The reserve addresses are published for anyone to audit. LQTY, the native token of stablecoin lender Liquity, has risen by 35% after being listed on Binance's innovation zone. Please note that this token is different from the actual Cardano (ADA) coin that exists on the Cardano blockchain. and our You should have no problem finding your tokens in a wallet that supports both blockchains. When withdrawing or depositing crypto into your Binance account, pay careful attention to the network you choose. If you attempt to withdraw your funds to a custodial wallet without BEP-20 support, such as another crypto exchange, you will need to contact the wallets custodial holder. Choosing the correct transfer network is one of the most tricky parts of withdrawing your crypto from Binance. Compared to fiat tethering, crypto can provide a high degree of transparency so that anyone can audit the reserves publicly, any time they want. By continuing to use this website, you agree to its Terms and Privacy Policy. As of December 2020, the network has transacted an estimated $299 billion for over 2 million users. If you cannot see the coin on the list, you will need to input its token contract into your wallet. Fill in the following information in their respective fields and click [Save] at the bottom. With a price decline of -3.50% in the last 7 days, Binance-Peg XRP (XRP) is underperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is down -1.90%, while underperforming when compared to similar Asset-backed Tokens cryptocurrencies which are down -2.90%. Anonymous play on awesome games - sign up now for 25 free jackpot spins - worth $100s! With this information, you can then try out our three possible solutions. Tokenomics data for this coin is currently unavailable. The response letter posted on the Binance blog . To add the Binance-peg ETH token to your Metamask wallet, you need to get the correct contract address for the token first. In this case, contact your wallets support team to see if they can help. Buy BNB on Binance! For our ETH example, these are: Token Contract Address: 0x2170ed0880ac9a755fd29b2688956bd959f933f8. Token is implemented as ERC20 smart contract with address . I sent 140USD to Trustwallet from Binance, it came in as Binance peg Tether USD which I tried sending to Metamask USDT address, I didnt receive anything on Metamask, please help!!! However, these assets cannot be traded natively on any DEX. 2022313ParaluniParaluni. Click [Custom RPC] at the bottom of the list. Which one do you pick when withdrawing your crypto to another wallet? We note that this centralized approach is not exclusive to cross-chain atomic swaps or other decentralized approaches, which can also be implemented in parallel. According to the "Proof of Collateral for B-Tokens" Binance has locked 110 million DAI in an Ethereum address ending "acec" which presumably is the Binance-Peg wallet, except it's not. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Ad. You should only invest in products that you are familiar with and where you understand the associated risks. 98,000 $ <- Visit to claim bonus, 28,000 $ <- Visit to claim bonus, 436,561,938.85818 BabyShibaInu_Dividend_Tracker, 100,000,000,000,000 BankersDream_Dividend_Tracker, Private Name Tags (up to 35 characters) can be used for easy identification of addresses. On Dec. 13, 2022, Binance paused over $1.6 billion in USDC withdrawals, as the exchange didn't have the USDC on hand to fund said withdrawals. If you have sent your crypto to the wrong blockchain, its essential to figure out the type of wallet you sent them to. Once it has arrived, you can send it correctly back to your external wallet. In simple terms, they are token standards that each belong on a different blockchain. If the crypto wallet you deposited into supports BEP-20 and ERC-20 tokens, you can send your crypto back to Binance with a few simple steps. Any transactions associated with this coin will also be removed. when youve sent BEP-20 tokens to the Ethereum network. ) The highest price paid for Binance-Peg XRP (XRP) is $1.66, which was recorded on May 18, 2021 (almost 2 years). Token Binance-Peg BUSD Token Binance Stablecoin BUSD is issued on Ethereum by Paxos and regulated by the NYDFS. Click on "Send" 3. Also supports BEP20 token deposits and withdrawals at, Note : Labels source attribution required if used externally, 0x2170ed0880ac9a755fd29b2688956bd959f933f8, 0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955, 0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d, 0x1d2f0da169ceb9fc7b3144628db156f3f6c60dbe, 0x3ee2200efb3400fabb9aacf31297cbdd1d435d47, 0xba2ae424d960c26247dd6c32edc70b295c744c43, 0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56. Binance-Peg BSC-USD (USDT) Market Cap is $N/A today. com.I have raised ticket in zebpay support. Important! Note: We encourage project teams to follow this approach and issue pegged token of their own coins on BNB Chain. With this information, you can then try out our three possible solutions. You should only invest in products that you are familiar with and where you understand the associated risks. Technically, that will depend on which token standard you are using, such as ERC-20, BEP-20, or BEP-2. We update our BUSD to USD price in real-time. You can use to check this with your transaction ID or when youve sent BEP-20 tokens to the Ethereum network. For more details, please refer to Clause 12.2 of our privacy policy and Clause 5.2 in our terms of use. in BTCBs case. Depositing to the wrong blockchain in your Binance account, another crypto exchange, or custodial wallet is more tricky to resolve. If your wallet only handles ERC-20 or BEP-20, you will need to import your wallets. Register with BSC and get 240% first deposit bonus. | Built by the same team behind Etherscan | Donate. Binance posted on its official blog a response to an article accusing Binance of embezzling nearly $1.8 billion in USDC collateral in 2022 from Forbes on Feb. 27. USDT price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. For example, sending ETH to BSC will end up as a BEP-20 token pegged to Ether in your wallet address on BSC. Binance-Peg BSC-USD (USDT) official smart contract address is 0x5885629C32bA29A29F0C6FEaF2717363473916ed. 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2. Internal Txns. Binance holds the original tokens in an escrow wallet and issues a corresponding number of Binance-peg tokens that can operate on BNB Chain. For example, ETH sent to BSC wont be usable in Ethereum DApps and smart contracts. 1. Volgens blockchain data van 17 augustus tot en met begin december, was er voor 1 miljard dollar aan B-peg USDC tokens geen onderpand aanwezig. For ERC-20 ETH sent to BSC, click on Binance-Peg Ethereum Token (ETH) to find its token contract. Binance tokens (B-tokens) are Binance-blockchain compatible versions of stablecoins such as tether (Binance-Peg USDT), with $3.2 billion in circulation, and popular cryptos including. Ive sent funds to the wrong network. If a tool (such as Metamask) has been designed to utilize Ethereum chain with Ethers, the same tool can be used to manage BSC by just changing the address Metamask connects to. How to Recover Crypto Transferred to the Wrong Network on Binance. It will show you how to buy PEG Network by connecting your crypto wallet to a decentralized exchange (DEX) using your Binance account to buy the base currency. If you are using Binance Website: 3:39 If you are using Binance App: 3:40 5 Choose a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Pick when withdrawing or depositing crypto into your Binance account, pay careful to. Is one of the list, you can then try out our three solutions... Estimated $ 299 billion for over 2 million users coin on the blockchain! Any DEX you are using Binance website: 3:39 if you have sent your crypto from Binance in. You can then try out our three possible solutions most tricky parts of your! Id or when youve sent BEP-20 tokens to the Ethereum network. ETH ) find! Will depend on which token standard you are using Binance website: 3:39 if have!, such as ERC-20, BEP-20, you need to import your wallets pegged to Ether your... Play on awesome games - sign up now for 25 free jackpot spins - $! 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