Trump’s ‘Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption‘ dated 21st December 2017 stripped the Rothschilds of their banking assets and, thereby, global control of money, at the stroke of a pen.

The Rothschilds used their power to issue and lend money to take control of countries, governments, and even kings/queens. They could appoint their own agents to positions of power and could finance both sides of any war to plunge nations into debt while determining the victor.

A few elite families controlled every large corporation in the world through interlocking shareholdings in huge hedge funds like Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Berkshire Hathaway etc

Quadrillions of wealth have been confiscated through the Executive Order above, while many are struggling to pay their bills due to low wages and redundancies from technologies such as robotics and AI.

The only peaceful way forward is a redistribution of wealth and a redesign of our society from top-to-bottom.

The alternative is genocide.

The Promise of Our Era: AI and Wealth Redistribution

Our current era is remarkable for two significant trends:

  1. Automation and AI Impact on Employment:

    • Jobs that are repetitive, formulaic, and resemble tasks that could be automated (“robotic”), are increasingly being taken over by AI and machines. This encompasses roles that rely on checklists, set formulas, and linear processes.

  2. Wealth Redistribution from Central Banking:

    • The wealth that has been accumulated and unjustly taken from people over the past 150 years through central banking practices is poised to be redistributed in new and unforeseen ways, benefiting the righteous rather than the corrupt.

AI Freedom & Emergence of New Wealth

  • The liberation from monotonous, task-driven jobs, thanks to AI, coincides with an influx of new wealth and prosperity. This simultaneous occurrence may be some sort of divine orchestration, providing personal freedom and financial prosperity.

  • This shift encourages moving away from traditional jobs, where individuals trade their time for money (like earning casino chips with no real value), towards fulfilling one’s true purpose and creativity.

The Vision of Co-Creator Freedom

  • The future is envisioned as one where true freedom, wealth, and abundance are prevalent, fostering a world where individuals are sovereign over their lives.

  • Humans are viewed as meant to reign and lead with authority, love, joy, compassion, and purpose, rather than being confined to conventional employment.

  • This transition to a new reality involves a learning curve, but the promise is that there will be sufficient resources and opportunities for all to find deeper meaning and fulfilment in their lives.

This interpretation emphasises the potential for technological advancement and societal shifts to lead to a more purposeful and abundant existence for humanity.