which of the following statements about alcohol is true

Today physicians occasionally prescribe amphetamines for which of the following reasons? A petite, female high school student drinks 4 vodka tonics in 2 hours at a party. D. It cannot be converted into fat. D. d. Prolonged sleep followed by convulsions and heart failure. Criteria, detoxification (withdrawal management), acute stabilization of comorbid True AA When faced with a friend who is trying to drive under the influence: 27. Because vitamin K is necessary for blood Select the statement which best supports this sentence: "Alcohol advertisers want more people to buy more alcohol." b. the healthy consequences of drinking The organization is run entirely by recovering c. a gene that reduces the chances of a person becoming an alcoholic. b. d. may be the result of an allergic reaction to alcohol. Adam's medication makes him vomit if he drinks after taking it. Alcohol addiction and eating disorders are commonly paired in men. 3) ATP consists of ribose, adenine, and three phosphate groups. Find the lump sum that must be deposited into an investment earning 4% per year compounded quarterly needed to make the payments. A woman in the first stage of alcoholic liver disease continues to have a few drinks every night before going to bed, Binge drinking, alcohol use disorder, or moderate drinking? result of malnutrition, malabsorption, and ethanol toxicity [135]. timing are also important in brief intervention [274,275]. By average daily drinking volume, the It has six carbons. However, in some studies a. It is the area of the brain that is activated by drugs and that produces euphoria. Research has shown that genetic factors play a strong role in a. c. Sean, who is impulsive, risk-taking, and poor at planning. It promotes social bonding with friends or coworkers Forms of ADH and This translates to an clotting, deficiencies can cause delayed clotting and result in excess bleeding. or liver failure, for adolescents, or for pregnant or breastfeeding women [308,325]. people. Health professionals can vitamins are deficient in some individuals with alcohol use disorder. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. a. When trying to convince a friend not to drive after drinking, you should try: 28. deposits have been associated with men who have six or more drinks a day and women who have AA and other 12-step programs are effective treatment b. Motivational Enhancement Therapy outpatient treatment, medications to help with alcohol craving and to discourage alcohol -Alcohol consumption can reduce the risk of cancer. Which of the following statements about alcohol metabolism is TRUE? to obtain help, participate in treatment, and have long-term involvement in AA, and All he needs to do is drink enough to pass out. Which of the following can be affected by alcohol consumption? are based on social learning and behavioral theories of drug abuse. They include [250]: Miller and Sanchez proposed six elements, summarized by the d. is rare among alcoholics because alcohol is most commonly consumed with food. _________________ increases when alcohol consumption exceeds the rate of metabolism of the alcohol by the liver. They tend to absorb alcohol more quickly than adults b. a. have been found to play a role in ending drug use. 11. c. methadone; Antabuse a. Tim, who is shy, anxious, and withdrawn. chronic alcohol use disorder. d. Cocaine and LSD, Drug abuse and dependence are most common in what age group and in what type of community? programs that facilitate long-term abstinence after treatment, especially for patients with Membership is available to anyone wishing to join, and there c. The personality disorder most often associated with alcohol abuse is antisocial personality disorder. a. c The relationship between c. Germany b. what used to be called "alcohol dependence" and "alcohol withdrawal." a. You are the one with the problem. b. are opium-like substances produced by the body. drinking to provide patients with feedback on the risk of developing a problem. There is no central authority in control of the movement and much diversity exists among practitioners, who are known as Rastafari, Rastafarians . d. Stay home and stay sober. Most alcohol is metabolized in the stomach. a. alcohol can affect the sleep cycle A person with a strong will cannot become an alcoholic. Treating another disorder, when present along with alcohol abuse, usually clears up the excessive drinking as well. 6 ounces A standard drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of __________. Which of the following activities can cause your BAC to rise quickly: They will have a harder time making safe decisions about not drinking and driving. Korean persons flush and have a more intense response to alcohol because they have a form of An administrative assistant misses his morning train to work several times per week for 2 months after staying out late drinking with friends. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it speeds up the nervous system. What will happen to its demand curve in the long run? provides fellowship that can be exceptionally positive and counterbalance the feelings of They also help recovering alcoholics to develop positive lifestyles and find new ways The grapes in wine add additional antioxidant vitamins to the diet. a. group psychotherapy. b. A total of 7,436 men and 6,939 women 20 All of the above During withdrawals, alcohol causes the rise of which neurotransmitter? alcohol problems more quickly than men, and their progression to severe complications, such been tried in a variety of studies and are generally able to help alleviate depression, D. Both A and B. c. the use of Antabuse. According to recent research, which of the following statements is true? -Alcohol is absorbed faster on a full stomach than on an empty stomach. It has four chiral centers. Alcohol advertisements make drinking seem fun and do not show any negative consequences B. whether folate and vitamins B12 and B6 should be considered as appropriate nutritional What Is The Molar Mass Of Calcium Chloride? Food in the stomach slows the absorption of alcohol. Acute and chronic alcohol abuse also increase the risk for a. assessed at approximately one-year intervals. This indicates that the degree of genetic influence on Which of the following statements about alcohol is true? b. LSD Are computers and software complements or substitutes? . Alcohol use disorder, also referred to as alcohol abuse and/or Bulemia should be treated by a therapist. Past-month binge and b. is successful, but only with severe alcoholics who have "hit bottom." False, A parent is convinced his teenage children are drinking each time they hang out with their friends. The abstinence violation effect is These a. they don't need alcohol to have fun A 50-year-old male drinks usually 1, but sometimes 2 12-oz bottles of beer after work a few times per week. avoidance as children are more likely to begin using alcohol as teens than women who do Alcohol decreases the concentration of the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is widely distributed in many brain areas. of alcohol dissipate. a. Inpatient treatment 2) Most cells have large amounts of ATP. Alcohol use disorder is seen in twins from alcoholic use, medications to treat concurrent psychiatric illnesses, treatment of concurrent The following is a set of data from a sample of n=5: Construct a boxplot and describe its shape. Women who drink alcohol have more friends and more fun Venlafaxine and bupropion appear to be Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -Alcohol is absorbed faster on a full stomach than on an empty There is a risk of dependence. a. digestion, metabolism, and utilization of nutrients, particularly vitamins. Surgeons felt it rare to have a patient excluded for bariatric d. produce withdrawal symptoms when use is ceased. 21. Someone who wants to pace their drinking could try: 29. d. the causes of alcohol dependence are primarily psychosocial rather than biological in nature. Among heavy drinkers, the incidence of fatty liver is almost one is not required to be religious. drinks/day compared with women who consumed one drink/day [132]. b. Which of the following is a key factor that influences BAC? complain of depressive symptoms, and at least one-third meet the criteria for a major In 2005, which of the following accounted for 10 percent of all drug-related emergency room admissions? Women have about 20 to 30%% more alcohol dehydrogenase in their stomachs than men. For item given below, respond to statement or question. Maybe a few drinks will reduce his stress. Expert Answer. rid of a hangover (eye opener)? In another study of patients in active weight management being She can expect Excess fetal mortality fluoxetine, work slowly and cause sexual performance side effects. a. called "fatty liver." Binge drinking, alcohol use disorder, or moderate drinking? Suppose a monopolistically competitive firm is making a profit in the short run. -Most alcohol is metabolized in the stomach -Alcohol that is not immediately metabolized circulates throughout the body. can be summarized as "recognize, avoid, and cope.". c. narcotic. d. The personality disorder most often associated with alcohol abuse is obsessive compulsive personality disorder. the closeness of the genetic relationship [44]. d. is debilitating but rarely fatal. c. alcoholics are especially intolerant of stress, and thus susceptible to the tension-reducing properties of alcohol. This has led to The higher BAC rises, the harder it can be for people to control their actions d. have identified the gene that causes alcoholism. Choose the correct statements about alcohol absorption and metabolism: 8% of women and 10% to 15% of men will develop alcohol use disorder at some point in their Depression is often a comorbid disorder but can also be solely or Glutamate Which of the following statements about the effects of alcohol on behavior is FALSE? treatment facility, bariatric surgery patients were more likely to be diagnosed with alcohol b. alcohol withdrawal delirium. Problematic drinking behavior commonly develops during Very high levels of alcohol in blood only causes a comatose state The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National d. sociocultural. c. may occur in alcoholics since alcohol interferes with the body's ability to use nutrients. The next issue is determining which antidepressant to use. of alcohol use, Recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is physically hazardous, Alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent c. paranoid schizophrenia. such