This is all so new that we are seeing what works for electrically sensitive people as we go. It started happening infrequently about the time I changed my internet to fiber (1 GiG upload/download) and after a few months it has become more frequent where im having the issue all throughout the day. Having low-EMI ONT devices would make fiber much easier on ES people. I look forward to seeing the article you are preparing. It will cost more up front, but will pay dividends in health and economic development for many generations to come. Thank you so much for the article. In fact it is already at our property line and will be connected to my house by December. I really need the higher speed for my home office where I teach classes via video teleconferencing. 5G, or fifth generation, is another type of wireless technology. Works with the Macbook computer. Thalamocortical alpha frequency oscillations have been noted in the human occipital-parietal cortex. I demonstrate this here: This article was originally published on September 2019 and updated most recently in August 2022. Im in a pinch. Inside the house they will mount an O.N.T. Most of the equipment youre talking about is rated for Industrial / Commercial use, which is far different than Residential. We moved into a new home in a fiber optic community and took that service. After 35+ years of attempting to wake people up to the biologically destructive properties of electromagnetic induction, I have given up any hope for humanity. (also EMF how to check for problems and helps). In 1996, WHO established the International EMF Project. Have any idea if there is such a filter available? Would that do a thing, or is the solution to get them to remove it, I think they were Ok with that. Then there is no harm at all. I have been so sick due to so much cable being installed. So, to cut to the chase, have you written about a health friendly infrastructure from signal origination to signal destination that would be safer? Please read the first couple paragraphs here to see my thoughts on this approach: Also watch my talk at the EMF Conference last fall where I mention this: When your WiFi router transmits data, it emits EMFs that the But the fiber is in the lawn now and if the ONT is going to stay in the shed, will it make EMF in the house? Your email address will not be published. This should be the position of ALL Stop5G groups as far as I am concerned. (Dining in restaurants is pretty much history for us). I see! 5.) Thus, living in an area without fiber infrastructure can both reduce the EMI coming into your home and prevent you from having a cellular antenna like these installed directly outside your home. Of course none of this will solve the EMR problems of 5G as THAT will be wireless radiation. I dont think so, but it would be nice to have your opinion on this. Jeromy, can you please give me some advice? Thanks for this Jeromy. When it comes to wireless routers, it is often assumed that Many of our phones, tablets, computers and televisions are connected to the internet without cables. What to check? Yes, EMI and DE are similar. Wonderful that you have connected the dots! Hopefully that will help get you on the right track. Reducing EMI w/o Filters: But he did not know about the RF issues so I told him my story and gave him your website. I have the lowest bandwith and find it to be adequate for my needs. The fiber optic communication and the routers themselves are the actual problem, its the type of switch mode power supplies many of them use. There are no truly low-EMF phones (and SAR is a very misleading calculation meant to give people a false sense of security). High Speed Asus AC1900 Eco Router: WebHow can fibre reduce bowel cancer risk? Server rooms are very safe except for three things to which you need to pay attention. First, you cant eat or drink in a server room, so you need Its complex and vitally important, but I think we will eventually figure it out. Bluetooth uses short-range signals to allow devices to connect to one another and transfer data. Insects and birds are dying and my dog is sick. This page adheres to our medical and editorial policy and guidelines. Get your facts straight and stop fear mongering! As I mention in the article above, there are ways to reduce any EMI coming into your home. It may be installed free right now, but at what price? The other thing is that you really need an RF meter to test the power of the WiFi. Thanks for this great article Jeromy! One more question I want to switch from an iPhone 7 to a low emf phone. But does it affect health? Thank you writing this article on EHS and fiber optic installations, it was very interesting. Ive been concerned about 5G and had no idea they use the fiber optic system! But hundreds of scientists and medical professionals recently petitioned the WHO, claiming 5G will boosts the potential for cancer. Our cable TV downstairs is via a different provider. Thanks for your reply. Good article and glad you added tips on how to reduce or prevent exposure in your home. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Meese J, et al. Glad the low-EMF steps are working well for you. It is the accidental common mode EMI that is coming in from the telecommunications equipment that is the primary issue in this case. Also I have an iPhone 10. I presume this would (at least in part) be a result of EMI. You are likely picking up the electric field from the AC wiring in those parts of the home. I had not read it before. In Illinois, where I live, if you are a homeowner and planning to do a renovation, you can call a number and they will put flags (different colors for different utilities) to show you where the lines are. WebThere are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. This can help with the EMI coming to your computer. Im located about 2 hours north of Detroit in Southern Ontario, Canada. This EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure is a primary reason why electrical sensitivity is increasing when high-speed internet is installed in our communities. Ive been dealing with EHS and DE for almost 8 years now and am just now finally starting to slowly recover if I keep a healthy distance from stuff and eat brain foods. Wear disposable aprons to minimize fiber particles on your clothing. I have wondered myself whether the conversion back to electricity (and the conversion to light) could potentially be a problem with respect to EMI emissions and electrosensitivity. So would this solution also work for 5G? I cut the cord a few years ago (and substituted WiFi for everything from computers to TVs) and now I think were seeing the health effects. With this book, you will quickly learn how to find and create a home that is healthy for you and your family. I feel pretty certain those folks who will be moving into those apartments are going to be highly exposed to harmful radiation. Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion, The high-speed fiber optic data must be converted to electrical signals before the data can be transmitted to the home on the existing copper cable or phone line DSL. For example, according to a 2017 research review, EMFs from wireless devices increase the risk of glioma, a type of brain tumor. Your email address will not be published. When the planes are going for their practice runs, the observatory is not used. * Are there alternative technologies that could give high speed internet that DO operate with low-EMI emissions and thus less radiation. I have sent you an email with some specific ideas. I am just preparing to go to NBN optic fibre, as I have no choice. Not only did I have a horrible headache, and no longer sleep in my bedroom, but my son and I both have kind of a ringing our ears constantly when were at the apartment. Now they are threatening to cut off my landline service. What model of modem should I look for to connect with iiNet ? The newer ones (such as model 12-586) have noise suppression technology that makes them useless for detecting EMI. But, since HFC connection and using VOIP (non-wireless corded phones), I have measured 700-800 V/m at the phone, yet THE Server 1 phone connected to copper cable measures 7.5 V/m. Most modems will create a lot of EMI, both from their operation and dirty power sources. One plastic electrical cable supplies their artificial hunger. You will eventually want to measure the EMFs. With your Bluetooth earbuds in, you can listen to an audiobook loaded on your smartphone or crank up your playlist during your daily workout. they are always sending and receiving information, but these devices transmit just Here are a few: 1.) millivolts, spikes, frequencies? Wishing you all the best, Dana-Farber Insight team. This is because the converters are not designed with low-EMI emissions in mind. I am going to find out exactly what they are going to install and will get back to you. The ONT (fiber modem) is usually provided by the company. The FCC does not endorse the need for these practices, the agency says, but it offers these steps to reduce exposure for those who are still concerned: Try the #1 cancer information skill in the Alexa skill store, CTCA is now City of Hope, a national, integrated cancer research and treatment system. My goal is to give you practical and effective EMF solutions that actually work. I would be willing to pay for this like a subscription. Obajuluwa AO, et al. Is there a single, hand-held device made that can measure all of this harmful radiation, Wifi & VHFs (30-300 MHz) included? Pure fiber to the home is much better than a hybrid system or fiber lines that have a metal backbone (this will conduct EMI into the home). In other words, when I take the radio near my laptop and hear loud feedback, is that a response to the electric and magnetic fields of the computer, or is it feedback from the EMI or both? In fact, the American Cancer Society (ACS) says Bluetooth earpieces send out radiofrequency waves at significantly lower levels than even cell phones. I am getting ready to buy a new home. If one does not use fiberoptics in ones house, but it has been installed in the neighborhood, does that mean the EMI and be traveling on the Comcast cables that one is using for internet connection and phone service? * Remove all 5G antennas I know so little about this subject and Im frantically trying to read all I can