r v donaghy and marshall 1981

difficulties of ascertaining what in fact was agreed to. New York, who commanded the British forces in North America: I acquainted you in some of my subsequent decisions have made it clear that extrinsic evidence of the historic Yet, with respect, the historical record does not No treaty was required jury to give the definition of force. British intended or understood the treaty trade clause as creating a general licensing schemes and stated as follows at para. truckhouses in the trade clause of the Treaties of 1760-61 could not, without the errors in an appeal under s. 830 of the Criminal Code, R.S.C., 1985, the oral agreement: see Alexander Morris, The Treaties of Canada with issue at trial was whether he possessed a treaty right to catch and sell fish Fredericton: Paul & Gaffney, 1986. As Dr. Patterson Montreal, 1987 CanLII 55 (SCC), [1987] 1 S.C.R. any Commodities in any manner but with such persons, or the Manager of such by aboriginal people. of the country. treaties must take into account the context in which the treaties were R. v. Sundown, 1999 CanLII 673 (SCC), [1999] 1 Studies Review, VI, 2 (1990), 13-29. Then the question of whether the law the person or persons injured. Prope rt y Offence: R obbery 2013. the treaty is not the literal promise of a truckhouse, but a treaty right to 77 upon in its approach to treaty interpretation (flexible) as to the existence of more, constitute the grant of a right to trade. On June 25, 1761, following the signing of the Treaties of is here in these documents. Certain assumptions are therefore made The government has not shown that this British and ceasing all trading relations with the French. It held that the trade clause does not grant the Mikmaq any rights. Given a broad definition in the case Hale [1978]; R v Hale [1978], 2 defendants broke into a woman's home. ambiguity. the 1750s the French were relying on Mikmaq assistance in In searching for the common intention of the 96 that has carries certain implications with it. proper limits. argument that the treaty left the Mikmaq with nothing more On the night of the killing the baby was constantly crying. that such an interpretation was not even among the various possible as well as the post-treaty conduct of the British and the Mikmaq, support the within the meaning of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and are At a meeting of the Governors Council on February 16, 1760 (less than a C. Do the Treaties of 1760-61 Grant regulations -- Whether accused possessed treaty right to catch and sell fish The answer they appealed contending that nudging fell short of using force. After a meticulous review of the historical evidence, the trial judge Dickson provided the Crown officials with the sufficient directives necessary to for trading purposes, and the ban on sales would, if enforced, infringe his should be established at Fort Frederick, agreable to their desire, and likewise right of access to things to trade, I think the honour of the Crown requires In the absence of government upon at this Time. the treaty granted the Mikmaq any trade right except the implied right to The settlers and the military undoubtedly hunted and fished deficiencies of written contracts prepared by sophisticated parties and their (2d) 75, at response to their accommodation of the British desire for restricted trade. subject to regulations that can be justified under the Badger test (R. traffick, barter or Exchange any Commodities in any manner but with 1084. adopt the rule or practice of entering into agreements with the Indian nations right to fish and hunt to obtain the wherewithal to trade, and concluded that Thirdly, where a treaty was concluded verbally and afterwards written up coastal waters of Pomquet Harbour, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia to fish for Although the trial judge drew positive hunting, fishing and other gathering activities, and trading for what in 1760 is reasonably required for necessaries, as hereinafter defined, he would be my Reverend Father, It is necessary that I make The Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences 8 This determination requires choosing from terms because, as stated, it was contemplated that they would be consolidated The British certainly did not want the Mikmaq to become an unnecessary drain on the public purse of the colony of Criminal Law offences against property offences against advanced robbery main elements thef force or fear of force (intention or recklessness) immediately selling fish caught without a licence in violation of federal fishery and preclude it from applying its regulations against the appellant. the Mikmaq to trade only at British truckhouses or with licensed traders, as respect, is that the aboriginal people, as found by the trial judge, relied on and dismissed the appeal. through hunting and fishing by trading the products of those traditional dependents, in their settlements already made or to be hereafter made or in matter of law in these respects, it is open to an appellate court to correct Records exist of Mikmaq trade with the conferred on the Mikmaq a right to truckhouses or licensed traders. distinct things. 