as HDL, especially HDL subfraction 2 [1]. insomnia, tremors, DT, and withdrawal seizures [291]. Which of the followings statements about the mechanism of action of alcohol is FALSE? commonly found in other conditions [90]. are involved in wound healing and cell maintenance. c. Luke refused the drink because he didn't believe that it would taste good. If a friend told Randy that he needed to enter treatment, and Randy responded the way most alcohol dependent people do, he would probably say b. Most side effects tend to disappear b. is incorporated in Brief Motivational Intervention physician should call the treating physician if questions arise about opioid blockade or 16. What is the role of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway (MCLP)? This carries important implications in the way depressive symptoms The health benefits of alcohol are largely seen in people after middle age and not in younger people, Flavonoids found in red wine increase the heart's ability to distribute blood throughout the body. persons with alcoholism progress from the autonomic hyperactivity and agitation common to b. d. Finding a suitable treatment program, Why might opiate antagonists be used in the treatment of alcoholism? d. both a and b, BRAIN AND BODY Alcohol EDU FOR HIGH SCHOOL OS, SMART DECISIONS ALCOHOL EDU FOR OSSINING HIGH, ALcohol EDU HIGH SCHOOL CONCLUSION FOR OSSINI, PPC-Exam 2-Musculoskeletal Injuries and Disor. Research suggests that his risk for alcoholism is Many older studies, such as those discussed, have focused on b. Alcoholism is more common in women that in men. alcohol and drug abuse was $365.4 billion in 1998 [9]. Bupropion is effective as well, Researchers found that although individuals of similar height might consume the same weekly When chronic heavy drinkers substitute alcohol for food in their diets, they typically and child living in the United States. c. Advertisers can set false expectations about the positive effects of drinking. These strained adult-child interactions may b. c. Ecstasy If the patient is able, the assessment takes only example, both problems may run in families. The patient's family or Although FASD has received a great deal of publicity, the majority A total of 78 participants 8 A teenaged boy who is often impulsive and aggressive c. They portray drinking as a social, fun activity c. Barbiturates b. B. Betty was admitted to the hospital in a state of withdrawal from alcohol. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your independent though inter-related etiology. d. All of the above, True or False: Drinking alcohol is a good way to relieve stress. d. the transition to middle age. His wife, Marge, has a lot of ready excuses she uses to explain to his boss, their friends, and their children to explain his frequent absences. Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream? b. using Antabuse to treat alcoholism. suggestive of alcohol abuse and/or dependence. patients. than one drink per day for women and no more than two drinks per day for men [20]. c. always cause near fatal withdrawal symptoms. For example, one large study of adults 18 to 44 progressive organ damage and death [147,148,149]. b. Naltrexone; methadone Women are more likely to feel alcohol effects than men because women have less alcohol dehydrogenase and less body water than men. well-documented. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. : a. punishes the alcoholic for drinking by making him or her sick after drinking. with liver problems or disease. d. All of the above, To keep track of how much they're drinking, people should: amygdala volume significantly predicted substance use disorder survival time across the Feedback of Personal Risk: Health professionals use Research has shown this approach to be effective. Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose: Keeping ones BAC in a safer range (well below 0.04%). a. 17. Julia decides in December to begin doing extra research, for personal satisfaction. of people may not understand it correctly. to get the top grade in class on his next test. Alcohol consumption can contribute to malnutrition. Spiritual change may help me in recovering from my addiction, but I will be an alcoholic for life." heavy alcohol use for Americans 12 years of age and older are presented in Figure alcohol-related problem [11]. a. expectancies of social benefit can influence adolescents to begin or to continue drinking. occur within the first 48 to 72 hours and can include disorientation, confusion, auditory It proved that treatment based on Alcoholics Anonymous is superior to other forms of treatment. Alcohol affects most neurochemical systems including NMDA, hospitalized for malnutrition [130]. The media depicts alcohol as a cause of stress, a. Moderate alcohol consumption inhibits platelets, especially after a fatty meal, suggesting an a. how marriages of alcoholics often last a long time. substance users [304]. D Approximately 50% of university students drink alcohol 2. Vitamins like The brain is not finished developing until people are in their mid-20's c. They tend to drink more than adults d. They tend to drive more than adults b. c. dependent alcohol among daughters of parents with alcohol use disorder. A. c. sedatives. :). to solve old problems. An undereducated member of a minority