So my advice would be, for his own health, STFU. Olusoga is just getting even because he was attacked by the right when he was a teenager. I know there are posters on here who see stepping into their opponents perspective as a dangerous and pointless endeavour that gives undue worth to a viewpoint they despise, but purely as a mental exercise theres usually something to be said for examining your opponents strongest argument instead of their weakest. The evidence of this is that seasoned slaves, those exposed to the environment, sold for up to 50% more than new ones. My great grandfather fought to end slavery in a war. That star stuff wont last. Yet theyre so many centuries and generations removed from the crime, everybody involved with the decision-making is long-dead and while the responsible state still exists, in practice compensation comes from taxes paid by citizens who had no part in it all. David Olusoga, introduces his book Black and British, an exploration of the relationship between the British Isles and the people of Africa. I am not so sure about that although it is another argument. Required fields are marked *. Though I dont know where wed get $12 trillion in Confederate currency. And I dont think this is what reparations campaigners are calling for either, as I understand it their argument includes systematic legacy issues not just the period of slavery itself, so the harm relates more directly to them not just their ancestors. He is the undisputed King of the Internet Pedants and Lord of the Unnecessary Snark. Maybe heard of Saint Balthild, seventh-century English lass sold into slavery, exported to the Continent, served in a palace and ended up marrying the Frankish King?). What has Nigeria ever done for him? Its a replay of the ecology nutters & the trannies. This is because forgetting slavery means forgetting its victims. When Olusoga recalled the experience before television cameras last year, he wept. If you are wracked with guilt, ashamed of your forebears, do it! Note, hes a renowned economist. Britain's role in the transatlantic slave trade is part of the national curriculum, although it is not statutory. Supported by African authors of slave narratives such as Olaudah Equiano and Ottabah Cugoano, they held meetings all over the country, attracting huge crowds. BBC Radio 3 - Drama on 3, The Meaning of Zong, Spacious open-plan family home in Muswell Hill, Five Cineworlds across south London still at risk of permanent closure, Residents who have 'suffered for years' to be asked if they want blocks knocked down, Dazzling Thamesmead light festival returns with performances, films and flash mob, Charlton murderer claims prison guards broke his arm and sues for 20k, Children and young people with eating disorders face treatment postcode lottery, Angry protests erupt over Greek rail disaster, How fake copyright complaints are muzzling journalists, 1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat. Not to say it was nice. But Ill tell you what, slavery and human sacrifice, still awful. My family did nothing. The historian tells Michael Segalov about getting up early, reading George Orwell, taking his dog George for a walk, playing his guitar To me personally, this is the thing. He is the author of the 2016 book Black and British: A Forgotten History, which was awarded both the Longman-History Today Trustees Award 2017 and the PEN Hessell-Tiltman Prize 2017. Thats why when the question is raised, I always point out that they owe me lots and lots of money. But oddly enough, people like Olusoga havent given me the cash yet. many African tribes kept slaves. Now sixteen sounds about okay to me if youre going to stick a limit somewhere, but then being British I suppose Im more likely to think the system Im accustomed to is normal and reasonable. . And this of course neatly addresses MBEs arguments. The arguments do you want to get shaken down for several trillion? If their ancestors had remained in Africa would they be better off than they are now? That may have caused more violence. Arguably wrong in a crimes against humanity way (similar language of natural justice and universal morality indeed being used by the abolitionists and the UK itself when it tried to enforce a ban on the trade) that made it inherently illegal even when governments tried to put it on a legal footing. I was doing some genealogy research when I discovered my great grandfather was a well known member of the 18th Kentucky Infantry. Maybe someone should advise him to button his lip before he stirs up something he may not like. Now Im trying to imagine just what the strongest case for reparations might be, but even in this thought experiment its hard to see what the eligibility criteria for receiving payment should be, what sum should be due, how much proof is required of eligibility not everyone will have a good set of family records etc. Over 1000 years in Britain. TV historian David Olusoga claims it is "palpable nonsense" to say that removing controversial statues "somehow impoverishes history". It died out with the Romans leaving, and its non-legality repeatedly reaffirmed from the reign of the early Normans onwards. It began to alter (slightly) the history curriculum at university level: the first undergraduate one-year course on black British history and culture was taught at the University of Warwick in 1984. "So when black history was missing - the history of empire, the history of slavery - was missing from my history lessons, I didn't have a place to go to discover those missing chapters. Moreover its arguably unjust that only victims of still-extant states have a route to compensation whereas people from ethnic groups roughly contemporaneously massacred, enslaved and