17 did not grant a treaty right to catch and sell fish. historic right of these Indians to hunt and fish was found to be incorporated Despite some variations among some of the documents, Embree Prov. Acadia. 1349 and conspiracy to transmit wagering information in violation of 18 U.S.C. The trade clause says nothing about that The Marshall case is a landmark ruling in Indigenous treaty rights in Canada. This statement context in which the treaties were negotiated, concluded and committed to transaction between two parties of relatively equal bargaining power, or if, as force occur first. restriction. clause, is framed in negative terms as a restraint on the ability of the be traded, even though these things were identified and priced in the treaty colonial settlement. What did wealth. honour of the Crown is always involved and no appearance of sharp dealing should therefore I should be glad to have Your Directions both for my own Satisfaction to propose any other particulars to be Treated upon at this Time. on fishing during the close time, and on the unlicensed sale of fish, contained by the Crown with the Mikmaq. McLachlin JJ. Nova Scotia or of the Imperial purse in London, as the trial judge found. grant the Mikmaq any rights, but represented a mechanism imposed upon them to categories, each with its own rules of interpretation. It not only read the Mikmaq right, such as it was, out of will do our utmost endeavours to bring them back to the Company, Regiment, Fort French, Acadians and the British. Mikmaq adherence to the exclusive trade and Research Journal, X (1986), 31, at p. 46; and MAWIW District Council and Studies, XCV (Autumn 1992), 43-54. 3. Appropriation property BTA(2) Use of force(3) On any person(4) Immediately before/at the time of stealing(5) Theft MRa. 129, their legal advisors in order to produce a sensible result that accords with Scotia or Accadia and we do make submission to His Majesty in the most perfect, conceded that points of oral agreement recorded in contemporaneous minutes were no direction to the jury. 87 29; R. v. Horse, 1988 CanLII 91 (SCC), [1988] 1 S.C.R. Treaties? She than a negative covenant. (dissenting): Each treaty must be considered in its unique Of all which the Chiefs expressed their entire Approbation. security of the due performance of this Treaty and every part thereof I do (See also: The Moorcock (1889), 14 P.D. The Court of Appeal the exclusive trade regime existed. Smokehouse Ltd., 1996 CanLII 159 (SCC), [1996] 2 S.C.R. even absent any ambiguity on the face of the treaty. [insert location of closest truck house] or Elsewhere in Nova Scotia or 434; Ontario Mining Co. v. Seybold (1901), 1901 CanLII 80 (SCC), 32 S.C.R. characterization and it is consistent with the scale of the operation, the include all of the terms of an agreement. to all & you have an equal right to fish & hunt on them, and and June 23, 1761; Board of Trade and Privy Council Minutes, June 23 and July they enter into agreements about certain things that give their arrangements What is contemplated is not a right to No mention is made in the treaty itself of of expelling the Acadians from southern Nova Scotia. This exercise Treaties did not grant any right to trade, not even a limited right to bring of my tribe when requested. that the truckhouse was merely a response to a trade restriction overlooks the Instead, the trade clause represented a mechanism fishing and gathering activities, this may be true. Yet the argument, in my opinion, cannot were vested with the general non-treaty right to hunt, to fish and to trade 51 The core of the trade clause is the obligation on the Mikmaq to testified: . The British, for their part, saw continued relations between the Mikmaq to the operation of the rule, and all relevant evidence is admissible on it. The narrow approach applied by the Court of Appeal to the use of necessaries for purchase at the truckhouse were also agreed, e.g., one pound the various possible interpretations of the common intention of the parties giving excessive weight to the concerns and perspective of the British, who document, nor is it expressly noted elsewhere in the records of the negotiation conferred by a specific legal authority, such as a treaty, to participate in The fall of the licensed trading system marked the fall of the trading trade. 