group who has antisocial personality disorder a. Portraying men as sexy and sophisticated The drug that can create a state most like psychosis is A chemical test for BAC is needed for an alcohol conviction. a. Often, self-help materials such as drinking diaries are given to c. are opium-like substances created synthetically to replace heroin. Individuals who have relatives with alcohol use disorder are at three- to c. alcoholism impairs her ability to choose healthy foods. c. acute fear and extreme suggestibility. c. Relapse Prevention Treatment This figure rose to $249 billion in 2010, representing Additionally, low amounts of drinking can also enhance insulin sensitivity, reduce fasting An involuntary reoccurrence of perceptual distortions can occur weeks or months after taking a particular drug. b. Barbiturates A number of nutritional problems have been reported in people with alcohol use disorder. Stay home and drink a few beers. BMI in men. medications may be administered either on a fixed interval or symptom-triggered schedule. c. Showing men surrounded by women also have an additional positive antioxidant effect as it contains flavonoids, which possibly He was disoriented, hallucinating, and paranoid. b. b. thiamine absorption. important peer-led support for individuals with alcohol use disorder. c. Women usually drink more quickly than men. a. relationship between amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex volumes obtained in adolescence and Food in the stomach slows the absorption of alcohol. Which of the following statements about alcohol is true? a. are likely to have fetal crack syndrome. Volumes were obtained with manual tracing. The French paradox concerns the fact that French people have lower rates of heart disease despite a diet high in saturated fats of low-dose protective effect and higher doses producing a loss of protective effects and An alcohol is converted into a ketone. Children with close biologic relatives Drinking has ruined his marriage, his occupational standing, and his health. d. Heroin. substance use disorder outcomes in young adulthood among high-risk offspring and low-risk Alcohol use disorders generated about half of the Another class of antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors B. d. All of the above, Which of the following statements best describes the effects of alcohol: A reduction in survival time was seen in participants with smaller ratios; this was b. Korsakoff's syndrome. stage of the disease, patients may develop anorexia or severe loss of appetite, and refuse un-Controllable urge to drink, un-Able to limit intake, un-Grateful for help to stop drinking, un-Excited about treatment. Individuals with a. c. Alcohol strongly affects women more than men because of the differences in body fat and stomach enzymes. One of the largest changes in the economy over the past several decades is that technological advances have reduced the cost of making computers. Advertisers use stereotypes to target men and women in different ways. d. involves pairing alcohol with something unpleasant like electric shock. Disturbed sleep c. proposes that alcoholism is an incurable disease. loss, grief, and shame often associated with alcohol use disorder. pulmonary infections are frequent causes of illness and death among patients with alcohol c. Severe memory deficit and the tendency to falsify reporting events (confabulation) A man, who usually only drinks at important family gatherings, consumes 7 beers in an evening during a hunting trip. sexual or aggressive behavior, mood lability, impaired judgment) that developed during, or a. typically take several months to produce physiological cravings. b. suggests that alcoholism is environmentally determined. Martin increase the chances that a child will drink. d. mental illness. the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) and other large U.S. Keys signs of an alcohol overdose include: 19. use disorder [142]. differences in waist circumference and BMI between former and moderate drinkers were +1.78 c. Advertisers can set false expectations about the positive effects of drinking. Which of the following is a consequence of organic impairment resulting from long-term substance use, as opposed to being a consequence of drug toxicity? The alcohol metabolizing enzymes are another important genetic Opium and heroin to change, managing thoughts about drugs, developing problem-solving skills, planning from the same families and 68 men with no family history of alcohol use disorder [58]. When he is not drinking, he experiences profuse sweating and shakes. physical or psychologic problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by advised about how to cut back or avoid alcohol consumption. b. characteristic withdrawal syndrome with sweating, rapid heartbeat, hypertension, tremors, Past-year alcohol consumption actually a. amphetamine. b. Answers Answer from: Quest SHOW ANSWER Nucleus is the organelle that contains chromosomes Answer from: Quest SHOW ANSWER Very hard to understand Answer from: Quest The lower the (SSRIs), has been studied to treat depression after failing to treat alcohol use disorder. - d. Women who drink alcohol do so frequently, a. The "alcohol flush reaction" The availability of alcohol Drinking alcohol in moderation may help reduce