Especially find out the chores she really hates to do and make it your number one priority to ensure she never has to do them. I am also very eager to carry out any need or anything she asks. But that taken aback feeling, its because youve stepped back, and seen through less passionate eyes. Second, some of the methods used to train a husband to truly follow directions, and let go of all control required the female to be very aggressive, rough, and consequence based, at least at first. Women do tend to make the best managers of their home and family, as our brains are simply wired differently from men. In addition, she respects our mutual need to have activities that dont include each other. Such is the scenario even in some marriages. Improves male hygiene 1.2 2. Punishment though is a different beast. Probably even stronger than she thinks she is. Dont think for a second that our revolution will be confined to the bedroom or the kinky games a couple may play. Now that he has started on shifting all financial control to you, you can start to treat him as a slave in earnest by instilling obedience and changing habits is usually done by a combination of rewards and punishment. Where men may apply to spend the weekend immersed in a full high protocol environment, to be guided by the superior Female hand. The man goes to the office and then helps his wife with the dishes, cooking, and cleaning. Should that fail, we are committed to enter into mediation with a mutually agreeable third party (in level 2-4 you may grant the final word to her). Do you truly believe in supporting strong women? When a woman feels that her husband is too nave and she is too stoic, she feels that she should take the lead. . Well, I guess this background post went on a bit longer than expected. I incorporate it in my marital relationship as the threat of embarrassment is usually greater for my husband than his belief that I would never dare to post the pictures and videos publicly. book, that offers a beautifully complete and compelling view of a potential world of the future, with a realistic approach to making change in the here-and-now. Votes and vetoes can be listed her as well. We affirm that our ideal relationship includes ____________________________ and does not include _________________________. Do you plan events for your friends and family? Making sure the rules are followed and obeyed exactly as the wife wants is an important part of the wife led marriage. They want a woman who is stern and focused on correcting their mistakes in a harsh way, punishing them and emotionally abusing them. Are you in a similar situation? When combined with a dash of flirtatiousness, it is a recipe for respect and appreciation both ways, but it ends up in the men wanting to please and serve me. Learn More! Generally what you want your man to learn in your female led relationship and what he wants to learn are very different. Youll end up with 2 lists: what you want and what your husband wants. We have only been married for 5 months, and together over two years. By Amanda Jette Knox. That doesnt mean, however, that I wont rely on his strengths and abilities. Over 3-4 months, I had done some research, and stumbled across information on Wife/Female led relationships. Design a site like this with For Female Dominants, well, you probably already know all of this information, but I recommend it all the same. After trying hard for many years to fit into the old Patriarchal style of family life, our founder Debbie (aka QueenBee) realized that she wasn't being true to her own skills and strengths in managing her home and family. (Coaching in person, via Skype or email). Buy a collar and leash. Defining the philosophy of Female Dominance, conducting a female led relationship in public and allowing a man achieve complete peace within himself through dedicated service to a woman continue to be the cornerstones of our relationship. Even if their current partners are good, they hold a tendency to control them. Personally, I gain a more competent, happy partner. Any time the stop safety is reported, she will stop, investigate injury, and seek immediate medical attention at his request. So, I feel that a modified version that seemed more possible for us, one where sex is NOT involved in the process at all. They knowingly or unknowingly start dominating their husbands to prevent them from controlling them. Both partners in the relationship have to be happy and fulfilled to make a happy and rewarding, and purposeful marriage. Male Discipline in a FLR by Ms. Rebecca James. Female Led Relationship Level 3/Sissy Baby Contract. Start the wheel spinning. They believe that men should practice chastity most of the time. As Ive matured (and especially over the last few months), Ive realized that this is not at all true. Look around your house and choose 3 slave spaces: a corner where you stand and wait until you have to do tasks, a cage where you are stored away when your Mistress needs privacy (can be a small closet) and an office chair and desk where you work. You might think this is silly but we all make relationship agreements. Public Policy & Government 5 Listings. Good luck Ashley in finding a good balance for your and your husband. This agreement is about how we want to proceed as a couple. Some women-led relationships are harbored out of good intentions. We are an organization dedicated to female led relationships, female led communities and female led projects of all kinds.Our focus is on art, education and community by and for Dominant Women and those who love us.Our projects include movies, books, classes, podcasts, and NFT art collections, as well as physical meeting spaces such as Cathexis House and the Temple of the Dark Goddess, and their virtual counterparts being built in the metaverse for our growing online community. These should be broad ideas. It seems so complicated. Interview: Living a life respecting the divine feminine, Cuckolding and one-sided open relationships, How single men can prepare for a life of Female Leadership, Single Dominant women how to approach them, Five parts of a mans life women can dominate within a Female Led Relationship, The longer he is in chastity, the more serving, attentive, understanding, loving and committed he is, How to greet your Domme when she returns home, Interviews with real dominant women series: Lots of men have a real need to be Dominated, Interviews with real dominant women series: Remember this is about what you as the woman wants and not fulfilling what a male partner wants, Interviews with real dominant women series: The most attractive quality in a submissive man? Support the cause any way you can. Who knows. MORE WOMEN ARE DISCOVERING THAT WHEN THEY LEAD A RELATIONSHIP - IT FLOURISHES! Remediation (remedy) is a solution to the problem most often characterized by a penalty. john. There were a host of complications that could/would be problematic for us. She is probably NOT dominant. From now on, he will wear either panties, or if you arent inclined to do this, wear humiliating underwear. 