Good concepts are those that:

  • Educate others by demonstrating a solution to a particular issue.
  • Make folks enjoy their time while going through your feed by entertaining them.
  • By using inspiring concepts, you may elevate people and make them feel good about themselves.

Help Others Learn

You identify the issue. You design an offer, you present it, and you are compensated for offering a precise solution.

Alternately, you may provide the material for free, which would increase your credibility and reputation.

You see, resolving issues can help you earn money. That’s a succinct summary of the service sector.

Spend some time considering the following line of inquiries:

  • What abilities do you possess?
  • Do these abilities allow you to earn money? their relationships be fixed? assist them achieve serenity?
  • Are people looking for answers to the issues you have a solution for?
  • What difficulties can you address with your present skill set?
  • How long will it take you to resolve these issues?

Having said that, teaching the solutions doesn’t require that you “be compensated.” To attract attention and establish your knowledge online, you can submit your solutions for free online.

To be honest though, getting paid feels good. Additionally, you can make money by offering courses, mentorships, and consulting services.

A multi-billion dollar industry = education. The good news is that as long as there are people on earth, there will always be opportunities for teaching.

How do you educate?

Consider a time when you weren’t strong and didn’t have any muscle.

How did you become muscular and trim?

Detail the steps you took to reach your fitness goal in writing.

Post it.

Apply this concept to your material by extrapolating it.

You’ll always have something to say.

There will be an audience for what you have to say. Some may even act as a result of being motivated by your systems and story.

If you’re having trouble thinking of things to say, consider responding to the following questions:

  • Who or what played a part in your success?
  • You followed who on social media?
  • Which software, courses, operating systems, and ebooks did you buy?
  • Have you ever had a mentor? Who?
  • What steps did you take to resolve the problem?
  • What was your method?
  • What actions have you taken?
  • How many obstacles did you have to overcome before getting anything done?
  • What year did you begin?
  • When did you finally succeed?
  • Have you ever given up?
  • When you failed, what did you do to pick yourself back up?
  • What motivated you to begin?
  • What motivated you to act in the first place?
  • How did you maintain your motivation?

You will be able to provide an enormous amount of content for your Tribe by responding to these questions.

Entertain Others

People enjoy being amused.

Consider the enormous sums of money the entertainment industry brings in each year.

Netflix, Hollywood, the performing arts, theatre, video games, and music and art… Porn…

People utilise entertainment as a stress-reduction tool. Some people even utilise it as a means of reality escape.

You don’t need to spend millions of dollars constructing a huge studio, purchasing expensive cameras, and lighting the ideal scenery to entertain your tribe.

Use your writing and the videos you’ve taken on your smartphone to entertain your audience.

A fantastic and easy approach to entertain your audience is through storytelling. So begin by narrating your tale to the reader. Everyone enjoys a good story.

Encourage Others (aka. Inspire)

Improve the self-esteem of your audience.

Humans vehemently flee from suffering and actively seek out pleasure.

We have gotten by on that for so long.

People are constantly searching for enjoyment. Let’s make use of this biological truth for our advantage.

So how do you ameliorate your audience’s mood?

Although every audience is unique, the following suggestions can be used in any industry:

  • Call them by their first names, or if you’re responding to their comments, write it down.
  • People enjoy receiving free things, so periodically launch some giveaways!
  • Salute the people of your tribe; praise is contagious.
  • People on social media love attention, so like and share other people’s comments.
  • Nobody likes to feel foolish, so show your audience how to do what you do.
  • We are pleasure-seeking beings, therefore amuse your audience with engaging content and videos.
  • Share engaging articles with your tribe; people enjoy learning new things.
  • On your social media pages, periodically post a “Ask Me Anything” since some people admire you and want to know more about you.
  • Avoid pointless conflicts; while most people like confrontation to be enjoyable, there is already enough negativity in the world.

Creating interesting stuff.

Start by creating material based on your prior struggles. Building trust involves being open about your prior challenges and how you overcame them. You can begin by instructing them on how to resolve a specific issue.

Consider that your area of study is music education. What value could you possibly offer your fans? Simple! Write a post on how to learn music more quickly. Post a resource directory. Tell your followers which songs they can learn based on their existing musical proficiency.

You may get a tonne of ideas for posts by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What frame of mind did you have when you first began to study a certain skill?
  • What did you find difficult?
  • What worries did you have?
  • What would you have changed if you could?
  • And what would you change?
  • What issue were you attempting to resolve?
  • What was the solution?
  • What outcomes did you anticipate?
  • What epiphanies stood out to you the most?
  • What did you discover?

How To Create Passive Affiliate Income Funnels That Provide REAL Value, Build Trust & Convert Visitors Like Crazy!