Here is the 1 hour per week content creation plan.

The 1 Hour per Week Plan

An hour a week isn’t a lot of time is it?

I mean, you spend 56 hours a week sleeping.

Probably 4 hours a week in the shower and shaving

Maybe 14 hours a week eating.

10 hours on facebook.

10 hours on email . . .

Could you carve out just an hour a week for the 2nd most important activity in this business?

What if you simply took one hour each week and recording a one-hour training each week, each week on a different topic?

In one year, you would have 50 one-hour topical trainings.

You could combine, slice and dice, multipurpose and bolt and slot them all to get:

  • 50 standalone trainings you sell for $39 each
  • put 50 trainings in a $39 a month membership
  • have 50 lessons in your coaching program (plus do a weekly live call so folks can ask qs)
  • have 5 10-hour training programs for $100 each
  • have 2 25 hour programs (add in manuals for thump-value) – for $500 each
  • cut into youtube videos (just add slides and use 5 minute slots, so you have 12 per hour for 600! youtube videos in one year
  • have all the YouTube videos transcribed so you have 600 articles on your website in one year

By the way – sometimes folks ask me, well won’t there be duplication, why would someone buy something if they can watch it for free on YouTube – here’s the thing, have YOU ever watched 600 videos on one channel on YouTube?

And especially if they are out of order.

The YouTube videos are for traffic generation.

Then they come to your site and get 600 daily emails from your articles.

Then you offer your products, and people buy the way they want to consume it – the whole enchilada for $500, or bits and pieces for $100 or $39 a month.

They can pay according to ability, and get according to what they pay – and as they get value, they buy more.

So . . . what would happen to YOUR business if you simply carved out ONE hour a week – just a measly hour – and recorded during that time?

Hint: that’s how I have over about 1000 hours of training – cut into 100 products, a big membership, a big coaching program, dozens of small standalones . . .

One hour at a time

(Many weeks I do 2-3 hours of recording, but hey, this is my full-time gig, you might just be starting small after work, so you start with carving out just one hour a week)

Hope this has you thinking big!

But What Content To Create?

The best way to plan what content to use is to use a free mind-mapping tool like Xmind.

Step #1 – Download Xmind

Step #2 – Then simply write out the main topic headings for what you do. (If you want help on this refer to other peoples products in your niche or simply go to Amazon and look inside the Chapters of a book in your niche.

Step #3 – Then list the topics for each heading

If you want 50 lessons, you might have 5 main topics, each with 10 sub-topics or 10 main topics, each with 5 sub-topics.  You can mix this up for whatever makes sense for your business.

Here is brief example of what I mean:

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