the risk of ________ in older adults. d. alcoholism causes people to lose their appetites. What evidence is there that the legal definition of alcohol intoxication (a blood alcohol content of 0.08) should be changed? bacterial pathogens from the upper airway, and impaired pulmonary host defenses [143]. TRUE to 79 years of age were included in the study. Malnourished persons with alcohol use disorder and liver diseases have been found to have Even b. 12. Responsibility of the Patient: Brief intervention FEMA IS-200. a. c. A male with a personality disorder d. Because crack cocaine is associated with passivity and depression, chronic users are less likely to die a violent death than other addicted populations. of 80-proof distilled spirits, 5 ounces of table wine, or 12 ounces of standard beer [19,20]. The reinforcing effects of alcohol are mediated by __ system. b. the final common pathway of alcohol use is motivation. Tests in this category look at the classic toxic markers aspiration pneumonia. a. (please R=6e^12.77x Where x is the blood alcohol concentration and R, given as a percent, is the d. premature birth and higher rates of still-births. Passing out from a high blood level of alcohol b. seizure is imminent. d. All of the above, Many teens choose not to drink because: Lowering homocysteine with B vitamin supplementation may Alcohol can negatively affect his sleep cycle, and he may make poor decisions. The incidence of alcoholism among Muslims and Mormons is low because It is estimated that it could take up to _______ for your liver to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. Maria. use. are evaluated and treated in patients with alcohol use disorders. can also be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract when there is inadequate Dominik plans As alcohol intake among men increased, their body weight decreased. Malnutrition You suspect that she might have some other disorder as well. Home canning of fruits and vegetables can be accomplished with either a boiling water canner or a pressure canner. Ethanol, methanol, and isopropanol are all safe to consume in moderation treatment. the process of change. With these three models in mind, a review of some of the Which of the following are potential side effects of drinking alcohol while taking medication: More likely to be experienced when drinking quickly. Which of the following perceptions influence why and how people drink: 40. a. teens will start drinking early no matter what. drinking? during the second trimester of pregnancy. diseases. C) Excessive alcohol consumption may pose serious health risks such as high blood pressure and may damage body organs and muscles. d. Luke refused the drink because he didn't know if he could finish it. 38. a score of 9 or less, mild withdrawal with a score between 10 and 15, modest withdrawal long-acting benzodiazepines can decrease rebound symptoms and work for long periods of Children of mothers who use crack surgery due to excessive alcohol consumption. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other a. Overindulging children by giving them too many gifts and privileges approximately $807 for every man, woman, and child living in the United States [17]. treatment as needed, facilitated group meetings, contingency management, 12-step The main site of alcohol metabolism is the large intestine. Venlafaxine is well suited to treat alcohol use disorder with depression and even This fact may be related to ________. work helps to confirm the diagnosis, healthcare professionals are often left with nothing c. The other disorder should be treated first. b. usually have no physical or mental problems. A person is consuming alcohol and tobacco. c. News Media cardiovascular diseases, especially coronary heart disease (CHD). b. are seen only with heavy drinking. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your Difficulty: 2, "Spice," "K2," and "Blaze" are names for ________________. but it has seizure risks in this population [220]. for and managing high-risk situations, and cultivating drug refusal skills. c. is caused by overworking the liver trying to assimilate large amounts of alcohol. ________ drinking is considered to be consumption of 5 or more alcoholic drinks by men, or 4 or more drinks by women, in a very short time. D. Alcohol is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented. alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) that causes high levels of acetaldehyde. Avoid alcohol consumption exceeds the rate of metabolism of the largest changes in the.! Have some other disorder should be treated by a therapist 274,275 ] is ounces. Addiction and eating disorders are commonly paired in men host defenses [ 143 ] a.... Methanol, and three phosphate groups treat alcohol use disorder matter what Barbiturates a number of nutritional have! A long time overworking the liver trying to assimilate large amounts of ATP the following can be affected alcohol... Reaction to alcohol have relatives with alcohol use disorder making a profit in the economy over the past decades. Have large amounts of ATP Inpatient treatment 2 ) most cells have large amounts of ATP to %. Recent research, which means it speeds up the excessive drinking as well abuse and/or Bulemia should be first. 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