In this article I want to set out the keys to success in internet marketing.

If you are anything like me, as soon as you start to get involved in internet marketing you are likely to be distracted by all sorts of offers.  It’s often called the ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’!

Like a moth we get drawn to the nearest light.

The next day, it is a different light and so on.

A True Story

Soon after I left my corporate job in 2001, I went to an all day self-improvement seminar run by a business consultant and author called Richard Dobbins.

I highly recommend his book ‘ What Self-made Millionaires Really Think Know & Do’

He had sold his publishing business, which he had bought for £1, for £49m and was then earning £200k per year by giving success seminars and consulting with businesses.

He spoke for an entire day about all sorts of self-development tactics and I took loads of notes which I still treasure today.

At the end of the day he said, if you forget everything else I’ve told you today, then remember these three things:

  1. Always buy a house that you can improve
  2. Never buy a new car.  As soon as you drive it out of the garage it is worth thousands of pounds less than you bought it for.  He said that he frequently met people that bought a new car every 3 years and at the end of their lives had little to show for it.  He counselled that you should buy a car that had taken its first flush of depreciation (perhaps 2 or 3 years old) with mileage of around 40,000.  He was driving a Rolls Royce that he had bought for £10,000, having knocked the garage down from £14,000!
  3. Always buy good antique furniture, because it increases in value.  He said that by comparison  most modern furniture depreciated in value and became worthless.

Why am I telling you all this?

The Three Keys To Success in Internet Marketing

Because this article is my ‘end of day’ summary for internet marketing.

If you forget everything else, please focus on the following:

  1. Generating targeted traffic every day to your squeeze page(s) and offers
  2. Optimising conversions of that traffic into subscribers and sales
  3. Product creation

As far as conversions go, focus on the following:

  • building subscriber and buyers lists which you can email daily with offers and information
  • creating and optimising offers and sales funnels
  • documenting, measuring, tracking and optimising all the systems and processes in your business daily – your management decisions are made from data generated by your activities.

Your primary mission is NOT to make money at any cost.  Making money is a result of improving the life of your customers in whatever niche you choose to operate in.

You do that by honestly and painstakingly researching and creating valuable information and offers and then drawing their attention to them (i.e. advertising them) in order to help them improve their life situation.

The Only 4 Ways To Grow A Business

To conclude, when I started out in business consulting in 2001, one of the first things I was taught was that there are just 4 ways to grow a business:

  • increase the number of customers of the type you want to have i.e. list building
  • increase the number of times customers come back i.e. email marketing
  • increase the average value of each sale i.e. conversions
  • increase the effectiveness of each process in the business i.e. by measuring ,tracking and optimising processes from management information generated by business activities. ( I talk extensively about systems and processes in the free eBook below.)

These are the keys to success in internet marketing and where our focus must be at all times.  I can help you best and improve your life if you join my list below.