Coordinating air defense sensor management. The NETOPS officer integrates mission information applications with INFOSYS and communications and computer operations of the warfighting information network. Petitioner is a public officer who had custody of the shabu by reason of his official duties as Evidence Custodian of the National Capital Regional Office of the Philippine National Police - Criminal Investigation Service Command (NCRO, PNP-CISC). Monitoring the maintenance, personnel, and equipment status, and advising the commander and responsible coordinating staff officer. Mission:Initial mission is port clearance and force closure, then unit is available to relocate heavy maneuver forces on the battlefield. A PM is authorized at corps and divisions. Command safety and occupational health program. Staff members inform and advise the commander and other staff members concerning all matters pertaining to their individual fields of interest and related functional responsibilities, specifically on-, PREPARING, UPDATING, AND MAINTAINING STAFF ESTIMATES. As a Transportation Officer, you'll manage all elements of distribution related to the planning, operation, coordination and evaluation of all modes of transportation (air, sea, rail, & ground), in order to move units, personnel, equipment, and supplies. Coordinating for Air Force aeromedical evacuation aircraft. The aide-de-camp serves as a personal assistant to a general officer. Debriefing friendly personnel when necessary. The finance officer, responsible for coordinating and providing finance services to the command, is also the finance unit commander. Resource Manager or Comptroller. D-44. Judgment and experience are major factors in recognizing problems. Repeated or continuous absence in this position could result in mission shortfalls.FACTOR 9 - Work Environment (Level 9-1, 5 Points) Work is generally performed in a well-lit, heated and ventilated office setting. Company Commander of the 136th Armor Company at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Intelligence Tasks. Reporting information of interest to the historian. Engineer Coordinator. Receiving, accounting, processing, and delivering personnel. Advising the commander on collection capabilities and limitations. You must be customer oriented. After reevaluating the factors I found that there were no major discrepancies, just a suggestion to add that the employee must be able to analyze into the major duties.6. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). Ensuring safety of food and food sources. Oversees a workforce comprised of military and contractor personnel performing various logistical functions which directly affect the logistics support mission to Fort Irwin installation and rotational training unit customers. Coordinating support of dislocated civilian operations with the G-5. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. Staff sections exercise oversight by performing the following tasks that affect their individual fields of interest: Supervising Staff Sections and Staff Personnel, D-30. Coordinating the use of medical laboratory services by veterinary personnel. Planning and monitoring support operations and making adjustments to meet support requirements. Staff members present recommendations orally or in writing. Providing religious support to the command/community, including confined or hospitalized personnel, EPWs, civilian detainees, and refugees. Facilitating the military-intelligence-unique deconfliction of collection among assigned, attached, and supporting intelligence collection assets and other collection assets in the area of operations (AO). Helping implement training programs for reserve component legal personnel and units. Attends formal and informal conferences with members of the SPO and headquarters staff on matters involving policy and planning for current or projected support operations. Formulating the combat health support plan. It then becomes a tool to be used and not just a bullet on your OER. Managing ammunition requirements, resupply, and reallocation. Administrative support for non-US forces, foreign nationals, and civilian internees. Conducting NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the overall ISR plan. Estimating consumption rates of NBC defense equipment and supplies. Collect, process, disseminate, display, and store RI from their individual fields of interest for others' use. ), a. The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the PAO, when required. The COS provides this report to other staff members. US Army. Coordinating transportation assets for other Services. Providing information services, including publications, printing, distribution, and Freedom of Information Act material. Everyone in the office was busy doing their job. Preparing the support command's external service support annex. Support to security programs includes-. Coordinating staff officers coordinate actions for the commander and for special staff sections over which they are assigned coordinating staff responsibility. Helping the G-6 determine electronic protection requirements. Developing and revising unit force data for documenting any changes to the modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and modification table of distribution and allowances (MTDA). You'll supervise and manage the reception, storage, and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products. Preparing and organizing schedules, activities, and calendars. In the paragraphs below, I will provide some basic information about the Support Operations Officer duties, responsibilities and job description. Dont let your duty position go to your head either. Incumbent determines the approach and methods to be used and independently carries out assignments. Developing a concept of operations to support each COA. D-16. Availability Pay Exemption - (e.g., Criminal Investigators, U.S. Customs and Border Protection pilots who are also Law Enforcement Officers). Your email address will not be published. Intelligence synchronization includes-, D-53. Identifying host-nation (HN) requirements and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on integrating HN assets. Evaluating physical security vulnerabilities (to support the G-3 [S-3] and G-7 [S-7]). Special staff officers are listed under the staff officer exercising coordinating staff responsibility over them. Staffs require the minimum number of reports from subordinates consistent with the commander's need for information. Lastly, my argument against the CSM is that he or she has a lot more meetings and focus areas than the OPS SGM . Performing real-time audits of command systems, procedures, and internal controls to ensure their proper implementation and effective operation. Ensure a thorough understanding of the commander's intent. Supervising the implementation of RM policies. By law or regulation, personal staff officers have a unique relationship with the commander. (1) Security Police Officer I (SPO-I). Factor 9 Agree: Normal work environment.5. If the subordinate commander misunderstands the higher commander's orders, staff members provide additional information and guidance to the subordinate commander or staff. This works pretty slick and provides written record of your staff work. Presentations may take the form of briefings, written estimates, or staff studies. Providing US and non-US pay functions involving military, DOD civilian, foreign national, HN, civilian internee, EPW, and travel and miscellaneous pay. Monitoring and making recommendations on all technical C4OPS activities. Providing technical assistance to supported units. In order to meet a 1-7 there needs to be knowledge that is used to plan, schedule, and conduct projects. Requisitioning replacement units (through operations channels). #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. Each section knew their job, but no one understood how the section actually worked. Establishing, managing, and enforcing the staff planning time line (per the commander's guidance). After submitting a waiver, a review takes place to make sure you can join. Helping the G-2 (S-2) and staff produce weather displays, graphic COP overlays, and weather-effects tactical decision aids displaying weather effects on Army platforms and components, among other things. Providing information on the status of engineer assets on hand. Advising on command health services and health matters concerning occupied or friendly territory within the AO. The major duties described for this position support a 1-7. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. The IG is responsible for advising the commander on the command's overall welfare and state of discipline. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning the enemy/threat, the environment as it affects the enemy/threat, intelligence, and counterintelligence. All staff members assess training requirements within their fields of interest across the command. Inspectors normally prepare a written report for their commander and furnish a copy to the inspected unit. The staff contributes to making and executing timely decisions. Providing information on the status of fire support systems, target acquisition assets, and field artillery (and mortar) ammunition. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. This includes your Brigade Support Battalion Commander and the Brigade Commander. Commanders at all echelons, battalion through corps, are authorized or appoint an OPSEC officer. Corps, divisions, and major support commands are authorized a headquarters commandant. Formulating the concepts of operations and support per the commander's intent. Most staff actions require coordination that extends beyond the immediate command to higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. Maintenance personnel (normally an officer, Supply, Fuels, & Transportation Personnel (normally one or two officers and three senior NCOs), Plus, another two to three junior enlisted (E4s and E5s). Lend Lease Group - Support Operations Officer Wyoming, WY, 02/2014 - 05/2014. D-80. Assisting the ground commander in planning and coordinating preplanned, immediate, and emergency theater and strategic airlift support of ground operations. The battalion executive officer (XO) rank serves as the second in command of a U.S. Army infantry battalion, a combat force typically consisting of from 300 to 1,000 soldiers organized into several Army divisions: rifle companies, weapons company and a headquarters company, as well as the battalion command structure.