving them.

You can also turn these discomforts into a need:

You might change “I don’t have time” to “I want to save time.”

I want to learn XYZ instead of “I’m terrible at XYX.”

If you’re having trouble identifying people’s demands, merely consider them to be the opposite of the issue (for example, “I don’t have time” becomes “I want to save time”).

Do you understand how this works?

Here are some illustrations of requirements and pains:

Pain #1: “I’m not sure where to begin”
“I wish I knew where to begin,” is a need.

Pain #2: “I’m terrible at writing”
Need 2: “I want to understand how to develop into an excellent writer.”

Pain #3: “I’m at a loss for what to write about.”
I require a method that will ensure I never run out of ideas.

“I’m no expert,” said Pain #4
Need number four: “I want to improve at what I do.”

“I’m terrified of being judged,” states Pain #5.
Need #5: “I want to believe in myself”

What Now?

Once you have a list of these needs and pains, you may offer folks a way to ease their suffering or fulfil their needs.

In other words, you start by providing material that addresses people’s issues.

You can create your authority online with the help of this content.
And after you’ve done that, convincing customers to use their credit cards to pay for your goods or services will be ten times easier.

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