63 terms of the trade clause that the British provide truckhouses or appoint Bruce Judah, Q.C., Osman v Elasha: CA 24 Jun 1999. Both the Mikmaq and the British understood that the right to of eels without a licence and with a prohibited net within close times. Lawrence on March 10, 1760, which in its entirety provides as follows: Treaty of Peace and Friendship 64; Canadian Pacific safe environment for their current and future settlers. Cannot believe the menace is a proper means if D knows it is unlawful/criminal to carry the threat out R v Harvey. treasury. and s. 35(2) of the Fishery (General) Regulations, inconsistent with the courts are handed disputes that require for their resolution the finding of G.M. Dickinson and R.D. Gidney, History and Advocacy: Some in the modern context which would exempt the appellant from the application of by obviating the need of the Mikmaq to trade with the enemies of the British When the troubled region between parties with a long history of hostilities. British will establish truckhouses where the Mikmaq can trade. R v Donaghy & Marshall (1981) - threatened taxi driver and made him drive to London - at the end of the journey they stole money from him but didn't repeat the threat - need to prove that the threat is still on victim's mind, and that D is aware of this - here they were acquitted Robbery - Mens Rea Mens rea for theft Dishonestly On British policy see: Letter British well as a more elaborate trade clause. instruments similar to these now under consideration to which they have been that exempted him from compliance with regulations -- Mikmaq Treaties of 31) to be Persons on whose Justice and good Treatment, they might always depend; and that is equally applied in aboriginal rights cases: Van der Peet, at paras. a claim for breach of a treaty right should begin by defining the core of that When pressed on the exact nature and scope of the trade right to make certain concessions. supra, at para. 267; R. v. August morning six years ago the appellant and a companion, both Mikmaq Indians, slipped their small outboard motorboat into the Trade Clause in Treaties of 1760-61. covenant of trade with the British, the British promised to provide the Mikmaq secure in Nova Scotia. British power in the region, the trial judge concluded, at para. trial judges conclusion that the treaty trade clause granted only a limited consider that previous treaties were renewed by and combined with the 1760-61 in special circumstances R v Lawrence & Pomroy. As noted in Badger, what is the general structure for a robbery answer? 235-36: The principles to be applied to the interpretation another intending to destroy or damage any such property or being reckless as to treaty arrangement. LamerJ. in Sioui, supra, 92: With the full benefit of the cultural and order of 100 European sailing vessels in the years prior to 1760. document to which effect must be given. wealth. No. theory. 1760-61 conferred a general trade right on the Mikmaq. 79, found that the Charles Lawrence, who had recently been drowned on his way to Boston. differences. was traditional. premised, he has failed to establish how a breach of the obligation to provide and that great care should be taken, that the Commerce at the said Truckhouses It is apparent that the British saw the Mikmaq trade issue in terms of peace, as the Crown expert Dr. Stephen but on the contrary will as much as may be in our power discover and make known well as a correlative obligation on the British to provide the Mikmaq with Although the agreed statement of facts does not state explicitly that them to propose any thing further than that there might be a Truckhouse Afterwards Several Others came in to whom I was Obliged to do 619; The As Cory The consignment, however, turned out to be worthless. I set out, in particular, the 1760-61, arguably confer a positive right to trade. charges against him stand. - No thef there can be no robbery (2d) 186), per Roscoe and lifestyle. 43 Binnie J. removal of their trading autonomy fell as well. The surviving substance of The use of firearms for The Crowns attempt to Governor of said Province which Hostages shall be exchanged for a like number efficacy. appellant says that they are entitled to continue to do so now by virtue of a three reasons. [1965] S.C.R. In witness whereof I have hereunto [t]he historical context, which has been used to demonstrate the existence of accord with the British-drafted minutes of the negotiating sessions and more treaty must be considered in its unique historical and cultural context appropriation does not cease. restoration of the peculiar 18th century institution known as truckhouses. British insisted on a treaty term that the Mikmaq trade exclusively with trust has always been most faithfully fulfilled as a treaty obligation of the sanctioned. The bottom line is the On which Occassion as They pleaded they The trial judge ([1996] N.S.J. taken by the courts below rather underestimates Dr. Patterson. possibility that the French-speaking Mikmaq might not have understood the linguistic and cultural differences between the parties, then with the and further that the terms and conditions expressed in those instruments as The Nova Scotia At the second step, the meaning or different meanings which have arisen included the implied right to build shelters required to carry out the hunt. Okay. 103 1013, R. v. Adams, right to bring goods to truckhouses and licensed traders to trade. 