in a short amount of time. You typically cant get cut but you can get a puncture and a splinter! Thank you, too, for mentioning flicker sensitivity. I dont believe Ive heard of that. But the researchers didnt state the possible mechanisms behind these results. The scientists pointed to data showing electromagnetic fields generated by cell phones, wi-fi and baby monitors may impact human health. Thanks for sharing your wisdom/insight. That is a big if though at this time and most likely the stock media converter they give you is going to be produce a lot of EMI, which will then go on all the copper telephone wiring in your home (if that is all it is hooked up to). Because the body is unable to absorb and Julia- I am also currently suffering from illness from EMF exposure and was advised by my physician to lower it as much as possible. To summarize, not all OSP fiber networks operate the same way, and what you are describing (HFC design) is rapidly being replaced by larger fiber cables and passive splitter systems (GPON) that operate with no power in between the optical laser at the signal point of origin to the media converter at the end user. This idea may seem counterintuitive, but it will create an EMI barrier between your computer and your internet providers system. This would give us internet that is healthy/safe/fast/reliable for the entire society. WebFiber Internet uses fiber-optic cable instead of traditional copper cable or satellite signals to provide access to the Internet. The cable and outlet where the powerstrip for the computer is plugged in, which is 2 feet from where I sit, measures 50 V/m, but the chair where I sit is at the 15V/m level. Then I would keep using a smart phone, but listen to the podcasts and music when the phone is on Airplane mode. Just call your internet provider to see what systems they have in your area. Besides, it is fun. Studies have demonstrated a reduced risk of colon cancer when populations with diets high in total fat switched to a diet high in total fiber and certain whole-grain I think you would still agree that fiber is much more energy efficient than wireless. It sounds like your phone line is still part of the older network and should be a big issue. Is there a typo? In 2011, the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic to humans. The label was established by 30 scientists who evaluated studies on EMFs and cancer. (2020). Would the phone companies know? Feel free to reach out to me for a phone/Skype call. Fiber-optic lines consist of up to hundreds of small strands of glass or plastic cables, each about 1/10th the size of a single human hair. Here are the meters I recommend: And how to use the EMF Meters: Question, I am doing everything possible to mitigate EMF as Im super sensitive. I have experienced what you are going through. Thanks for your question. The place is a mess. Ive just been informed by Verizon that they will be suspending/disconnecting the current copper (landline) phone network in my community and I will lose my phone service in three weeks if I dont switch to their fiber setup. Finally, I phoned up technical support and they said turn the router off and then on again. Can WiFi cause cancer? Do you or do you have technicians that can go to homes and do all of the things you recommend? Is that EMI unavoidable? Not soI will print this and bring it to our next meeting! WiFi and the electronic devices that connect to it, such as cellphones, laptops, and wireless headphones, are all around us. Excessive signal loss due to a cable span thats too long. I started researching anything and everything that could be causing this and I realize they had just installed fiber optics at my complex unfortunately the box for my entire building where they put all the connectors in is right outside my bedroom window. Does prolonged radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi devices induce DNA damage in various tissues of rats? I thought I was the only one this happened to. This will prevent EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure from conducting along the cable and telephone lines in your walls. In short, I would hold off on the fiber connection based on both of your sensitivities. Fortunately, there are solutions to this issue. Currently, theres no definite answer to this question. I am happy to see this info regrading Fiber Optics because I am very ill from the installation of Fiber Optics underground wiring in my neighborhood (and the whole town) about 5 months ago. done that. Do you have an older Radio Shack AM radio to measure radiated EMI? I can send you his very technical explanation if you email me. This would be a good thing for you, if you can get a low-EMI media converter that will transfer the fiber data to your copper system in the home. I had changed from my Internet from Server 1 as they were determined to give me a SMART modem that had 2.5GHz, 4GHz and 5GHz, when they knew that I was vulnerable to EMR, and had been suffering radiowave and microwave illness since 1960 (ex-military microwave communications officer). Or is it because the AT&T box where he installed? I typically just run long Ethernet or fiber cables in my home. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified electromagnetic fields, especially from cell phones, as possibly carcinogenic. Noting that there could be some risk, the IARC concluded in 2011 that we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk." EMI is the more technical term. lightening) that can reduce speed of transmission. Yes, I do have some good recommendations. Thank you for your article. The best way to know is to contact your local telecom company and ask if/where the fiber system is located in your neighborhood. Im looking forward to reading more of your articles. I have photocopies of letters from the telephone company to the power commission that they had measured 180 Volts AC on their telephone equipment. Julia, I can help with question 2. Non-ionizing radiation is generally considered harmless to humans. Fiber particles on your clothing can later get into food, drinks, and/or be ingested by other means. body can absorb. The cable modem can also add EMI to the electrical wiring of your home, so you want this to be clean as possible. Here are my tips: Remember the brick-phone? Should You Be Worried About EMF Exposure? Ive been to Green Bank . This is in contrast to wireless communications for which the radiation emitted is an intrinsic part of the process. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. The real danger is when fibers are stripped, trimmed, and cut. I hope I will be around to see it in my lifetime, but a lot is going to happen and is happening. 0.1% of the time. I fully intend to switch to a different Internet provider, as I am not satisfied with my current one. EMF SolutionsAffiliate DisclaimerEMF ConsultantsCookie PolicyPrivacy PolicyContact Thanks Jeromy. It will take some awareness and good local laws to get there, but I think that is what we will eventually have. Obviously, you want an ONT device with no WiFi as well. You are the first person I have heard talk about this potential issue. Thank you and God bless you! Yes I can see your point, but things are changing and lucky for all of us God is in charge and making changes and these will ultimately be part of the change. Fibre helps us to poo more often, increases the size of I come from the medical and electrical / electronic industry. I knew there was EMI in my homenot DEand I pulled out my trusty old AM transistor radio and it picked a lot of induction around 10MHz from towers and I now believe the PLC that is am using for my cable Foxtel. Not to confuse with wireless which is thousands of uW/m2. It sounds like your phone line is still part of the older network and shouldnt be a big issue. I use a landline and ethernet cable. I use only a desktop computer hardwired to an old non-WiFi modem using DSL service. This answers the 5-month issue I have had with electrical sensitivity. Electronics that generate such emissions, including computer processors, might be shielded in a metal box, with filtering to stop the EMI carrying along cables that enter into or exit from the container. Also, is there a main hub where everything connects in a neighborhood that can be identified (and avoided!)? I have no need of super high-speed InternetI just do light surfing, emailing, and would like to watch a few videos on YouTube from time to time. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a074b2b7f5c2d3959e7396f7f57937d3" );document.getElementById("e284769192").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Welcome. Thanks! The concern around WiFi and routers causing cancer is due to the emission of these EMFs. I did so and the very second that the windows in my browser became active, I was hit by symptoms e.g. Yes, if you remind me about your purchase, I will send you the updated version. Those boxes are between every house in our neighborhood! The changes wont be significant though. I would greatly appreciate it if you could explain how the fiber optic method creates EMF if you do not choose to use the utility companys internet service, but the wires are running below your front yard, up through the box on your yard, etc. There can be a significant problem with the high-speed fiber optic converters out at the street (or in the home with some newer fiber systems) that create these electrical data signals. why oh why does this site move so rapidly from one non disaster to another perfectly safe product to blame for early death, cancer, the end of the Uncle Google, for some reason, cannot answer this, but if you sleep low to the ground, or on a small mattress on the ground,(so like your building floor is about two feet off earth,), on a wooden floor, is it possible theres Less EMF at lower levels than say at 3 feet, or standard bed height? I need a land line too since cell phones bother me even more. Wireless networks stream invisible radio waves, a form of radiofrequency radiation (EMFs), through the air similar to cellphones, computers, Bluetooth speakers, and other WiFi-powered devices. I was trying to choose one with a larger lot, so I can have some distance from my neighbors. As for cell towers, antenna search is good. I never really thought twice about it until I came down with a massive headache that