
How to Write Great Emails That Convert

Introduction If you've ever sent an email, chances are that you've received an email that was less than stellar. Perhaps it had bad grammar or spelling mistakes, or maybe the content wasn't relevant to you. It could have even been written by someone with no personality at all—a robot, if you will! But while we've [...]

2023-02-11T12:59:39+00:00By |

#6 Click Through Rates & Conversions

Monitoring click through rates and conversions are absolutely critical to success in internet marketing. I use Click Magick and the following is a short extract from their guide: If you're paying for traffic, unless you get ridiculously lucky, you have almost no chance of success if you don't track your traffic and optimize your marketing [...]

2023-02-11T12:41:06+00:00By |
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