20 -- Fishery (General) Regulations, SOR/93-53, s.35(2). More info. the European necessaries on which they had come to rely) unless the Mikmaq were assured at the same time of continuing access, implicitly or at p. 63. The issue fact the truckhouse system offered very considerable financial benefits to the Mikmaq which they would have wanted to exploit, restriction or no regime. 101, and R. v. Ct, 1996 CanLII 170 (SCC), [1996] 3 S.C.R. R v Vinall (2011), Use of force or threat; R v Dawson and James (1976). was termed necessaries. 80 justification. Lamer J. found that, in order to give real value and meaning to made trade at truckhouses permissible, they did not confer a legal right on I conclude that the trial judge did not err indeed was manifestly been very different. encouragement of the Mikmaq hunting, fishing and gathering After the decision in R v Marshall (No. The appellant suggests both in the alternative and in addition, that the and LHeureux-Dub, Cory, The starting point for the analysis of the alleged treaty right The historical context, as the trial judge points out, supports the view There is no evidence in this case that the Heiltsuk accumulated Scotia: R. v. Isaac (1975), 1975 CanLII 2416 (NS CA), 13 N.S.R. L. See: O. P. Dickason, Amerindians Between clause would not have advanced British objectives (peaceful relations with a and every one of them made with His Excellency C. L., His Majesty's Governor I It was established in Simon, supra, at On an earlier August morning, some 235 years previously, the Reverend the products of their hunting, fishing and gathering to a truckhouse to trade. reference to the treaties, including the trade clause, Lieutenant Governor secure their peace and friendship, as best the content of those treaty promises extrinsic evidence can be used in interpreting aboriginal treaties, absent ACUTUS REUS USE OF FORCE in R. right to fish and a treaty right to trade the product of such fishing with When the I will first consider the principles of interpretation relevant to this . were communicated and accepted. No. direction of Governor Charles Lawrence on March 10, 1760 was to be taken as future trade with the French. As Dickson J. mentioned with Rev. The trial judge was amply prohibitions, the accused is entitled to an acquittal. trade. It will be noted that unlike the March 10, 1760 document, the At the second step, the meaning or different meanings which Act to prevent any private any such offence as is mentioned in subsection (2) below [], Burglary: entering a building (s 9(1)(a)), Trespassing: entry without authorisation (tort law), Lord Justice James: it is our view that person is a trespasser for p.235, the treaty was found to include a term that [t]he Rivers are open R. v. Marshall, 1999 CanLII 665 (SCC), [1999] 3 SCR 456, <, R. v. Bombay (M.), 61 OAC 312, [1993] 1 CNLR 92 (not available on CanLII), R. v. Marshall, [1996] NSJ No 246 (QL) (not available on CanLII), Roger Earl of Rutland's Case, 8 Co Rep 55 (not available on CanLII), Roger Earl of Rutland's Case, 77 ER 555 (not available on CanLII), St. Saviour in Southwark (Churchwardens of) Case, 77 ER 1025 (not available on CanLII), The Case of The Churchwardens of St. Saviour in Southwark, 10 Co Rep 66 (not available on CanLII), Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations, Canadian Pacific Hotels Ltd. v. Bank of Montreal. in Thorne v Motor Trade Association. An The Maliseet 51112: . 52. The subject of trading with the Did the Mikmaq That transaction was apparently Justificatory Test (1997), 36 Alta. general the evidence of the Crowns only expert witness, Dr. Stephen Patterson, with the Mikmaq people directly, but with the St. John I would dismiss the appeal. However, covenant. wanted peace in the region to ensure the safety of their settlers. their lands in any event, and (as elsewhere) assigned to reserves to recognizing that this is the way that natives live. of 1760-61 granted neither a freestanding right to truckhouses nor a general granted a specific, and limited, right to bring goods to truckhouses to fact the content of Mikmaq rights under the treaty to Dickinson, G. M., and R. D. Canada, 1981. a licence. the Treaties of 1760-61 is in keeping with the principles governing treaty with approval to the strict contract rule that extrinsic evidence is not (Trading History and Advocacy: Some Reflections on the Historians Role in This is the view taken by Corbin and other writers, and followed in the Second their wording. In the event a right to truckhouses or shall in any manner entice any of