sacrificed by the Aztec Empire have nobody to sue. If black lives really mattered these people would be protesting the 500 shot dead so far by predominantly black men in Chicago this year. White communities suffer huge losses from Black crime. And yes, grand scheme of things, forced choice between living in a central Asian city about to be captured by ticked-off Mongols and an African tribal group about to be captured by profit-hungry slavers then fine, I take the latter hands down. Even discussing it gives your opponents arguments merit. Have you ever read the account by Ibn Fadlan of a Viking funeral in Russia? Im not even saying thats a convincing argument, it has some very serious weak points, just that I reckon its a stronger one than a general appeal about current inequality. Separated from home and family and landed in the West Indies (countless numbers dying of suffocation during the journey, given that the people traffickers were packing the holds to maximise profits), the Africans had no recourse to the law, much less the conscience of their captors. The strongest case I can see against reparations is not fundamentally a legal one but perhaps one degree abstracted the law if we can litigate that, we can litigate a heck of a lot of stuff from centuries past, tie our legal systems up in knots with no obvious limits in sight. I havent said anything about my personal sense of guilt or responsibility. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Would, say, Huguenot-descended South Africans suing France over the 1572 St. Bartholomews Day massacre, or Cornish people suing HMG for the suppression of the 1497 Rebellion, deserve compensation?. What would happen to that money, who knows, but as its (or was) your money, thats between you and your grifter of choice. The Celtic version of slavery (which ran to quite a different model) was still going on in the places the Romans didnt reach. They may have been turning people they would have killed into a profitable commodity. This is nothing to do with slavery or as with black lives matter, blacks being shot, and everything to do with a shakedown of the white man. It was the first of the slave narratives that I'd ever read and I found it astonishing.". Oblong, They arent going to concede anything. Then the adult men became profitable too. And tolerance is not a given. Quick and essential guide to domestic and global politics from the New Statesman's politics team. Just how much should Olusoga receive? It's possibly a deeper change than some people realise because I don't think what we're living through is a series of political events; I think we're living through a generational shift," he says. In the USA? Slavery didnt last much longer for various reasons, fizzled out in a century or so, but we have the records to show it was still part of the system after twenty years of Norman rule: at scales that were unusual in the long and varied history of slavery, and levels of brutality that stood out too.. Its very noticable how nobodys mentioning that the Spanish Empire were doing this for several centuries before the British got involved. Get back to us when your sin/privilege is expunged. The system he witnessed and wrote about was one in which human beings were worked to death. arguments are pretty weak since relying on a doctrine of virtues of the fathers risks implicitly accepting sins of the fathers.. The vast majority of Americans are not guilty. He updates Fryer, citing radioisotope analysis of skeletons and craniometrics, which support written documentation of Aurelian Moors guarding Hadrians Wall and settling in places such as Yorkshire. I doubt that they are now firmly united in a common cause. While I dont think they persuaded anyone, they did shift perspectives a bit. Surely the US has already spent much more than that on black Americans. Dr Peter Olusoga is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. I do not see what is different between a plantation in Africa and a plantation in Virginia. By David Dabydeen (Photo By Alamy) Nineteen eighty-four was a transformative year for David Olusoga. Fuck right off As a winning debating strategy. One of the reasons why the American and Caribbean experiences were very different. I can then give him the details of other descendants, he can apologise to and compensate. The novel became the bestselling book of 19th-century Britain; it was adapted for the theatre and generated mass-produced merchandise playing cards, jigsaws, tableware. Might, in this case, being 100% of the debating point. One in which enslaved people suffered and even died from malnutrition, as the economics of the slave trade meant that it was cheaper, at times, to starve people and then replace them than it was to provide them with food. They also ran a slave trade to the Ottoman empire and white slavery in the north without any help from Europeans. Viking Dublin was a major slave-trading centre (English, Irish, Scots, anyone else they could get their hands on). Sooner or later, we whites are going to have to take a stand, and say we aint taking this any more. Not good. The German survivors of Stalingrad were sent to camps and most of them worked to death. . His dad met his mom at the city's university in the 1960s. He is a Cultural Marxist trying to destroy the West. And that still stands even if there really are a bunch of torturing murderers out there too. Nor do I think that sugar is worse than cotton. And, of course, being half white, he is only entitled to half the reparation payment. As would Beyonce. Thankfully the Woke have gifted us an all purpos3e response to this sort of crap. Video, 00:02:30Should black history be taught all year round? By a Senegalese author: The veiled genocide =, MyBurningEars August 30, 2020 at 11:52 am Slavery within West African societies being different again I dont think the places with very high rates of local slavery were anything like the sugar plantations. Like I said before, tolerance is in the gift of the powerful. If slavery really mattered theyd be campaigning for reparations from the blacks and arabs/moslems who were doing it long before the white man arrived in Africa and was far more devastating. His autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, details how he was sold into slavery aged 11, his experience of travelling the world as slave to a Royal Navy officer - who renamed him Gustavus Vassa - and how he bought his freedom from his final master, an English merchant in Montserrat. Well the universe has a law of gravity but it doesnt have a law of should there be reparations. (Britain expended blood and treasure on ending the slave trade, and thereby paid its moral debt already is one way of trying to resolve it, but rather unsatisfactory at righting the wrongs done to those who had already fallen victim to the trade.) In 1787, they met in London and set up the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Perhaps Im a bit more culturally relativist these days, but just read it again, still absolutely awful. A covering letter would be a courtesy but probably not a necessity. That was a bad experience but he should know that you cannot judge a whole country by what happened when he was young. "They were barely known even to historians. How could Britain, a civilised and Christian nation, indulge in rape, torture, killing and the forced labour of Africans over two centuries? . In dealing with the black contribution to the First World War, for example, he cites popular gratitude and admiration for black Britons among them Walter Tull, who fought on the Western Front. Id say theres enormous dangers in treating this as if it was some public school debating society gig. He presented the recent series of A House Through Time on BBC 2, and Black and British: A Forgotten History. During the Second World War, thousands of black American soldiers stationed in Britain were befriended by white Britons who opposed efforts by the white military to segregate them. Not to say it was nice.. David Olusoga is a 49-year-old historian and presenter Credit: Getty - Contributor David Olusoga is a British Nigerian historian, broadcaster and writer. Hes insisting that a household headed by a 21 year old black should have the average wealth of all white households. He writes to inflame white guilt, so that you will ACCEPT destruction of your culture. One of his teachers had a coffee mug bearing a National Front slogan and another attacked him during a school trip, he said. Theres no point pretending Europeans who profited from either the transatlantic slave trade or the use of slave labour in the Americas were somehow doing a favour to the slaves involved, even if, as it happens but their owners could not have predicted, their surviving descendants ended up financially better off on average than the counterfactual of remaining in Africa. See, five years ago I wouldnt have written a crass comment like that, but hey, times achanging and as financially independent with some FU-money, I dont have to worry about cancellation culture, LOL. If we went down this route thered be goodness knows how much fun and games to be had with legal claims over the treatment of Irish by Cromwell, the clearing of the Highlands and so on, before you even get on to the globe-spanning imperial stuff. That someone did something 200 years ago means double ought nothing. So 10.416 were sold by the Africans every month for one hundred years, There will be no peace on this issue until black people acknowledge their own responsibility for the trade. I assume he is not very bright and Race Hustling is very lucrative. Kyle Rittenhouse, unlike the rest of their sorry asses, did something. Tim says there might be some truth to them for the Caribbean. Its extraordinary success rested upon the foundation of sympathy laid down during the previous 70 years of abolitionist activity in Britain. First launched in London in 1987, it aims to highlight and celebrate what black people have achieved in Britain throughout history. Prof Darity and Ms Mullen outline that to eliminate the existing Black-White wealth gap an allocation of between $10 trillion and $12 trillion, or about $800,000 per black household, should be paid. True that unlike certain other examples of slavery, you werent likely to be killed as part of a religious sacrifice or as part of your owners funeral. It has been reissued by publishing house Hodder and Prof Olusoga has written the foreword. But you need a different approach if you dont think great-grandkids of the Confederacy are still fair game.) Tim may be wrong about stuff, but ..that, ultimately, makes up for his beating squirrels to death for a hobby, Tim Worstall a horrid man who is anti-minimum wage among other repugnant things Socialist News. Over 1000 years in Britain. So wherever the wealth came from, it wasnt just slavery (or even mainly), Olusogas an alright presenter but a class A race hustler, Edward Lud August 30, 2020 at 9:12 am We could just cut to the chase, and impose a reparations tax on anyone who is descended from from anyone who did something, er, wrong.. They are pretty much airbrushed from history, whereas the transatlantic slave trade seems to be wall-to-wall on our TV screens and in our school textbooks. What has he got to say about that? I personally dont find that as convincing as the case that slaves themselves deserved compensation, and while there were strong political and practical reasons owners were compensated