The Dursleys, including Harry have moved there, due to the chaos with the letters. You know that. Location Seamus is trying a spell on a cup. ], [A bit later, Harry and Ron are not sitting together eating bundles of sweets. Gambon on the set of Dad's Armyin October 2014. ], [Harry goes into the store, quietly. Date(s) Harry, Ron and Hermione wince.]. The speech given by Albus Dumbledore at the end of The Goblet of Fire, the fourth book in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, is a proper response to a moment of Kairos as it seeks to comfort and prepare the students of Hogwarts for the future by honoring the innocent hero who has died, preaching unity against the opposition, and warning . She cracks another one, but another letter comes out as well. [They strain and move it. Trumann Area. Features. Harry and Ron rush in; Hermione rolls her eyes in annoyance because they're late for class. But maybe youre right and a) it is supposed to be funny and b) it supposed to foreshadow fake Moody interrupting. Hermione puts it in the lock. ], [That afternoon, outside the castle, the students, Gryffindor and Slytherin, are lined up in two rows with brooms by their sides. Hogwarts studentsHogwarts staffHogwarts ghostsOlympe Maxime and a delegation of students from Beauxbatons Academy of MagicIgor Karkaroff and a delegation of students from Durmstrang Institute Go! ], [Draco hurls the Remembrall into the air, like a baseball. Petunia kisses his cheek. Hagrid is dragging a massive Christmas tree to the castle.] [stands] You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! Oh. ], [a blow of air, and the cape flutters off them.]. ], [Hagrid sits down on the sofa, takes out an umbrella and points it at the empty fire. Harry asks Nick to clarify what he was about to say, and the ghost explains that the hat . Rita Skeeter. Hermione: No, Ron, you can't! And I'll bet one of them fits that door. [1], The Start-of-Term Feast was also used to introduce new members of the teaching staff to the student body, and to pass out important announcements and messages concerning the new school year. They come up to a large painting of a large woman in a pink dress. The crowd falls silent. "Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!". He goes too far, and topples off the broom with a yelp, tumbling on the ground. ], [Neville, Harry, Ron and Seamus are walking through a courtyard with other students all around. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth book in the Harry Potter series. Cho is mentioned to be crying silently the entire time. Smoke furls from under his hand as Quirrell winces. ], [Harry nods and Ron leaves to go back to the table as Harry continues to stare at the fireplace. Knightto H-3. Dumbledore: I should have known that you would be hereProfessor McGonagall. In this archetypal role, he's not much different . Don't move! Dumbledore: Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years: fifty points! A feast to welcome foreign students to Hogwarts and kick off the Triwizard Tournament Dumbledore: There, there, Hagrid. Though Crouch is present at Dumbledore's speech, he does not contradict him . He takes out his deluminator and activates it. If you don't, it will only kill you faster. How come he let Harry Potter compete in the Triwizard Tournament? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Quirrell crumbles as he walks forward, turning his body completely in ash and dust, and falls to the floor, leaving only his clothing. [1][6][7][8][9] They might also choose to say a few words during this time, such as in 1991, when Albus Dumbledore told the students, "Nitwit! They open the door.] ], [Later at midnight. Ron grins. At that moment, Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, comes running in and meows. Filming took place on the beach at , Flamborough, East Riding of Yorkshire, England. His scar hurts. Hagrid: I do. enemiestolovers, lies, teenromance. It seems odd because it seems so dramatic. Hermione: You'll be okay, Harry. The feast was notable for including the Sorting of all new first-year students into their Houses. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. ], [He then leaves, mumbling to himself "I should have not said that"], [It is now Christmas at Hogwarts, with snow falling. ], [They continue on further towards the castle. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.". You'll be late. It just feels like an odd moment is all. Harry raises the Snitch into the air and the crowd, and his team, cheers. Oliver and Harry appear, carrying a trunk. Harry hides behind a wall, and Dudley cowers on a windowsill. Dumbledore's triumph in the Goblet of Fire book was never mentioned again, and Harry never even considered it after he learned the truth about how blood assisted in his survival. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. After greeting Dumbledore and making arrangements to have her horses cared for, Madame Olympe Maxime and her students entered the castle to warm up and wait for the arrival of Durmstrang. ], [There is an immense cheering and Harry goes to the Gryffindor table. Johnson and Katie Bell pass the Quaffle back and forth as they strategize to score. Cedric's father, who acted like a pompous Jerkass towards Harry in the book, doesn't take the Triwizard winnings. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril: fifty points! The troll snorts, and whips around. Teddy Lupin (Head Boy, Hufflepuff) disappointed. Great Hall, Hogwarts castle, Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain[1] Take care of Ron. A reason for this change hasnt been revealed, so it was most likely a creative decision of the director (Mike Newell) and/or Michael Gambon when building the character and to add more drama to the scene. From: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. ], [Quirrell walks forward towards Harry, who then touches his face with his hands, causing Quirrell to scream in pain, and especially Voldemort to wince. Harry: Whoa! Until he is ready. On December 28th, 2011, Tumblr user the-last-enemy submitted a GIF from the scene with a humorously misspelled all-caps caption, also posting the original quote from the book in the post description. ], [Harry and Hagrid are in the underground tube. However, recent events must be taken into account and I have a few last minute points to award. ], [Just then, Neville Longbottom comes hopping into the Great Hall with his legs stuck together as the other students laugh at him. "One can never have enough socks," said Dumbledore. [Ron closes his eyes.] Dumbledore's Grave island is located in the Highlands of Scotland within the atmospheric Loch Eilt. ], [Everything goes silent. Harry comes around the corner. The man is Ollivander and he smiles. When the Harry Potter book series was adapted to the big screen, many details, characters, and scenes had to be cut, and others had to be changed to better suit the format however, there are some that didnt appeal to fans, and theres one they just wont forget: Dumbledores angry and aggressive reaction to Harrys name being added to the Goblet of Fire. They shut the door just as the keys slam up against it. Why Albus Dumbledore let Harry Potter compete? ], [The wood plank nailed in front of the letterbox finally breaks from the excess pressure of the letters shooting through the letter. Hermione points at a plaque of Quidditch players. You know, the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing. ], [In the Forbidden Forest, the group walks along a path to a tree. The Queen turns, and smashes a piece! The only time he acted out of Moody's character was when he took Harry out of Dumbledore's sight in the aftermath of Voldemort's return, and Dumbledore immediately noticed it as such and realized he was an imposter, which is how he saved Harry's life (again) at the end of Goblet of Fire. There is a ding. 2. Hermione: Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be likereal wizard's chess, do you? The cat's shadow turns into a woman with a tall hat. J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. ], Harry: Thanks, Hagrid. ], [The Queen turns and advances. [1], The food being served at the Start-of-Term Feast, The types of food served were roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, joints, steak and kidney pie, boiled potatoes, roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and peppermint humbugs. Moody informs Harry that he was the one who placed Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire. ], [he immediately skyrockets towards the sky], [He flies uncontrollably in the air and hits a wall, conking along it and then swooping off. Harry runs around a corner, just as Snape and Quirrell appear. Even before it became a meme JK Rowling did retcons. As we h. ], [Under orders, Quirrell soars into the air and grabs hold of Harry with one hand on his throat. I don't like this at all. Harry has drawn a birthday cake which reads, Happy Birthday Harry. Harry walks up and sits down on the stool. ], [The next scene, Hagrid and Harry are walking down the streets. 1 Filmography. Two sparks fly out and the fire starts. Fans got a chance to experience the Wizarding World in a different way thanks to the Harry Potter film series, beginning in 2001 and coming to an end in 2011 with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2. Friendship, and bravery. They run down corridors. He gets one and starts to run away. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Everything is too quiet, Hagrid soon notices this. A treasure of sorts . Hermione: Curious. :[Hermione looks surprised, while the other Gryffindor students applaud her.]. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They run to see him. ], [The crowd cheers in joy including Gryffindor], [McGonagall giggles happily. ], [Then, Malfoy appears smugly beside her. [grabs paw, which is blocking the door.] a) Floo powder b) Floo door c) Portal d) Portkey 2) On what night is the Yule Ball held at Hogwarts? ], [The snitch zooms around each Seeker's head, then disappears. [Harry opens the album and sees a picture, moving, of him as a baby with his parents. [Neville holds out his fists.]. Ron: You there! Draco Malfoy and Gregory Goyle. "Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" Hermione: Ugh! ], [Fang suddenly barks and Harry looks up to see Hagrid, Hermione, Ron and Draco appear. It adds nothing to the scene and, as far as I can see, was not referred to again in the film. But Dumbledore does not only address the death of Cedric Diggory. Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The roof appears to be the sky. ], [Harry and Ron, now in their robes, walk up to Hagrid. ], [The camera pans up and we see a vast amount of staircases, people walking on them, and some switching places. ], [A girl called Hermione Granger, with bushy brown hair, dressed in robes, appears at the doorway. ], Yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. Hermione, you'll be the Queen's side castle. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love.". Have just heard that James S Potter has been Sorted (to nobody's surprise) into Gryffindor. A man's face appears from between the pages, which screams madly and loudly. He pulls himself up, then down. Harry, it's you that has to go on. A long flame shot suddenly into the air, and borne upon it was another piece of parchment. The Gryffindor team is marching towards the starting gate. ], [Hermione watches as Ron's queen goes over to Harry's knight and whacks the knight with her chair. He lets slip that Hogwarts has house-elves working in its kitchens. [Hermione moves back. Philipp. ], [A trolley comes by the compartment, full of sweets. ], [Harry picks up a book and opens it. 'r' Petunia then screams and runs off. One jumps over George (or Fred) and scores. They start running down a hall when they stop, because there is a grunting noise and a large shadow on the wall. He jumps forward. Event information [Shrugs] Well, it was worth a try. ], [She blows the whistle. Vernon is about to head off to work. After greeting Dumbledore, Igor Karkaroff and his charges, as well as the other students and guests, entered the Great Hall to prepare for the feast.[2]. Harry zooms after the ball, speeding towards a tower. He runs forward and grabs the troll's club, and is lifted up. To mark the 20th an-niversary of rst publication, Bloomsbury has published four House Editions of J.K. ], Ron: Sorry. ], [They return to the Gryffindor Common Room. ], [He chases Harry and grabs him before Harry gets into his closet. Suddenly, a flock of owls start coming into the hall from the rafters above. Such is the case of a particular scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that involves the boy who lived and Hogwarts headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. They bend beside him.] 30 October 1994 Dumbledore: Exactly. Harry felt a hot, sick swoop of anger in his stomach. ], [She stops, looks and sees a bunch of owls. Okay. They stop when they hear croaking.]. ], [Neville laughs. Harry dreams of an old house where there was once a mysterious murder, but now, there is Voldemort, Wormtail, and a cook named Frank Bryce, who goes there to investigate the noise. Filch brings in an ornate wooden chest containing the Goblet of Fire, a large, roughly-hewn wooden cup, "full to the brim with dancing, blue-white flames." Anyone wishing to enter the competition should submit their name to the Goblet within twenty-four hours. After Harrys name comes out from the Goblet of Fire, everyone at Hogwarts begins to wonder how was it possible for his name to be added if he was too young and there was an Age Line protecting the Goblet and keeping those younger than 17 away. He exits into the hall, where Mrs. Norris, who meows and begins to follow him. A whistle blows, and Harry sighs with relief. In Charms class, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are learning Banishing charms, the opposite of Summoning.Fortunately, the class noise and confusion muffles their private conversation. Harry: They're not birds, they're keys. ], [They begin walking up the stairs, several of the portraits began greeting them], [A bit later on the seventh floor, They are in the corridor leading to Gryffindor Tower. Mrs. Norris looks at him. ], [From the aerial view of the Great Hall, food magically appears on all the tables, and the hall is filled with awe and chatter. The feast was notable for including the Sorting of all new first-year students into their Houses . Harry looks around and notices a black greasy haired, pale man, called, Severus Snape, giving him sinister looks. This is for you. On July 8th, 2000, the fantasy novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by British author J. K. Rowling was released in the United Kingdom and the United States. Boom! Harry grabs the key. Harry reveals that for the second task, he must find a way to breathe underwater for one hour and recover whatever the Merpeople have taken from him. ], [As Petunia quietly gasps in fear, Hagrid grabs the gun and bends it upwards. [Harry lets go] Oh, listen, Harry, if that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief, you could always, um, threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his. Ron: [Gulp] You're a little scary sometimesyou know that? ], [Harry is now in the air, across from Draco. ], [Later, Petunia is cracking a egg into a bowl, and what instead comes out is a folded-up letter. ], [As Vernon was talking, a letter shoots out of the fireplace and zips across Vernon's face, cutting him off. The three grab the railings. Voldemort's return at the end of Goblet of Fire completely changed the course of the story, giving it a much darker tone and raising the stakes. He takes out his deluminator . Harry stands up, and steps forward, trying to grab the ball. There are green and silver banners with the Slytherin symbol above their heads, already indicating the house with the most points. ], [In the hospital wing the next day, Harry is lying in bed with his arm bandaged. I won't let you! McGonagall: Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving him with these people? Go onon with you. Nicholas Hooper - The Weasley Stomp.mp3 [2 min 49 s] CD 7 PART 1 01. Johnson takes it, throws, and once again scores! ], [Ron creeps over to the door and takes out his wand.]. Filtwick is very short, and is standing on a bunch of books to make up for his stature and to see his class. A man comes up and shakes Harry's hand. The Welcoming Feast was a feast held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 30 October 1994. Hermione goes over to him and he stands up.]. [Drool from one head comes down on Ron's shoulder. And Harry, just be careful. [6] The video gained over 4,9 million views in three years. Hooch quickly holds out her wand to stop him. You have to relax. Harry is in sitting alone in a train compartment, and Ron appears in the doorway. ], [A tall boy with red hair, called Percy, comes forward and runs towards a brick wall. Hermione gets in the train. 4. [Hermione manages a smile as she is sucked down below.]. ], [Flint dodges people and throws for the Gryffindor hoops. You're sneaking out again, arent you? Added The family shrieks in horror as Harry watches in amazement. All right. Harry notices an empty spot on the bench. It breaks the harp and dives at the three. She appears underneath Snape and touches his cloak with her wand. He also says Mr. Crouch was in Snape's office the previous night. What was Dumbledore's speech in Goblet of Fire? ], [A witch comes up and shakes Harry's hand, as well. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. ], [Harry opens cake, which reads "Happee Birdae Harry" in green frosting. At some point during the feast, Bartemius Crouch Snr and Ludovic Bagman arrived as well. The competing wizarding schools arrive in spectacular fashion for the prestigious Triwizard Tournament. ], [Harry, Hermione and Ron are walking along a path with Hagrid, talking. Participant(s) Harry suddenly wakes up because his scar hurts. Seamus begins swishing at his feather. Hermione screams. ], [Harry sits down at the table. Context: When Harry is killed by Voldemort, he finds himself in another world, one that is calm and peaceful, where Dumbledore is waiting for him with these words. Breakfast food is life and coffee is what makes the world go round. Ron's rightI have to go on. The room is silent, and then everyone freaks out, screaming and running. Dumbledore looks down at the cat.]. He's put a spell on the harp. [Source]. A fitting symbol Dumbledore told them as his mother's love had kept him alive as a baby, the love of his friends had sustained him and his own capacity for love had helped him defeat his enemy and now the love of . ], [She notices something and pats Vernon on the shoulder to get his attention, and what they see is more letters addressed to Harry. New first-year students into their Houses the stool and running not such wonderful... It was another piece of parchment his wand. ] arrive in spectacular fashion for Gryffindor. Odd moment is all a picture, moving, of him as baby! He stands up, and borne upon it was another piece of parchment over Bristol like a baseball in... The doorway Dumbledore: there, there, Hagrid and Harry are walking down streets. 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