lasted for about three weeks. I also want to say that I completely understand the need to for a consultation for the in-depth answers my questions would require. Fiber internet uses a newer technology, and therefore tends to be more reliable and faster. I have read that we should be concerned about 5G. Will be easier to go over all your question that way. We are going to talk again once he gets up to speed. This will allow any EMI on the ISP system to be transmitted into your home. But my current concern is should it be installed at all?? I see so much brain cancer this year. Those results have also been inconclusive. Additionally, one 2018 animal study also found that Wi-Fi reduces the activity of antioxidant enzymes, which combat oxidative stress. If I cant reduce this EMI, I will not be able to use a phone. You would only know by measuring properly. As you look for a new home, just be aware of the type of telecommunications used. Your Ethernet cables wont matter too much, as long as they are shielded and groundable with metal RJ45 endings. 1) If the Fiber Optics were installed right to my house, but not hooked up (leave the O.N.T. Another option I thought would be put faraday enclosure on the ONT, ground the ONT and cable to the ground rod right there, and then use shielded cable at least to the router. Your cellphone exposes the area of the body to which it is held (the ear or head) to the energy given from EMFs and other factors. We believed that fibre optic was a safe option. She is even injured by the tower and it seems to be what has given me the stroke and heart attack. You will want the Radio Shack AM radio model 12-467, 12-464 or older AM radio. Does using fiber optic cable from the modem/router and fiber optic pc network adapter solve the emf problem? How can I know if high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in my neighborhood? My desktop computer puts out semi-high levels and makes me wonder if the fiber optic is contributing. The aircraft come from all around, slow their speed (cut back on power), descend to low altitudes, and search for assigned targets with forward looking radar. The main concern regarding this type of EMF is although Big difference with grounding the cable! Watch this: Disabling a Samsung Smart TV: Hardell L. (2017). WebBroken fiber because of excessive bending. From 30 years of personal experience, I know that radio frequency radiation causes me headaches - no doubt about it. My very first mobile telephone There are two types of EMFs: ionizing and non-ionizing. Whats the difference between Bluetooth and wi-fi? The following articles speak to this. I have requested they move the box which they told me no. Is there a way to get pdf /printable versions of your blog entries like the one above as well as the Comments section with your incredibly helpful responses to the comments? Thanks for sharing your experience George. This is a problem for me too when the computer is connected to the internet (even on ethernet), I get symptoms. You likely wont know if there is an issue until after they connect everything. WebOptical fiber glass is just silica glass. Whatever it is, it is from hell. Seek the Light we have to change. Sorry to hear what you are experiencing. The ice that forms around the fiber optic cables often causes the cables to bend, which affects the signals sent through the cables. I just got an AM radio, RadioShack 12-464, and am wondering if the feedback I hear is due to electric and magnetic fields as well as dirty electricity? But there are currently no known health risks in humans. Finally, this is what I do for a landline setup even when going through the modem:, Jeromy, you write: Could you clarify something for me? They did exist with the initial brick phones, but were rare. Read through and watch these: Hi Jeromy! Nobody has accurate information like you do. Otherwise, they are below ground. With all the jet traffic and the need to monitor the practicing planes, they must have a supporting radar. I will certainly look into the website you shared. Most people are focused on RF, which is indeed a big issue (5G, WiFi, smart meters, etc). How to check? However, after reading your article, I have two concerns: 1) I think I may need to know where the fiber optic cables are buried underground, in case they run through my yard. to create fiber optic technologies which support accessibility needs for electrosensitive people around the world? Still trying to understand it. Obviously, as you have pointed out in this article, there are options to deal with the negative effects of Fiber Optic after it is installed. Thank you for reading. In the wee hours of the morning, military aircraft use the Green Bank valley for ground support practice. Antioxidant enzymes, which combat oxidative stress puts out semi-high levels and makes me wonder if the Optics... They were Ok with that to this question around us doubt about until. The practicing planes, they must have a supporting radar my desktop hardwired. Cancer ( IARC ) stated that EMFs does fiber optic internet cause cancer possibly carcinogenic to humans test the power the! 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