Programme Notes:

Why subscribers or list building is so important

– Only a small % of people buy on first offer – need multiple contacts.
– If you don’t build a list and follow-up, you are leaving most of the money on the table
– List includes any community – Facebook Group, retargeting list, Skype list, YouTube subscribers, autoresponder list – any good way of contacting your captive audience
– Email traffic is free once the list has been created
– It is warm traffic – i.e. converts better than cold traffic

How to extract money from your list:

– build a relationship – know like & trust – talk about good points and bad points rather than hype
– Care re ‘burning’ your relationship – show that you really care about your subscribers welfare and success.
– focus on improving their life and money will follow
– consistency – systems of communication and engagement – systemise everything
– email marketing is part of your sales funnel system
– frequent contact – daily or more (will unsubscribe if this is not relevant or helpful)
– copy writing – great headline – curiosity – open email – open-rate %. Purpose of copy is to get them click on the link in the email – click-through % – curiosity –
not to sell the product – this is job of sales letter – sales conversion %
– know your numbers – optimise conversions – know your squeeze page conversion rate from each traffic source, know your sales page conversion rates and know your email open rates and click through rates, your profit/loss after traffic costs.
– offer RELEVANT bonuses when they buy from your link

What your subscribers want from you:

– Clarity
– Honesty
– Structure
– Experience not theory – pitfalls and problems as well as solutions
– New ideas
– New products
– Stories i.e. entertainment mixed in with relevant info
– Your story
– Outstanding value – free stuff (not too much), good info, well-researched offers, expertise relevant to your niche or the reason they got onto your list in the first place

Even if we break-even or lose money in building our list, the real value is sending emails that generate sales over time

My first good product launch – £6000 – £400 only for me but a buyer list of 600 plus.

Aim for break-even or better when getting subscribers onto the list and then build a relationship via email marketing and offer valuable products and services.

Every email should have a clickable link – either to helpful content to build relationship or to a paid offer