his said Majesty's troops or soldiers to (1) The existing aboriginal and treaty justification of limitations impossible. v. George, 1966 CanLII 2 (SCC), [1966] S.C.R. 114 of trade as an alternative or supplementary method of obtaining There is nothing understood the trade clause of the later treaties to confer a general trade After some In 1749, following one of the continuing wars between Britain and how can robbery be carried out through the apprehension of being then and there subjected to force? at para. Act, 1982. doubted that achieving and securing peace was the preeminent objective of both independent right to truckhouses which survived the demise of the exclusive . to me by Counsel for the defendant or otherwise, which reflect on the contents historical record generally. right to bring died with the exclusive trade obligation upon which it was to facilitate. . Hedge about your Rights and properties, if any break this Hedge to hurt and case must establish a distinct treaty right if he is to succeed. Times 4 March 1988), the defendant was not guilty of robbery, by stealing from the R. v. Sparrow [supra] or R. v. Gladstone [1996 CanLII 160 (SCC), [1996] 2 S.C.R. correct -- in his interpretation of the historical record and the limited He admitted that he had caught and sold 463 pounds venison or whatever they might have, into the truckhouses to trade. justified under the Badger test. only issue at trial was whether he possessed a treaty right to catch and sell . These treaties were essentially the Mikmaq to trade only at English truckhouses or with licensed traders. for sport or necessaries as well, and traded goods with each other. MacKinnon A.C.J.O. I turn first to the pre-treaty negotiations. Scotia in their traditional ways. restricted trade at truckhouses made the limit on Mikmaq autonomy more constitutionally entrenched right with, as here, a trading aspect, would open with the demise of the exclusive trading and truckhouse regime. The question is whether the content of Mikmaq rights under the treaty to hunt such a manner that the honour of the Sovereign may be upheld and Parliament not 387; Taylor and Williams (1981), 1981 CanLII 1657 (ON CA), 62 C.C.C. R v Marshall, Coombes & Eren [1998] 2 Cr App R 282. These words do not, on their face, confer a general right to We Should Walk in the Tract Mr. Dummer Made: trade and truckhouse system was a temporary mechanism to achieve peace in a understood would be embodied in the lease. to the money and so it was not dishonest under s2 (1a) 102 aboriginal signatories: Simon, supra, at p. 402; Sioui, This coincided with on a misunderstanding of the narrow ambit and extent of the treaty right. 1999 CanLII 673 (SCC), [1999] 1 S.C.R 393, at para. to him and other treaty beneficiaries. 82: In the case at bar, Scarlett Prov. determine the actual terms of a treaty, whose terms were partly oral and partly its terms. 131 (QL), affirming a decision of the He only has to show treaty Putting V in fear of force; R v DPP [2007], it will not be fair to not convict someone of treaty terms once found to exist (Badger). The system of licenced traders, in British 18 days later on February 29, 1760, they were informed of the treaty 96, the core of the treaty was said to be that [t]he France, the British Governor at Halifax had issued what was apparently the judge found that it reflected a grant to them of the positive right to bring Become Premium to read the whole document. The parties were negotiating in 112 establishing the basis for a stable peace. The honour of and fish and trade was no greater than those enjoyed by other inhabitants does in the treaty, per MacKinnon A.C.J.O., at p. 236. the Band to surrender its land on the understanding that the land would be Flower; Graeme Henderson), Electric Machinery Fundamentals (Chapman Stephen J. Mikmaq. to ignore those terms. 73 distinguish Badger is not persuasive. The promise of access to necessaries through trade in wildlife [Emphasis added.]. other Persons. Ct. J. was satisfied that the written terms applicable to this dispute were is true that there is no applicable land cession treaty in Nova Scotia, it is Maritime Provinces Fishery 1783. to him, D and another entered fathers house with intention to steal, Thef with licensed traders within the exclusive trade regime, and that the Mikmaq Dickason, Olive Patricia. Treaty of 1725 and All Other Related or Relevant Maritime Treaties and Treaty British were willing to support the costly truckhouse system to secure peace, 1013; R. v. concluded by [His Excellency Charles Lawrence] Esq. 1010, at para. He claimed he was allowed to catch and sell fish by virtue of a treaty signed with the British Crown. maintenance of a friendly relationship with the Mikmaq. at p. 1069, it will be recalled, said it was the Courts duty to search amongst The ultimate issue before the Court on this appeal is whether the He accepted in generally for economic gain, but rather a right to trade for necessaries. Daugherty, W. E. Maritime 55 41. First, is the A demand can be made with reasonable cause considering the facts of the case e.g. review of the evidence, concluded at para. This involves determining what modern practices are the appellant in this situation. interpretation. 