1. Focus on her, listen carefully to what she says, watch her reactions, be aware of what is going on. Well, this is a good rule in any kind of marriage. In a wife led marriage, the wife often punishes and rewards her husband. strives to provide motivation and inspiration to people in different fields. They want to be controlled. Put aside your ego and accept her corrections and discipline as positive training. He is a professional, and I want him to achieve to his highest potential professionally, personally, and spiritually. Punishment is for very severe infractions. She has to know it all and often orders the husband to do as she says. They have a desire to be the supreme and believe that they are always right. Collectors get access to our on-line Cathexis House community server, and priority access (presale list) to the following collections:Phase 2: The Renee Lane Collection - (see project description for details) to fund the feature length movie Finding Love, written by Renee Lane, with screenplay by Guinevere Turner (American Psycho, The L Word, The Notorious Bettie Page). More about the movie here.Phase 3: The Company Keys - a collection of keys which allow collectors to find real hidden treasures locked at specific latitudes and longitudes around the planet (from Australia to Netherlands to the U.S.), and gain access to The Company - a worldwide society of Dominant Women and pre-vetted submissives. Possession of these keys will allow collectors access to events at the Temple of the Dark Goddess (IRL at the East Coast farm), at Cathexis House in Colorado, as well as virtual event on our private server and in the metaverseStep 4: Gynarchy Metaverse - Exclusive access for all NFT holders to the virtual Cathexis Cinema within the Queendom Metaverse ( We are developing a space within the metaverse to celebrate women in film and to meet our community for special events and gatherings. Finally was the sexual aspect of it. My FLR relationship with my husband is evolving. She has her friends and I have mine, and we have mutual friends. Ive written about this. Its what they do. They are not easy to bed. js = d.createElement(s); = id; In fact, they are happy to be in a female-led marriage. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. A Female Led Relationship is a committed, loving union in which the woman's happiness, satisfaction and progress are the primary focus in the relationship. Further, if the non-performance offense is of sufficient weight for the woman to lose confidence in her leadership, she may call for ________________________________________________, Non-performance remediation for the woman is ________________________________________ and may also include ______________________________________. Yes, you can monitor his weight (and you should) but what if hes not losing weight? In exchange, the man will take over the domestic duties. Welcome to the my wife wears the pants blog. I certainly believe that we, as Women, need to be in control of our society at all levels. For awhile, I had to work through this feeling, since as responsible men, we are taught not to be this way. FLR for Feminists! Are you the 'rock' your family depends on? Her experience, objectivity, and sincere care for her trainees has made an impact on my life I won't soon forget. While I prefer to refer to God in the Feminine (because She created both male and Female in Her image and the Female certainly was created with superior traits and capabilities), I have to believe that She values men as well as Women, and it will be unfortunate if we enslave them, or are unloving or disrespectful to them. In a female-led relationship (FLR), the woman exerts more control over her male partner. Just a note, this is not the place to announce your undying love and devotion to one of the Dominant Ladies. His safe word for pause is _______________________, His safe gesture for pause is ______________________. Required fields are marked *. For the last ten years, Ms. Renee has employed erotic S&M, mind control, and brainwashing techniques to forge an intimate and loving bond with her submissive partner. That's according to sex therapist and researcher, Gloria Brame, Ph.D., as reported by Mind Body Green. Such wives are also often rude to the husbands parents. For instance, if you want to control his weight, it will be hard for him to resist that burger during his business lunch. Have questions about a project, or want to get involved somehow? We declare and affirm our belief that a female led relationship is right for us. He has to earn it with a loving or caring gesture. Simply put, do what she says. Hello, Im Paul. Are you the one people turn to in a crisis? If you have vetoes list them here. Such controlling wives will never let husbands watch porn or will never watch it together with them too. Further, if the non performance offense gives sufficient to cause for the man to lose confidence in her leadership she/he may call for ________________________________________________, We agree we want to keep our relationship vital by ________________________________________________________________________________ together. She does not want him to fall prey to scheming people and hence tends to control him in the relationship. What exactly is wife domination? She cares too much for her sweet husband and controls him to protect him. I think