What Is This Website About?

The original mission of this website was simple…

how to achieve financial freedom with simple, step-by-step make money online systems that can be operated from home (or anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection.)

The name of my website is ‘IM Machines’ i.e. internet marketing machines.  Machines are systems and processes that produce a consistent result.  It is my intention to document the systems that I use to generate money online.  At the same time the business environment is changing rapidly, particularly due to Artificial Intelligence.  There is also a Spiritual aspect to business that I will discuss in my newsletter.

I have access to many courses, software and products. I review them, mind map them, and I write about them in my newsletter and blog.

Why this website is for you

Everybody has unique backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, skills, interests, knowledge and perspectives.  Humanity grows by ‘standing on the shoulders of others’.  This is the co-creator economy. We take the inventions and ideas of others, make new connections, and create something new or better.  It is by sharing that we progress.  With 8 billion people on the planet, this means that, in theory, it is possible to create 8 billion unique businesses

My mission goes much, much deeper than financial freedom, though that is vitally important. The keyword is ‘FREEDOM’, because whilst we may think we are free, the reality is that up until the present time, for thousands of years, mankind has not been truly free because the ‘elites’ have boxed us in a cage of rules, regulations, media, education, taxes and a system of almost total control.

That is about to change as current events, that I have been tracking and researching for the last eight years, unfold 🙂  I have confidence in the future of mankind, but first we have to face the horrid truth of our current situation.  The globalist system of control will be dismantled. I will be writing about this because it will change everything – our currency, the internet, what we eat, the air we breath, our energy, our history, who we think we are… everything.

Background of Mark Salmon

My background is as a corporate manager for a high street Bank.  I left banking in 2001 because I did not agree with the direction in which Banking was headed (think the crash of 2008!) I had repaid my mortgage by aged 38 and I left aged 43 with money in the Bank and a desire to create and run my own business.

I ran a profit-improvement consulting business for a few years before buying a manufacturing business out of liquidation which I sold 12 months later for 10 times the capital I input.

I then started a number of small enterprises before settling on internet marketing.  I have dabbled in and out of internet marketing for the last 10 years without building a long-term sustainable business although I have an enormous number of digital products and training, the best of which, I can implement and share the results with you.

I then started researching the ‘Deep State’ after I discovered that the EU was in fact a communist system.  I stumbled across ‘Q’ a few days after Q started posting in October 2017. My intuition told me that this was important and so it has turned out.

Artificial Intelligence has recently appeared on the scene, and I am exploring the possibilities of this new technology, both for copywriting, content creation and images.

If there is a theme for this website, it could be that I will explore systems and processes that will improve our lives.  These systems are changing rapidly and will need to be adaptable to the new paradigms now opening up.

At aged 65, I believe that my time is now as I have a combination of knowledge and skills that are relatively unique.