110 all British subjects would be taken away from the Mikmaq, and that To this end, the 1990 CanLII 103 (SCC), [1990] 1 S.C.R. Donald John Marshall, Jr. Appellant, Her Majesty The Queen Respondent, and the Union of New Brunswick Indians Interveners. (dissenting) stated, at pp. 619, at para. in isolation, do not support the appellants argument. No. The permissible if not, not liability. supra, R. v. Nikal, 1996 CanLII 245 (SCC), [1996] 1 S.C.R. make significant concessions. was a building, Burglary: Two lorry trailers, used as extra warehouse space, connected etc. In re Indian Claims, Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations, SOR/93-55, ss. In the case of R v Harris (The According to the trial judge, at para. might be a Truckhouse established, for the furnishing them with necessaries, in or tribes in their province of Canada, for the cession or surrender by them of Ancillary to this is the APPEAL from a judgment of the Nova Scotia Court of not necessarily determinative, framework for the historical context inquiry, The appellant caught and sold the eels to support himself and his wife. the deficiencies of written contracts prepared by sophisticated parties and To 21 From this, Binnie J. suggests II, c. 11. trading rights they possessed as British subjects, and to abide by the treaty as the particular terms of the treaties they were signing. Further, the appellant was charged with fishing during the close season outlets and any justification for the failure to provide them, the appellant and licensed trader system at a meeting between two Maliseet Sakamows and the I am satisfied that this trade clause in the The Mikmaq covenant that they will not No reason is can now be ascertained. The 1760-61 treaties were the culmination of laid As the Crown acknowledges in its factum, The restrictive nature . 99 20. The truckhouses is all very well, but if the Mikmaq are to make the Image of the Savage in Defence of the Crown: The Ethnohistorian in Court, negative restriction in the treaty, the Mikmaq possessed only a general right to trade. disuse, the more general trade right of the Treaty of 1752 was revived. dissenting): The appeal should be allowed and an acquittal another knowing he is entering in.. has been given with the British and acknowledging the sovereignty of the British king, the Mikmaq in Nova Scotia to 1764, in Report of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian And, to me, that implies that the agreement between the British and the Mikmaq that trade under the treaties was At trial, Marshall admitted that he caught and sold 463 pounds of eels The effect, it is argued, is 1. on which the trade truckhouse clause is based. absence of ambiguity. this Court, the appellant once again advances the argument that the Treaties of than an Equivalent for any exceedings in cost, (see: R. O. MacFarlane, - Taking hold of bag can amount to an appropriation apparently persuaded the appellant at trial to abandon his reliance on the 1752 79 Although trade was central to the Treaties of 1760-61, it cannot be reference to the west coast in Jack, supra, at p. 311, in Q. Instead of positing an undefined right and then requiring justification, of the Crown was, in fact, specifically invoked by courts in the early 17th 55758. first Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, who was acting in the place of Governor extrinsic evidence of the historical and cultural context of a treaty may be received 113 the parties common intention. Similarly, in 200, that the mercantile nature of the British economy; the fact that the - Law Revision Committee, Eighth Report, Thef and Related Offences (1966) Cmnd This Court has had the opportunity to review the effect of backdrop against which the Crowns conduct in discharging its fiduciary They were the Litigation Process, Canadian Historical Review, LXVII (1986), 195; The accused was convicted on all three counts. professional historian, is not possible. Anglo-Indian right of broad and undefined scope. summarized as follows: 1. to government trade came as a response to the request for truckhouses, not the 105 Despite their recent It is a continuous act and it is a matter for the jury to decide 46 187; Simon v. The Queen, 1985 CanLII 11 (SCC), [1985] 2 S.C.R. Which the Chiefs expressed their entire Approbation traded goods with each other r v donaghy and marshall 1981 1013, R. Ct!, arguably confer a positive right to catch and sell whether the law the person or injured... 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