upon abolition but not their former slaves, it doesnt leave a great moral taste in the mouth that twas so. A renowned economist has said that $12 trillion should be afforded to black Americans in reparation for slavery to help the close wealth gap.. No member of my family ever owned slaves. White people are unique in ending slavery across the world*. My first reaction, years and years ago, was thats awful. Full text must be online somewhere but theres an extract at The masses who once supported black freedom now campaigned for the Deep South. I imagine few do. "The way history is viewed is changing. Video1894 shipwreck confirms tale of treacherous lifeboat, How 10% of Nigerian registered voters delivered victory, Sake brewers toast big rise in global sales, The Indian-American CEO who wants to be US president, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip. The Westman Islands of Iceland have an interesting history in terms of European slavery a major rebellion of presumably mostly Irish (Westmen) slaves was put down there in the typically brutal Scandinavian manner, hence the name, but in the 1600s the local inhabitants were themselves enslaved by Barbary pirates and taken to Algiers, from where a few were ransomed back and one wrote about the experience. West Indians fought with the Allies more than a hundred were decorated. No one has said we should not consider someone elses viewpoint. This is a moral argument. David Olusoga's Family David Olusoga, age 49 was born to a Nigerian father and a British mother. Fired by religious feeling, they embarked on a campaign of public education and political lobbying unprecedented in scale and revolutionary in nature. Pretty sure if you could, implausibly, trace my family tree through various not-very-literate eras youd pass through at least one Anglo-Saxon who owned a bunch of Britons. Your email address will not be published. Thats why we get it. Just means they werent alone in being in the wrong. He also studied at the University of Liverpool and so benefits from slavery as much as anyone else. David will . Read about our approach to external linking. In 1861, the Economist stated that nearly four million people in Britain depended directly and indirectly on the cotton industry; a fifth of the entire population. The reason why Equiano is not a national name is because slavery is not a part of the history that we teach when it should be because I don't think you can understand the 18th century in particular but also the 19th century without reference to slavery.". Ironically, one of the sources we can turn to in order to learn more is his own accounts of late 17th-century Jamaica. "Incorporating the stories of people like Equiano is merely part of a process of looking at all of British history; not just being selective, not only going to the chapters that make us feel good about ourselves or proud.". I havent the faintest idea whether slavery in the Roman controlled areas of Britain was more along the continental Roman model or retained Celtic characteristics. But morals are very transient things. Prof David Olusoga has presented numerous documentaries including A House Through Time and Black and Black and British: A Forgotten History, Olaudah Equiano played a role in Britain's abolishment of slavery, Performer Giles Terera has written a play featuring Equiano, Prof Olusoga said when it was published, people did not believe the book was by an African as it was deemed so well written, Bernardine Evaristo (second left) has launched a series called Black Britain: Writing Back which features novels by black British authors that have been overlooked, Should black history be taught all year round? TV historian David Olusoga claims it is "palpable nonsense" to say that removing controversial statues "somehow impoverishes history". It is a form of self-loathing. Olusoga is making an appeal to white guilt. If there were African states with legal continuity to those political entities which established and encouraged the African slave markets, they would be on the hook too, but theres a discontinuity due to colonialism and besides, everyone knows to sue the rich guy not the poor guy. Britain was happy to force the Bevan Boys down coal mines. Sure. Should black history be taught all year round? It's against this backdrop that Black British History Month was created. Olusoga patterns his narrative after Fryers, starting with the North African presence in Roman Britain. Anyway, I digress, we did have at some point, a gang of pedos turn up and put their case, reasonably, and were tolerated and conversed with. Make sure it doesnt happen in the least costly way. Black history: Should it be part of the wider curriculum? Sign up to receive information regarding NS events, subscription offers & product updates. As Black British History Month draws to a close, TV historian Prof David Olusoga looks at the impact it's had - and how young people are taking it on. There is no reason to think that slavery was nicer in Africa. people like Olusoga would have to pay their share of the greatly increased taxes Should black history be taught all year round? not at all to disparage your ancestors GC. That needs to change, The autonomous future is nearly here with Wejo, The need to grow Londons EV infrastructure at speed and scale, From royal trumpeter to chief diver, Miranda Kaufmann uncovers the Africans of Tudor Britain, The big consultancy con, with Mariana Mazzucato, The rise and fall of Nicola Sturgeon Audio Long Reads, Facility / Grounds Management and Maintenance, HR, Training and Organisational Development, Information and Communications Technology, Information Services, Statistics, Records, Archives, Infrastructure Management - Transport, Utilities, Science and Technical Research and Development. Peter completed his award-winning PhD, exploring stress and coping in elite sports coaching, at Sheffield Hallam in 2012. It is a political campaign, not a contribution to academic history. Indeed, third-century York may have been more ethnically and racially diverse than present-day York. You dont have esoteric discussions with paedophiles any more than you would with serial killers. Prof Olusoga is not the only person who has been drawn to Equiano's story. Duke University professor, William Darity Jr, and writer, Kirsten Mullen, jointly published a report for The Roosevelt Institute, an American liberal think tank, laying out a case for slavery reparations. Very often shaped by the political, technological and economic forces of the times if the Western way of life had remained utterly dependent on Roman-style slavery, Im not sure wed ever have abolished it even amongst our own inhabitants. Hey, we do not even have to go that far. BLM is after political or financial advantages because of slavery. Of course if a rule was instituted that only people with white skins had to pay taxes, it might happen. "This is a richer history as well as a necessary history; this is a more vivid history as well as a history that tells the back stories of more people in this country than the traditional narratives we've had.". As he states, The oral history of 20th-century racial violence has never been collected or collated, but it is thereand it is shocking.. This history of the black presence in . Between that night at the opera and 1807, nearly 800,000 Africans were enslaved. "The phenomena of which he is iconic is one that we have written out, edited out of our nation. I cant see the point of denying it was all pretty awful. Different people can argue the toss from different viewpoints and perspectives but in many ways their arguments pass each other like ships in the night, because they havent all got nobodys got an absolute frame of reference to judge things with respect to. It can be withdrawn. We are told that an estimated 12.5 million slaves were shipped from Africa to the West Indies and elsewhere in the 18th century. Roman writers such as Pliny who chronicled or rather fabricated African life shaped perceptions of a continent populated by anthropophagi and other fantastic creatures, half-human, half-animal. In America few were castrated, which is why there are now >40 million descendants there. He was immersed in it. We pretend we do not like slavery but actually we do not like slave traders. After decades of complaints, the Royal African Company lost its monopoly in 1712 and, Olusoga writes, Independent traders were turned loose upon the shores of Africa. These traders had argued (stone-blind to irony) that the right to enslave Africans was a defining feature of English freedom and that the Royal African Company had breached their status as free-born Englishmen. That is not true. "We are on a journey in this country and other countries are on similar journeys to try and reconnect to parts of our history that had traditionally been edited out," adds Prof Olusoga. Oh man. 2023 BBC. The Russians do not have these problems because they are not ashamed. Certainly they killed them casually often for religious reasons. Looking at what happened in Haiti or Jamaica or chunks of Latin America, I dont find either well, could have been much worse or what do you expect, Early Modern West Europeans, how could they have known better? to be particularly convincing responses. It built slave forts on the African coast, some such as Bunce Island in Sierra Leone furnished with a rape house. By this logic, we ought to sue the African American community. Intellectually more convincing anyway for practical and political purposes, demolishing a straw-man often makes a better video or audio clip while simultaneously making your opponents position sound stupid. "I have," he admits, "a habit of . I cant see this one surviving people being expected to dig into their pockets for a few trillion. And, of course, being half white, he is only entitled to half the reparation payment. Whoever has the upper-hand in power political, cultural, economic, military or whatever other form is decisive at that moment. Slaves were crowded in a new environment with new diseases. And the transatlantic slave trade? What do you think their stongest argument is? Writing in english is cultural appropriation so STFU. The thing we British are ancestrally responsible for is beginning and continuing to pursue the extinction of the sordid business of slavery. at scales that were unusual in the long and varied history of slavery, and levels of brutality that stood out too. In the case of slavery the answer is clear. One issue about Westerners buying slaves via a chain of commerce that often ultimately involved Africans selling other Africans at traditional slave-trading locations (there was some slave-raiding by Europeans directly, but rarer) is that the extra demand distorted the market, led directly to more armed slave-raiding expeditions against rival tribes and so on. No. Whitey bad, give me cash? Long after he had published Corydon, his defence of pederasty. And the fact youre moved to tears by discovering for the first time a great-great-great-grandmother of yours was a prostitute single-mum with seven kids or a great-x5-uncle you had never heard of was imprisoned for murder, well, your utter lack of knowledge simply reveals how little youve been influenced by them, so youre hardly discovering a new facet of yourself at all. Did shift perspectives a bit more culturally relativist these days, but just read again. 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