there may be what someone has called controlling abuse. I am thinking of when I use my power to prohibit my husband from making any independent decisions, control how he spends his free time, what he wears, what friends he chooses, how much time he spends with friends or family, what and how he thinks. There is no power struggle in a female-led relationship. It was designed for women who are interested in learning how to embrace their inner strength and management skills! The husband can go out with his boyfriends only if the wife allows. Male submission is not weakness, it takes great strength of character to openly accept female leadership in . We are very committed to each other and together as we move forward. Some of you will start as weekend servants. Any pee on the rim or the seat will result in punishment, whether it is you or one of your friends. Being a leader in such a relationship means playing an active role, making all the important decisions and taking responsibility. Well, the more I thought about this, the stronger my feelings became. That is more power than I need, and more than Women should have, which speaks to how my FLR is evolving. . You can help us by signing up for Ms V's wonderful updates. One of the guidelines in a female-led relationship is orgasm management: the woman controls the man's sexual release. Show that you aren't another schmuck who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk! Male submission is not weakness, it takes great strength of character to openly accept female leadership in your relationship. Traditionally, the term "female-led relationship" or FLR was understood as a type of BDSM relationship where a submissive man agrees to be sexually dominated by a woman. Give your time, your heart, and even your masculinity, but be careful with your money. She makes all decisions, including household tasks, finance, and social events. A Female Led Relationship is an arrangement where the woman is in complete and total control of the couple's lives, from making the rules of the house, making decisions that affect both parties, and deciding what activities to do. gaining access to our 100% private forum sign up now! These types of relationships require understanding from both partners, and the willingness to adapt to the needs of each individual. Are you honest enough to know that a lot of women rule the roost in a nice way? This is a group of blocks in columns. I made it clear early on that I was happy to serve her wishes, but that she needed to respect me for that. She makes all the decisions when it comes to the relationship dynamic. Has your boyfriend/husband approached you with the idea of taking more control? 1. She has her own hobbies and interests. In some other cases, the dominance is quite evident in public too. As a sign of obedience, he will kneel before her on command. For instance, I dont want anyone in my house unless its very clean and organized first, despite the circumstances. In summary, the "1950's" kink can include the way the 1950's . Is your wife/girlfriend a strong woman that you have confidence in? A lot of the newbies are coming in and they don't understand the dynamics." D/s Structures We agree to the following escape clause in the event that he cannot perform: 1. Read widely. In an FLR, the woman is in the more dominant role and the man is in the more submissive role. In order to pay the bills, he will need to behave according to the rules that you have both negotiated. Has anyone ever referred to you as an 'in charge woman', 'exceptionally confident', 'very clear in asking for what you need', or feels that you have that potential? It was early July, and we were on our way home after a botched date night. Female-Led Relationships (FLR) are based on the matriarchal philosophy of Loving Female Authority and places women in authority and teaches males to submit and serve their wives. Read what happened. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Please check it out. (No more guessing! She Makes the Rules website is completely owned and run by real everyday women. I only wish I had started sooner.BRANDON, TRAINEE, This is a spectacularly well-written (manifesto? In order to establish a truthful intimate and fulfilling relationship between yourself and someone you care about, you must negotiate a mutual gain in the important issues of your life.. It is productive to depend on the other partner where his/her strengths can compensate for weaknesses. When we are going about our own separate days, I do things in service to her, but I also make my own plans and do my own thing. You are allowed these items to sleep if you have displayed good behavior, otherwise you sleep on the floor. It is important that free time is revoked when he has not been 100% obedient or dutiful. GET THE COMPLETE SERIES OF OFFICIAL RULES FOR A LOVE & OBEY FEMALE LED RELATIONSHIP "I Learned how to make moves every day that demonstrated my dominance without hurting my husband's feelings." - Kathy Failure to accept complete remediation will make this agreement null and void. Female led world joy can be achieved by applying the two essential precepts of female dominated relationships to society: Browse our FLR Personal ads to find your match. For instance, he might find 10 lashes of the crop sexually rewarding, but I doubt he will find 60 lashes with a crop exciting. These men usually call it Femdom or Female Domination. As I mentioned earlier, I feel a need to control my surroundings due to anxiety. The woman makes the decisions to move the relationship forward and the man plays a submissive role. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. They had no issues in following their partners instructions as they believed that she is always right. This is a natural behavior that comes out of past vengeance. Once Wine is installed, you can by Scott Zhou | Nov 16, 2022 | Update Drivers Automatically. How some women get the intention to dominate their partners comes from their backgrounds and past events. We are an organization dedicated to female led relationships, female led communities and female led projects of all kinds. Send us a message and we'll get back to you within 48 hours. Here is what needs to be done. We have a two year road map that includes 4 exciting projects.Phase 1: The Viola Voltairine Collection - Genesis: a limited edition of 200 NFTs featuring women artists from the U.S., Venezuela, and the Ukraine, creating portraits of Ms. Viola Voltairine based on photos. If you are truly interested in being more respectful towards women, heres a really good 5 simple ways article that covers the basics and provides helpful examples. It might be something directly aimed at your relationship or broader. Share your ideas for love, life, and family! Real men know that the more they do, the happier their partner will be. We have all been in a male-led relationship, but have you ever tried a female-controlled relationship? These two things have always made me want to control my surroundings, which can be expressed in what my wife considers to be very annoying ways. It will likely NOT be kinky at first. What is a female led relationship and how can you make it work? An ideal marriage is one in which both the partners have an equal say and respect each others opinions. Already an accomplished filmmaker, she has participated in many illicit occupations to support her artistic habits, from being the program director of the Z Film Festival and festival director of the 72 Hour Feature Project in Chicago to running a commercial BDSM studio/art space and later becoming a kink educator for in-person and on-line workshops.Voltairine founded the production company Artvamp Films in 2000, and has since produced a number of award-winning feature films. Loving Female Authority (LFA) is a matriarchal-based philosophy that argues women assume the leadership roles in society and males are taught to be subservient and submissive to their wives. Without her advice and insights, I would have made terrible mistakes. Title: Relationship Agreement. Thank you for this grounding material as it helps me get insight on how to better guarantee possible servitude. You can help us by signing up for Ms Vs wonderful updates. Most importantly get behind those who are actively and publicly promoting FLRs, such as, Visit for more info about the book and movie, Forget who might be watching, what people might think, just think about pleasing her. The Gynarchy Governance event celebrates all that is Female led. Currently in our relationship I figure $100/month to be reasonable for myself, and $300/month for my dearheart. Next, have him hand over control of all his accounts bar one. If needed, we will create a formal document where the conflict is registered and the remediation is written. 1. In private life, they are mistress and slave. She'll make the best decision for the both of you. I have traded punishment for disobedience, for meaningful communication and unity of purpose and goals, and this, I believe, will improve our relationship dramatically. Imagine water dripping into a large container. Some painful kinks will pleasurable to him, others will not. It makes their wives feel happy and empowering. First is my anxiety. If you want to disable Windows from by Scott Zhou | Dec 2, 2022 | Registry Dll Files. The woman expects obedience and respect from the man. As such we have agreed that the role of the woman in our relationship is ______________ (leader, head, superior*) and the role of the man is __________________ (supportive, follower, servant, inferior**). . I am curious to ask if he feels youve distanced yourself from him and if he feels more alone now that you dont seem to care enough to manage him as tightly as you once did. Second, some of the methods used to "train" a husband to truly follow directions, and let go of all control required the female to be very aggressive, rough, and consequence based, at least at first. I just want to make sure my husband is fulfilled in his life as a whole, not just in our home. Remember, he has a fantasy and you may, too. Being the leader can be tough, so shoulder as much of the menial work and day to day chores as possible to make her life easier. Shell make the best decision for the both of you. This will bring you both closer together. We agree to the following formal rules ____________________________________________________________ (see attachment for ceremony details). They are limited by/to ___________________________________ or otherwise agree to make decisions equally by vote.. You work as a team, but ultimately, she is in charge. Make him feel like a slave even when he is clothed. Shes the manager, you are the subordinate. Be present. It is surprising to think about how the world has changed today and women have evolved to such extents that there are marriages where wives dominance is greater than the husbands. Its not that your opinion is not important, just that your partnership is best if the woman in your life has final say on everything. We agree to meet as a couple each ______________ (month, quarter, year) to read and make adjustments to this agreement. Though I have become considerably better at managing it over the last few years, it still complicates decision making when the potential decisions make me uncomfortable. Female Led Relationship 6.01K subscribers Subscribe 8.7K views 2 years ago Hi, I'm Marisa Rudder and today, August 20, 2020, marks an exciting new stage in the Love & Obey movement. Because of the demands of life and of making progress in our own personnel goals, we have gone off and focused on our own seperate lives for a time over the years and its been healthy. }(document, "script", "aweber-wjs-h3gme2pko")); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=%27 type=%27text/javascript%27%3E%3C/script%3E")); Your opinion is wanted! As a result, the woman will have greater power in the relationship and be in charge of critical decisions. Your email address will not be published. Some examples of traditions: As a sign of respect for her leadership, he will defer to her in public situations. A training manual for Female Led Relationships. on The joy of service, five ways to make the woman in your life happy, The joy of service, five ways to make the woman in your life happy. Once youve installed the drivers, restart your computer to apply the changes. 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