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He not only leads Journey, but has been instrumental in leading our city of churches (Tracy For Christ) as well as serving as a Church Planting coach and training other pastors / leaders. Privacy Policy Service Times. She has been married to Richard for 26 years and are proud parents of Steven and Grace. // only run WHEN NOT IN editor mode // animate in page after load to hide jank He not only leads Journey, but has been instrumental in leading our city of churches (Tracy For Christ) as well as serving as a Church Planting coach and training other pastors / leaders. 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We invite you to Christ Journey! Check It Out. They have a beautiful two year old daughter, Carmen. She grew up the daughter of a pastor and a teacher and still managed to have a regular adolescence with all its drama. Kurtis served as youth pastor of Journey of Grace (formerly Mesa First) from 2003-2013. !b.cloneNode(!0).lastChild.defaultValue}();var da=/^key/,ea=/^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop)|click/,fa=/^([^.]*)(?:\. If you have questions, please feel free to e-mail or contact anyone on our team. Our Pastor, Rev. We are a Christian church in Coral Gables reaching the world online. The plan, which addresses . You can find her and her husband (Errol) helping at church all through the week. (c=b,b=void 0):b&&"object"==typeof b&&(e="POST"),g.length>0&&n.ajax({url:a,type:e||"GET",dataType:"html",data:b}).done(function(a){f=arguments,g.html(d?n("
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The Vision of Journey Christian Church comes from God and is implemented by the Pastoral Staff team, led by Pastor Dustin Aagaard. 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